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Walter Joseph "Rorschach" Kovacs

  • Age: 30's
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Caucasian

Walter Kovacs, alias Rorschach is a vigilante who roams the streets of Malton eliminating criminals and destroying any form of law enforcement. He sees things in 'black and white', refusing the accept that human beings are both good and evil. He is to be treated as armed and dangerous. Report his location to your nearest law enforcement officer or establishment.

"Rorschach Journal"

July 19, 2009: POLICE REPORT The murderer 'Rorschach' has been missing from public attention for several months. He will remain a WANTED criminal, however the priority of his capture has dropped.
April 19, 2009: In a fun place, near a fun fort.
March 30, 2009: Hunting scum in Vinetown.
March 19, 2009: Joined Legends of Darkness. Crazy group. Obsession with insanity apparent. I feel at home.

Criminals of Note
Noted criminals by Rorschach in Malton

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