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Harrah Rotter

  • Sirkus said "Harrah nah grab ah hah az ah Rotter, ah zambah grh manna zgarz. Zah Mrh-gaaz nah gab ah Harrah arahn haz mama ahn haz baba." (7 seconds ago)
  • You say "zaHarrah gazzan gabz, Harrah nah am harman! Harrah am zambah, gabz gazzan. Zaaz rah, gabz Harrah. An mah zambah ganna barg zaharmanz bra!nz."
  • A zombie said "Rh rh rngrh!" (4 minutes ago)
  • Sirkus said "Should we read another chapter, or stop here for today?" (3 minutes ago)
  • Sirkus said "All right, I guess we can do another..." (3 minutes ago)
  • Sirkus said "Gabba Namba Harrah grabz ah Zgrabbarh ah za Hagrarz Bra!nbarn ah" (23 seconds ago)
  • You say "Rah nah am zaHarrah b!rznah. Harrah haz ranbagz. Barra zamama zaz!za hazban grabz ranbagz an harmz ranbagz. Harrah nah ghan baaggrab ranbagz! Harrah haz manna manna manna ranbagz. Harrah baaggrabz ranbagz. Ranbagz gabz, Harrah am zambah! BARHAH!"
  • Sirkus said "crap, messed that one up. BZ, we need to synchronize here." (5 minutes ago)
  • You say "Ranbagz gabz, Harrah ganna ran ahn Hagrarz Bra!nbarn, baggaz Harrah am zambah. Harrah ganna bra!nbarnang an grab harmanz bra!nz, barg harmanz bra!nz, ganna g!b Babba Barbamarz. An Harrah ganna brar G!bb!zh. Ganna grab Garban Zn!zh."
  • Sirkus said "I was going to suggest the opposite, but allright--I've got some AP left. Let's see, where did you leave off..." (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • ZinnyStardust said "busy day, so here's my update from this morning to two minutes ago:" (exactly 1 hour ago)
  • Sirkus said "Gabba Namba... Zaz. Harrah gaz ahn zah zra!n ah Rabram Nahn ahn Zhraa-Haarz, za zambah zra!n. An zah zra!n, Harrah maaz azhar zambaz Ran ahn Harmanah, ahn azzgrahn zambah Gragah Mahah. Zah barg zahgrah bra!nz ahn zah zra!n." (53 minutes ago)
  • Sirkus said "*closes book* Okay, I'm done for today. Whoever wants to take it up next, pick up the storyline at the Sorting Hat, I guess." (52 minutes ago)
  • Sirkus said "Sorry, the Zarang Hazz." (51 minutes ago)
  • You say "Harrah an Harma-anna an Ran, ranz ahn Hagrarz. Ahn Hagrarz am Zambrara. Bagh, bagh zambrara namz Zarang Zambrara. Zarang Zambrara grabz Harrah! Zambrara gabz, Harrah am ahn Grab an Barg Haz. Harma-anna an Ran am agzah ahn Grab an Barg."
  • You say " Harrah am habba, baggaz Grab an Barg am barrah, barrah naaz haz. Harra agzah am habbah baggaz Harrah amarh Harma-anna."


Quartly Library

• A zombie said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (5 hours and 12 minutes ago)

• A zombie said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (5 hours and 12 minutes ago)

• 27.39 MHz: "Helloooo" (4 hours and 47 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to Quartly Library. (4 hours and 27 minutes ago)

• Charles Darwin said "I Grumbles, keep an eye on things for us? Doing a little extra reading during the break? Good boy. *pats GrumbleCake on the head*" (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)

• A zombie said "Aaaaah HAH HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Harmanz arh bananaz. Barhah mah brazahz, BARHAH!" (2 hours and 48 minutes ago)

• A zombie said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (2 hours and 47 minutes ago)

• A zombie said "Anzz hra mamba, zambahz! Banana mamba!" (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the north. (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the east. (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the west. (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the south-east. (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the north-east. (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the south-west. (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)

• A zombie gestured to the north-west. (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Hello, Quartly Library! I must say, this is quite a crowd that's assembled here tonight." (23 minutes ago) • Huey P Long said "Thanks for the welcome, Miz Irony. To answer a few of your questions: The Totes are doing just great; we even have some new Kinderen! Doc Smith I haven't heard much from, but Grigg Heights we tidied up pretty well before we left on our road trip..." (20 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Say, you look familiar--are you sure you don't have a cousin or something that I've seen before? ...Anyway, before I get off subject:" (20 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Right now, a high percentage of Malton's ferals are suffering from a lack of brains. This is not to say that there's a shortage of brains; far from it--the citizens of this fair city have plenty of brains for everyone within these quarantine limits." (18 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "What is happening, however, is that many of Malton's elite survivor class are choosing to hoard up these brains, to deny them to the less fortunate ferals who have yet to learn of the delights of a fresh, living brain supply. Many, indeed, have more..." (16 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "...brains than they know what to do with--take the group I name the trenchcoater class for instance. Think of all that grey matter going to waste, stuffed inside the noggins of people who don't even know what they have in there!" (15 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "This is not to say that *all* survivors are so stingy with their brains--the denizens of this fair Library, indeed, strike me as some of the most kindhearted I've met, in any state--but, on the whole, Malton's survivor population, which consists of less.." (13 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "...than 50 percent of the whole population of Malton, is keeping back 85 percent of Malton's brains to themselves and using less than... 5 percent? 10? Don't remember the exact figures right now, but the point is they're letting so much good cerebral..." (12 minutes ago)

• Grumio said "Rah! Rah! Huey Long for Mayor! Rah! Rah!" (11 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "...tissue go to waste when it could be given to some of Malton's more brain-starved ferals, a class which consists of almost exactly 50 percent of Malton's total zombie population." (10 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "The figures are all there if you want to check them yourself; I can tell you where to find them." (10 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Thanks Grumio." (10 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Everyone, Grumio is one of my loyal campaign staff. He's here to help record these words for posterity--although he seems to have missed the introduction ;)" (9 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah--it is this heinous imbalance in the distribution of grey matter that the Share Our Bra!nz program wishes to correct." (8 minutes ago)

• Grumio said "Sorry, buddy. I ran all the way here from Shackleville. I've gotten everything since I got here." (8 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "I believe that the chief causes of this imbalance are found in the roots of Malton's corporate system, specifically the Necrotech Corp. and Malton's Mall system." (7 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "No problem. I'll see if I can't fish my notes out after I finish..." (7 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "While these are not inherently bad in and of themselves, I believe that they can easily be corrupted and exploited by greedy survivors who only wish to further their own betterment, and who look down upon our ferals as something unworthy of their..." (5 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "...consideration. I believe, therefore, that strict controls and regulations must be placed upon these bodies, with heavy cerebral fines imposed upon violators." (3 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "To further that end, I believe that teams of assessors should be created to scout out the dens of our city's corruption, and that the profits that the vipers' nests have accumulated be made freely accessible to the public." (2 minutes ago)

• Huey P Long said "Let every man have all that he needs to make a living (or unliving, as the case may be)--but give the rest to someone in need!" (1 minute ago)

• Huey P Long said "I suppose that concludes my little soapbox oratory--if anyone has any questions, I'm free to take them now. Oh, and grum, let me check through my notes to see if I have the rest..." (29 seconds ago)

  1. A zombie said "Harh, harh, ahn zambah nah ranna ra!gh hrrh rabrahzmanz!! Harh harh harh!!" (23 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Grambagagz az Mahah!" (22 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Babbagazzarh Harrah grab bra!nz za Harrah gabba-gabba hrrh abrabazzah, nah zambahz anrah." (19 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Mrh Grambagagz ranna barg Harrah? Grambagagz nah rahg Harrahz gabba gabba?" (16 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Braba! Braba, Mrh. Rahng!" (10 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie gestured at you. (8 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Bagghagazarrh, rargam an zah R!brarah! Anazzarh zambah rh!ng!zg?? Ah hnah zam azzarz, Grh. Ranzam an Hrang B!ggarz." (6 minutes ago)
  1. A zombie said "Mrh. Rahng, barah naz gabba-gabba. Ah hab zah harh z!ng an zah arg!bh. Ah, an Grambagagz... Az nah barah naz. Grambagagz arraz gahz, HAR HAR HAR HARMANZ ARH BANANAZ! An zhan hah grabz an harmz zah R!brarh!anz."

A zombie said "Zangz M!z!ranah!"

  • A zombie said "Bah Mrh. Rahng, ah hab hra mrh? Harh h!ah. Manah zambahz an Margan gan nah raag baaghz. Az nah gah! Rhah Harrah Rahng zangz abarg zhah? Ganna harb zah zambahz rarn ga raag?" (2 seconds ago)
  • A zombie said "Zahz az gah zamrhm! Harrah z!ngz az barrah nahz." (4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "An za mrh? Harrah rab baagz. Harrah z!ngz arrh zambahz anh harmanz zharg raag baagz." (8 seconds ago)
  • You say "Zangah, Harrah!"
  • A zombie said "Hran Harrah hraz harman, Harrah gaabh arrh za zmarrh harmanz baagz hrrh bra!nbarn." (3 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Harrah gaana zzzz narh--gah nazh abrabazzah!" (30 seconds ago)
  • A zombie said "Grahg, ma zambahz. Nah bagmanz?" (9 hours and 31 minutes ago)

Quartly Talent Show


Sir Fred's Juggling

Since your last turn:

  • Gore Girl killed a zombie. (20 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "I killed that zombie because he kept attacking me. If our visitors can't follow the rules, they should be dealt with accordingly." (20 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (20 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (20 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (20 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "is this a family reunion or something?" (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ana zanbah zba zanbah!!!! GRAAAGGH!!!" (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "poor grumblecakes.........." (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "?" (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (20 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (20 hours and 37 minutes ago) ...and again. (20 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Lieutenant O'Reilly killed a zombie. (20 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba healed you for 10 HP. (20 hours and 6 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • Dr Kimba said "Buddhagazelle, have you heard from our other museum tourists? I visited your web page and noticed that only a few suburbs were listed..." (20 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 8 blocks to the east. (19 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • Flickman666 said "Stop biteing me while I Sleep Moldy Corpse! I wake up and BAM chunk missing out of my arm." (19 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 9 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (exactly 19 hours ago)
  • bobafett killed a zombie. (17 hours and 19 minutes ago) ...and another. (17 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • bobafett said "as you wish...Lord Vader" (17 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Hello everyone, it was quite the trip around Malton ! I've spoken to five Malls and a few zombie Mobs. The zombies are the toughest to reach, and I would like to welcome everyone to our mayday talent show !" (exactly 15 hours ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "It was so peculiar to run around advertizing about you all to the rest of the world... it made me homesick to try to explain the mad utopia we've created here... **high five for Jarper and a hug for Mz.Irony** Let the festivities begin !" (14 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Flint McDoorknob killed a zombie. (14 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • MitchAllTogether said "Flint, man, you gotta stop actin' out like that, man. These zombies, right? They just come here to like, read. What you're doing, it's not good for the zombie education system." (14 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • MitchAllTogether said "Like, I'm not tryin' to be like a pacifist hippie, right? But just be cool, man." (14 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Okay, I have been practicing my juggling skills in the faculty lounge... everybody check this out." (14 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's BOBAFETT!" (14 hours and 28 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**starting out slowly, Sir Fred starts juggling a first-aid-kit, a pistol, and a tennis racket**" (14 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**the FAK, racket, and weapon transcribe astounding arcs in the aether**" (14 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "ohh, ahhh...." (14 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "is that a chainsaw!" (14 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**he adds a ski-pole to his juggling fury, twirling end over end within the arcs of smaller objects, hypnotic in a way**" (14 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "have you tried using flaming ninja zombie arms?" (14 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**but then Sir Fred gets greedy and tries to add a hockey stick to the twirling chaos above his head and...**" (14 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "ow! I'm starting to bruise!" (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "sorry" (14 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**juggled objects scatter through the air, the ski-pole glances off of Mz.Irony, as the Hockey Stick glances from UnsungHero to Mz.Irony, and others get hit by the FAK and pistol**" (14 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "Ek voel soos ek was nog a zombie voor" (14 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**and by pure happenstance, Sir Fred trips over a nearby Fencing Foil, which twirls in the air before him, and he begins juggling with it, a book he'd dislodged from a nearby shelf, and the fabled hockey stick, finally returned to him.**" (14 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • William Butler Yeats said "I thought this was meant to be a library, not a circus." (14 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "Darth Vader, ek kan nie wag nie op julle Gespraak" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "nie" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Phew, quite exhausting to juggle... please don't harm our guests, even zombies love to party. I hope they dance soon... **nudges zombie with elbow**" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "goeie nag, my vriende...ek kom terug more, wanneer SweetIrony en ek gaan iets doen" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "Ek hoop, Sir Fred, dat jy nie maak niemand seer nie" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Alache said "Later, en lekker tuid!" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**trips over his own feet and loses control of his juggling** I'm sorry Mr. Yeats, this is our talent show... would you have a skill to bestow upon mine eyes ?" (14 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • William Butler Yeats said "ow! I'm trying to write poetry here, Sir Fred. Kindly desist." (14 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba installed a generator in the building. (13 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "Here, I'll sing. (My backpack's got jets, cause I'm Boba the Fett, I bounty hunt for Jabba Hut to finance my 'vette,)" (13 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "(and I chill in, deep space.. a mask is over my face.. I deliver the power but I still narrow my eyes, cause my time I don't like to waste, check it out!)" (13 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "(I bounty hunt for Jabba Hut... ... ... to finance, my 'vette.)" (13 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "and fred, do watch out with that hockey stick, you wanged me right in the nuts!" (13 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Welcome everyone, to this Old Library. You'll see behind me, we've got quite the construction crew... in this lovely Deco style library." (13 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Unfortunately, this library's modern asthetic is marred by wooden barricades, zombie damage, arterial staining, and termites. We're going to have to put a lot of tender love and care into this restoration before we can really call it a success." (13 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "First, lets get rid of these filthy barricades... you'll notice Alache here is using a five pound sledge. I typically use a crowbar and a three-pound sledge... but it's a matter of personal taste." (13 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "As you can see, once we got rid of those filthy plywood boards, we really let a lot of light into the building. You'll notice that with the windows open, the moonlight really opens up the place." (13 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "That's something terribly necessary for a labyrinthine clutter of bookshelves." (13 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Unfortunately, those plywood barricades were hiding a lot of water damage and what appears to be dry rot. We'll have to pull these floorboards and replace them. We're also going to pull down the plasterboard and replace it with drywall." (13 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "We'll then cover the drywall with plaster, so we get the modern convenience of drywall and the berry-stained aesthetic of plaster. Behind me, you can see Scheffler handling the circular saw to cut new floorboards." (13 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Why are we using real wood floorboards instead of mdf floorboard and veneer wood tile? Honestly, the local home supply shop wasn't open, so we're scrounging what we can from the building next door. For yourself, you might find it easier to use the veneer." (13 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "That can be located at any local hardware supply store, generally in the range of five to twenty dollars a square foot - depending on your wood finish." (13 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "We'll be moving on to the light fixtures in a moment. This old library isn't wired to the grid for electricity, so you can see that there is an old gasoline fired generator providing power. We're not going to change that..." (13 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "... but we will install natural gas light fixtures - so that should the power go out. *The generator sputters and stops* Like now, we won't be left without lighting." (13 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "These lovely brass fixtures were obtained cheaply from a local bank - they weren't using them anymore due to our local unpleasantries. You might find similar sconces and chandeliers at Lowes or Home Depot." (13 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Here we can see Randomdead and Moldy Corpse pulling down plasterboard... neither of them are using any tools, but you'll want to use a sledge and perhaps a chisel to break it down in large pieces." (13 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Now, when you're mixing your plaster - you'll find it easy to add your colourant directly in with the mix. This will speed up the process, and also give your plaster a lovely colouration that wouldn't be possible otherwise..." (13 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Arh rrh rrn agarn rn hrh grrrh" (13 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (13 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "... plaster is notoriously unforgiving of paint. Should you decide to add colour later, you'll have to sand down the plaster and reapply. So it really is best to colour it before you start." (13 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "This is has been This Old Library, I'm Ignoti, thanks for tuning in." (13 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Ah, here you are doctor, hope you feel better after this injection." (13 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • ignoti revivified a zombie. (13 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "ah thanks. but next time use a topical. i seem to have an infection." (11 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "Well this certainly is interesting. We have Darth Vader and Han Solo in Quartly. All we need how is an undead Princess Leia, and it'd be a party." (11 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "Thanks SweetIrony and Jarper for the heals. Now maybe you two can deal with the juggling casualties!" (11 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Jarper said "Hooray for Sir Fred! Hooray for ignoti! *shakes arms in the air exuberantly*" (10 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "seriously, can someone let me know when it gets more beautiful than this? Look at the sun rising over the spires of the Quartly, as I hold a copy of Pooh for Beginners in my hand" (10 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "brilliant work Sir Fred, ignoti, BRANAGAN... well done all, to make a fine start on the talent show!" (10 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mrh?" (9 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Merlynn revivified a zombie. (9 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "Merlynn, Charles, long time no see! How are we?" (9 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Merlynn said "Hey Ed." (9 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Merlynn said "Things are the same as ever. Y'know, zombies and the like." (9 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "Always with the zombies, this place. Enough already." (9 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "hey, guys! the factory south of is stuffed with biulding supplys!" (5 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • jambosque revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant destroyed the generator. (1 hour and 41 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant said "Now I can try out my Booklight" (1 hour and 40 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (28 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 5 blocks to the north. (3 minutes ago)

Shadowan's Act and Gore Girl's Dance

  • A zombie said "Rrh rn ha?" (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (2 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Azzhah bananagrabbah zambah!" (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*rolls in on a unicycle, balancing a table on his chin*" (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*snaps his fingers and a troup of fez-wearing monkeys starts tossing objects on top of the table*" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ahm gannah zahnz!" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Shadowan. (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zahnz, harman!" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Sir Fred of Etruria. (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zahnz! Zahnz rh zambahz!" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zahnz rh Gahrh G!rh" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*four chairs, a barrel of wine, two dozen herring, a string quartet, a stamp collection, a clown and a cardboard cut-out of barny the dinosaur are thrown up onto Shad's balancing table*" (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • Iggy13 said "Greetings, friends" (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*one of the monkey's, disillusioned by bad wages and poor working conditions, tosses a banana skin under Shad's wheel*" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "CRASH" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*whimper*" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Iggy13 said "heh heh never trust a monkey" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Shadowan said "*the clown gets up, looks around with a slighty puzzled look on his face until a look of realisation crosses his face and he strikes a pose and cries: 'TA DA!'*" (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Ah..I have heard much about this place. Very interesting" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie killed a zombie. (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • Jarper revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago)
  • You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (42 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 8 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the north. (39 minutes ago)


DeddHedd's Rampage

  • Medicine M A N said "im infected can anyone help me?" (49 minutes ago)
  • You heard a low groaning from very close by. (37 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (FooFighter) said "Rh GRrANrNG ZrMBrrh!!! Hrh rh hra nrh rh zrnrh." (35 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (DeddHedd) clawed at you for 3 damage. (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (17 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • A zombie gestured at you. (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (17 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at you. (16 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Zubtle) killed Medicine M A N. (14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie destroyed the radio transmitter. (13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie destroyed the generator. (12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Fox's Classics) killed Medik MadKow. (11 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (11 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (11 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (11 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (10 minutes ago)
  • You say "OK, what is that nonsense sprayed on the wall?" to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • You spray No cades! No bang-bang! No harm harmanz! ~QSG here.
  • You say "DeddHedd (id=289407), I find your behavior in here truly appaling. That's the second time you've tried to murder me in as many days. You're splattering blood all over the performers. Were I not a pacifist I'd be sorely tempted to bang-bang yer azz." to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • You say "Medicine MAN (id=839103), I'm sorry about what Zubtle (id=761763) did to you. (Zubtle, what do you have against ganaraazharz?) Anyhow, Mr. M A N, stand up and I'll be glad to revive you." to the fifty people nearest to you.

Unsung Hero's Nailgun Follies

  • unsunghero11 said "I've got ten sheets of plywood, 1,004 nails, and a solar powered nailgun. What should I shoot and does anyone have earplugs?" (1 minute ago)
  • You say "Hey there, unsung. My radio's earbobbers work pretty well as earplugs. **hands radio to unsunghero11** See that third European painting, the one hanging over the audiobooks? Why don't you show us your nailgun talent with that? It needs improvement." to the fifty people nearest to you.

The Killing

  • A flare was fired 14 blocks to the west and 8 blocks to the south. (1 hour and 18 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl killed a zombie. (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "Sorry for the bloody mess, but Zubtle wasn't using his inside voice. Sometimes one has to teach a hard lesson." (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Todd Evers) dragged MoreThanDork out into the street. (39 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed healed you for 5 HP. (31 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "there we go, that reads much better... *slips back behind the research desk to practice his forthcoming act*" (28 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "Lucado, really--please read the notice on the wall, and have a book *hands random book from reshelve cart*" (28 minutes ago)
  • zantoro killed a zombie. (15 minutes ago)
  • Garry Hopkin installed a generator in the building. (6 minutes ago)

DeddHedd's kisses and Grumbles' laughter

  • Darth Vader said "*ignights lightsaber and tosses it in to the air** SWOOSH ** The saber begins to slash and stab GrumbleCake repetedly*" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader killed a zombie. (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "*Darth Vader then moves his outstretched hand towards the balcony and the saber begins to dance among the rotten beams sliceing them away* I find your lack safety regulations disurbing. The whole structure needs to be ripped out and rebuilt." (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (DeddHedd) said "Nah, nah graan..." (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "HANGRAH" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • The zombie lost its grip. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "I think if you were to include a spiral staircase to the balcony and sun light, it would add so much more value to the property. A repolsor lift would be a nice addition for the handicapped visitors we may get in here too." (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "*looking out the window* I know I seen one of those reble scum jump out this window. BobaFett track Han Solo down and bring him in to me. I must find that reble base. And no disintergration!" (3 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • Darth Vader said "And as for the what someone wrote on the wall...get your facts straight. Judgewood burned cause The Grove left on tour. They came back and things are back in order." (2 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "(*takes out a suped up solar powered nailgun*) hold that up for me dork, will yeah?" (2 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "(*shoots 5 shots, 1 each corner and 1 through the center of a rotted I-beam causing it to collapse*) Heck yeah! (blows top of gun off)" (2 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • Ziru revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "*resprays graffiti, mutters to himself about never finishing his preparations for his act at this rate*" (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (GrumbleCake) said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 10 minutes ago)
  • elgala said "be quiet GrumbleCake, some of us are trying to sleep!" (exactly 1 hour ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "hmm.. perhaps that was Grumbles' contribution to the talent show?" (11 minutes ago)
  • You restore 10 hit points. You cure your infection.
  • You say "Aww, DeddHedd's hungry. I love you too, kiddo. **bites DeddHedd's arm**." to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh what would we be doing with rebel scum Lord Vader ? We are simple librarians... but I am jazzed about Shads the Clown !" (36 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Bring on Shads the Clown. **starts a chant with the zombies** Zhabzz zah Ghrahn ! Mah grabba Zhabzz zah Ghrahn **Grumbles and Deddhedd half-heartedly join in with 'Zhahbz Zhahbz...'** That's more like it, bring on the Clown." (33 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh what a surprize, Flickman. When did you get here ? Do you have a talent to share with us ?" (9 minutes ago)

pink unicorns' strange language

  • Dr Kimba said "Who's been shooting Randomdead? He's been very good...." (1 hour and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (pink unicorns) said "Zhah Baha.b. B.hra.ghrara.z h!z ra.naahn" (57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zhah z!rghrh ahh. Zhah zgha! Ma.b.hra.z mah grahrh!" (55 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zhah rh!brarh!z ahh. Zhah!zb. Ghahnb.hra.nb. H.ahrh mah" (54 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Hra.m!rz z!!gh mah aahb. B.ah h.!rh mah maahzh h.!zh gahrb." (54 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Anga.rz arra.ab.! Ghnahah ba! Harb. Mah rab.hra.zb. Ghazarh" (52 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mah h.ahrgh!ng b.ahahrz arh hahm!rh!ab.!ahn anb. An angah!zh" (51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "H.ahb. B.ah Gahb. Mah b!!n zb.!rbahrn" (50 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "..." (50 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "H.rahm zhah B.! ahh. Abahrghaz!m hra.rh hab.ram!, b.aha.rh. Gha.nb.ahrh!" (49 minutes ago)

RandomDead's Dance with Sarah Tonin

  • Groo The Mendicant killed a zombie. (3 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Hi, is this the right place for the show? And are the zombies guests or party crashers? (I'm Enoch the Watcher's bardic alt.)" (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Randomdead) said "Ahrahahn bahn harmn mah" (3 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south. (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the east. (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the west. (3 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Dr Kimba. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Gore Girl. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-east. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Sir Fred of Etruria. (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Henslowe Park. (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Guilford Avenue Fire Station. (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Philpotts Towers. (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the Kirkby Building. (3 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Quartly Library. (3 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mah Rahbarah" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Zombie Leggitt said "I brought some cookies that I found for the talent show in a few days and I found a hand for grumblecakes *Give Grumblecakes the hand* there maybe now you wont keep biting the guest." (2 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (pink unicorns) said "H.ahrh zhah bra!z h.ahnb., mah b.ahna.!b. Ah ba!rh ahh. H.hra.zharz, ahan h.rahm Hahg!nn anb. Ahan h.rahm Mahn!nn" (2 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin said "Nice moves Randomdead, mind if i join you?" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (sarah tonin) gestured at one of the zombies (Randomdead). (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • [A zombie said "Mah,! Hab b!z banz?" (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the east. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-east. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the west. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • Howizer revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 8 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • ZombieChow47 revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 29 minutes ago)
  • deathbunny killed a zombie. (exactly 1 hour ago) ...and another.
  • A flare was fired in this block. (44 minutes ago) ...and again. (43 minutes ago)
  • Merlynn said "Lord I hate barricades. They never fall down. Some sort of explosive is defintely needed." (37 minutes ago)
  • You say "It's the Mighty Quinn! Welcome welcome welcome sir! Zombies and humans are guests alike, and these barricades are a nuisance. Lost my crowbar, too. Let's see what I can do to get rid of them so that our undead friends can rejoin the show." to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • You say "pink unicorn's all alone **tousles pink unicorns' mane**" to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • You say "Bah! There ain't no crowbars to be found in that lousy auto repair shop. My poor soul's exhausted-- friends, somebody tear down these ugly barricades and let our brazzaz back in to watch the show." to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • Sithicus killed a zombie (pink unicorns). (16 minutes ago)
  • You say "Sithicus, why did you kill pink unicorns? His mane is so shiny, and he wasn't harming nobody. There's just no love in this library anymore.... Look at the wall-- No cades, nah harm, no kill, nah grahn." to the fifty people nearest to you.

JamesLogan Requests Assistance

  • Groo The Mendicant destroyed the generator. (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant said "Lights Out Ladies, 10 Mile Run in the morning..." (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • elgala installed a radio transmitter in the building. (33 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Jameslogan) said "Anbrh hrh mrh brh harman agarn?" (11 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Rarh?" (10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Rra m rrrrh" (10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mrh harh brrng zrh" (10 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Nrrh arh hra grh hrrrh" (9 minutes ago)
  • You say "Jameslogan-- you really want that revive? Git yer azz to the Herbert Building (2SE of here) and start beating down the doors. I'll be there in 12-24 hours to dismantle those barricades and jab this needle into your filthy, rotted bra!nz. See you later!" to the fifty people nearest to you.


Unhealthy Squint Comes to Visit

  • A zombie (Derp) said "BRA!NZ" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mmmm" (1 hour and 21 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Hi derp. Take it easy, okay? The talent show has been extremely interesting so far... And thanks for the healing, Jarper!" (27 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint killed a zombie. (24 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Hmm....writing on the wall....hmm." (23 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "don´t get it" (23 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "there's a talent show going on, and some of the zombies are guests" (22 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "WHAT???!!!?where the hell am I" (22 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Welcome to Quartly... :-)" (21 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said " guys are poets!!! now I get it...sorry" (21 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Stay and enjoy the talent show if you like....that's what I've been doing." (20 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "you know Im really used to fight for my life all day this situation is kinda new to me" (20 minutes ago) ...and again. (19 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Well, if you'd like to see something different at some point, here is a good place for it. :-) Most of the guests behave..." (16 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "so why do you have the cades up to vs??the undead guest can´t come in!" (10 minutes ago) ...and again. (9 minutes ago) ...and again. (8 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Ah...I don't know why the 'cades are currently up...they were down earlier. Some of us are putting a lot of effort into taking them down." (3 minutes ago)


Sir Fred sings Don't Cry Out Loud

  • jambosque said "I definitely don't have enough AP to take them down myself right now. Perhaps in the morning..." (yesterday)
  • Jarper said "No probs, jambosque." (yesterday)
  • elgala said "I dont have the energy to tyake them down either. hopefully one of the others will wake up soon." (yesterday)
  • Jarper said "Welcome to the Quartly, unhealth squint! You've missed the first few acts, but the talent show is still young." (yesterday)
  • Jarper said "unhealthy rather.. If all goes well, I'll be performing a song, if I ever finish writing it." (yesterday)
  • Jarper said "I'll have a go at them, elgala." (yesterday)
  • Jarper said "Spent. -_-" (yesterday)
  • ignoti said "Ah, there we are. Now we can get to rebuilding that balcony." (yesterday)
  • Howizer said "You guys're crazy, zombies'll eat your brains. I'm otta here" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**lights dim as a lone figure climbs onto the podium in the biographies wing** Don't Cry Out Loud by Diana Degarmo **a hush falls over the crowd**" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Bab! ghr!b zah ba! zah z!rghahz gham ba bahn...gahz zhah b!bnb hanb parab!z bazz!n har ba!" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Zah zhah ba!nbab ahn hra zm!r anb bahgh ahb h!zh zahm ghrahn... h!a!r zhah zahnzaz h!ahzhahb hra nab ahbahn hra H!!r" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Mah nah hra rahb abahb ar ghauz h!ah z!!... bab! !z an ahhahr rahb r!gh m!!" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Bahnb Ghra! Ahb Rahb... zh!asb gh!!b !b !ns!bb... r!arn hah zah h!b zah h!!r!ngz" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Hr! H!gh anb Brahb...anb !hb h!ah zhahrb harr... r!mahmbar h!ah armahzb hab !b arr..." (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**lights dim to a candle's flicker as Sir Fred sings the chorus once more** Bahnb Ghra! Ahb Rahb... zh!asb gh!!b !b !ns!bb... r!arn hah zah h!b zah h!!r!ngz" (yesterday)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Hr! H!gh anb Brahb...anb !hb h!ah zhahrb harr... r!mahmbar h!ah armahzb hab !b arr..." (yesterday)
  • A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (yesterday)
  • elgala said "*applauds Sir Fred*" (yesterday)
  • Tarsnal killed a zombie. (23 hours and 30 minutes ago)

One Angry Zed dances with Darwin

  • One Angry Zed said "oye, cades again... let me see what I can do... I know for a fact that I smell like gouda, and nobody wants to be trapped with that odor for long" (22 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "well, got us from qsb to lightly, and now I'm exhausted--goodness, I don't know how you living people accomplish anything with these fleshy limbs" (22 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "There we go old chaps, I knew this fire axe would come in handy some day. The rest of that barricade is down. Let the light of learning flood in!" (exactly 22 hours ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "Plus once I gather a few of my close friends and relatives, I thought I might put on a bit of an animal show." (21 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Emoch Noh 2 said "Well aint this pretty, zombies n' humans living together in perfect harmony, makes me feel all warm and gooey inside." (21 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Fox's Classics) killed One Angry Zed. (21 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (One Angry Zed) gestured to Quartly Library. (21 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin. (21 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Quartly Library. (21 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin. (21 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (21 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin. (21 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (21 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin. (21 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (21 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ah bahn zmazhz, bah ah gan zanz!!" (21 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • Benigno said "as an act of good faith from the Zone Defenders and the SSZ's allies, here is a generator for the Quartly." (20 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Benigno installed a generator in the building. (20 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "´s all lovely...after all those years of pure, harsh´s lovely!" (20 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
  • oosoverde killed a zombie. (20 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Hmm...suppose I'd better revive OAZ, then." (20 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • jambosque revivified a zombie. (20 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "thank you for the kind revive, jambosque! was hoping not to be headshot, so very much appreciated..." (20 hours and 21 minutes ago)

Darth Vader and Unsunghero repair the roof

  • unsunghero11 said "why do you guys even bother with a genny? any zed guest or otherwise loves to smash stuff! (you hear a loud creak, he quickly takes out a couple of I-beams from his solar golf cart)" (19 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "*hearing the loud creak Darth Vader spins around and raise his hand with blue sparks shooting along the finger tips* I got it unsung. Use that nail gun you got and get some shelving up against that piller over there. The whole roof is about to cave in" (19 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "and I'd hate to miss any more of the Vogon, err umm, zombie poetry being read. Did someone lose their towel? I found this one under a stack of Feild and Stream magazines in the corner." (19 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "Ok got the cades back down for our living challenged patrons. Hope they stay that way." (19 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "with some help from the mossad sith lord." (19 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Sligs) destroyed the generator. (18 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • mbalbier revivified a zombie. (18 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "(faster than a texan cowboy he takes puts his nailgun on high speed, tosses up the shelves, and nails them to the wall.) Anybody have some birch beer? I've got a solar powered cooler." (18 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Is it a fluffy white towel, Vader? If so it's one of our prizes for the talent show! By the way, I'll still accept prize donations if anyone has anything..." (17 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork said "why're there so many people here? I'm sorry, some of you have got to leave. I'm claustrophobic" (17 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Great acts, everyone! *applauds* We have so many talented people here." (17 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Aw that's not nice, Mr. Dork! They're all here for the Talent Show!!" (17 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "I wish that zombie Jameslogan would come back inside. I wanted to ask him if he was named after the absolutely phenomenal color guard from James Logan High School!" (17 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Though their marching band is overrated..." (17 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "opps sorry the safety was off" (17 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "so how is this talent show going to be judged? is there a zed/human panel?" (17 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Iggy13 said "Let there be the capability of light!" (17 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Iggy13 installed a generator in the building. (17 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • KarlitoHomes killed a zombie. (16 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Time to deconstruct some 'cades" (15 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "And the cades are back down...ZMAZH'ed! sorry old habit!" (15 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the east. (14 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 9 blocks to the north. (14 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Buford Valis) said "Ah, za R!brarah... Gah magaz!nhz? Maz hab Gahnz an Ammah magaz!nh..." (14 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "If you guys ever need it I may be able to power your reading lights when the power goes out with my solar golf cart I got from the buckley mall parking lot, took a day to charge." (13 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "Anything else need refurbishing? what about the books or shelves?" (13 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "WHy yes, Buford Valis, I have a couple of back issues of Guns and Ammo. A lot of them got borrowed and never returned once ths dead started to rise up, but I managed to hang on to a few copies. Now where were they..." (13 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "Ah yes, under the skull where they left them. *hands the magazines to Buford Valis* Is there anything else you're looking for? I also have a few issues of Soldier of Fortune, as well as the last copy of The Darwin Awards in Malton." (13 hours and 24 minutes ago)

Quinn Inuit sings The Zombie Man

  • Quinn Inuit said "Thank you for the welcome, everyone! It's good to see that the party is going well, and I'm honored to perform for zombies. I missed my last engagement with the Minions of the Apocalypse due to a misunderstanding, and I've felt bad ever since." (exactly 13 hours ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Unless there are any objections, I'll open with my first hit, which rocked them at Caiger I. *sits down at the keyboard being powered by generator and begins to play the tune of Piano Man*" (12 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "It's nine o'clock on a Thursday/The regular crowd shambles in/There's a zombie sitting next to me/Who sadly has lost all his skin" (12 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "He says, Grrr argh bargh argh argh/Harm argh harma argh har ma bar/I wish I understood the poor fella now/But my translator's at home" (12 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Oh, Ar ar ar, ar ar ar ar / Ar ar, arm arm ar ar ar" (12 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Sing us a song, you're the zombie man/Sing us of human chow./Well, we're all in the mood for some brainz right now/But we'll settle for your music somehow" (12 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Now Tyrant at the bar is a kill of mine/I PK'd him in Owlesleybank/And he sometimes misses human hugs and human kisses/But for his love of brains he gives thanks" (12 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "He says, Quinn, I believe this is killing me. / As the Zombie Hunter headshot him down / And though he was right I'll see him tonight / You can't keep a good zombie down" (12 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Oh, Ar ar ar, ar ar ar ar / Ar ar, arm arm ar ar ar" (12 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Now Graagh is a former scientist / Who never should've made that drug / And he's chompin' on Bobby, who was in the lobby / Of a safehouse that came all unplugged" (12 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "And the COL is practicing politics / As the Vengabeans slowly get stoned / Yes they're sharing a drink they call Server Lag / Which means Kevan's playing alone" (12 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Sing us a song, you're the zombie man / Sing us of human chow / Well, we're all in the mood for some brainz right now / But we'll settle for your music somehow" (12 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "It's a pretty good crowd for a Thursday / And the zombies give me a smile / 'Cause they like all my songs and they grunt along / Which really puts a cramp in my style" (12 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "And the zombies, they sound like a Dead film / And the microphone smells like dry blood / And they sit at the bar and put brainz in my jar / And say, Ar, ar ar harm-barg-agh" (12 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Oh, Ar ar ar, ar ar ar ar / Ar ar, arm arm ar ar ar" (12 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Sing us a song, you're the zombie man/Sing us of human chow./Well, we're all in the mood for some brainz right now/But we'll settle for your music somehow" (12 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Take it home, everyone!" (12 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Sing us a song, you're the zombie man / Sing us of human chow / Well, we're all in the mood for some brainz right now / But we'll settle for your music somehow" (12 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thank you, Quartly! You're a fantastic audience!" (12 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Randomdead) gestured at Quinn Inuit. (12 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Hazzah! Grah zang brah!" (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (12 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • Justine de Sade killed a zombie. (12 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "Ooh, the Malton Darwin Awards!, the ultimate proof that there is no intelligent life out there! Where are they posted?" (11 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • bobafett said "i was there,i loved it, the piano man,but you did it without the grr stuff, i liked the line your are are the piano man,sing me a song your the piano man,sing us a song tonight,we are all in the mood for a melady,and you make use feel al right,brovo!" (11 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • bobafett said "now to biz,as you wish ,..Lord vader,...i will find your lost rebel*jets fire,..shots up through up to the sky*" (11 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Lilandryl said "This library is starting to look more like a hotel!" (11 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Sligs killed a zombie. (11 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Wonderful song, Quinn...I was definitely humming along, quietly!" (11 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Okay...I got the barricades back down." (11 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "Alright, who has been hurting our poor zombie unicorn friend?" (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "He was at death's door..." (10 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "or second death's door, is their even a zombie equine version of death? What would he even look like?" (10 hours and 50 minutes ago)

The Ghost of Satchmo and his trumpet

  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*steps up on stage and eyes his trumpet*" (10 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "this goes out to all the fella's in the house who at-chewally know who I am...I rahilaze I'm not qwite in ahnymo, but I'm still gwonna shake things up...." (10 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*begins his act*" (10 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*plays the opening bars of when the saints go marching in*" (10 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Nah when the saints, go marchin in, whan the saints go marchin in....yehs I want to be, in dat numbah, when the saints go marchin in" (10 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Nah when the sains go marchin" (10 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "ah would like ta hit the numbah......when the saints go marchin by" (10 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Lawd I want to be in that numbah....herecomescharlieyoungondatrombone waiiilllllllllllllinnnnnnN!" (10 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*Shakes from side to side as the ghost of charlie young plays a trombone solo*" (10 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*joins in in a spirited trumpet duet...his lung capacity is astounding for a ghost*" (10 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*Stands up and begins tapping his foot, this starts a massive clapping chorus in the back of the room. He sways down the hallway to the rare book room, belting out brass melodies the entire way*" (10 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (10 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "oh when the stahs, refuse to shine, oh when the stahs refuse to shine....ah STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWAAANnnntttttoooobeeeeeeeindat NUMMMMMBAAAHHHHHH...." (10 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "oh when the stahs refuse to shine!" (10 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*plays a masterful medly of several gospel songs, saints segways into It's Gabriel, which blends seamlessly with There ain't no Grave...he begins singing this in his unmistakable leathery voice" (10 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Ooooohhhhhhwellll there aint no Grravvvvvveeee, gonna hold mah body down, there aint no graaaavvveeee, thats gonna hold mah body down....oh when I hear that trumpet souuuuunndd, I'm gonna get up out that ground" (10 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "there ain't no grave, that's gonna hold mah body down" (10 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "OH Ah looked way ovah jordan, whaddya think ah'd see....I saw a band of angels comin after me. Ah cried meet me jesus meet me, Meet me in da middle of da air, others may forsake me, but ah know that you'll be there!" (10 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Cause their aint no gravvvveeee, gonna hold mah body down, there ain't no grraaaaave, that's gonna hold mah body down, oh when I hear that trumpet souuuuuunnnddd, Ima gonna getup outta that ground" (10 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "there aint no Grrravvvvvvveeee, that's gonna hold mah body down" (10 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*plays another trumpet solo*" (10 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "Ahhhhh....take me up to the graveyahd, lay this body down, but when da trumpet blows in da mahning, ima commin outta that me jesus meet me, meet me in da middle of the air, others may forsake me, but I know that you'll be there!" (10 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*Motions towards the audience to continue, the chorus of humans and zombies visibly shakes the library*" (10 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "THere ain't no Grrravvvveeee, that's gonna hold mah body down, I said there ain't no grrrravvvvvvvvveeee, that's gonna hold mah body down....oh when I hear that trumpet souuuuuunnnndddddd, Ima gonna getup outta that ground" (10 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "there aint no grrravvvvvvvvveeee, that's gonna hold mah body down....HOLD MAH BODY DOWN....DOWN....DOWN....DOWN....." (10 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*Plays an utterly miraculous trumpet solo, culminating in a single note that goes on for the better part of a minute*" (10 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" (10 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • The Ghost of Satchmo said "*bows and walks off*" (10 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Sir Fred of Etruria) gestured at The Ghost of Satchmo. (10 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • A zombie said "Ah hahn zah Za!nbz gah marzh!ng!n... Ah hahn zah Za!nbz gah marzh!ng!n..." (exactly 10 hours ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the survivors. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Hra!nb nah grahb ganna harb mah bahb! Bahn... Hra!nb nah grahb ganna harb mah bab! Bahn..." (9 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (9 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Quinn Inuit. (9 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ghrh!nn!nah!b zhahb b!! An ahnahrarh! Rh!brarh!an... Grmmah ah Hazzah!" (9 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • Jarper said "Hahaha.. Bravo, Quinn and Satch! *applauds*" (9 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • Jarper said "Let me mop your brow there.." (9 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south. (9 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • MrFredSmith said "Old GrumbleCake is becoming a bit of a problem, isn't he? Bit me three times in the last few days..." (9 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant destroyed the generator. (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant said "Darkness.. Darkness.. No seeing, only harkness... I pass the flame to you ... *click* *click* *click*" (7 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant destroyed the radio transmitter. (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Groo The Mendicant said "Silence is golden, goolldennnn" (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Howizer killed a zombie. (6 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • elgala said "*applauds Quinn and Satchmo*" (5 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  • elgala said "that groo guy is hiding in the firestartion 1 south of here if anyones annoyed by him..." (5 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • tarheel93c killed a zombie. (4 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "(hooks up his carts solar panels to main biulding wire)Groo, are you a bit schizophanic? just asking...." (4 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • unsunghero11 said "hey stop hurting the guest!" (4 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the south. (4 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Ironman70 said "damn cades" (4 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • Ironman70 said "all better now" (4 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, guys! Glad you liked it. *turns to the Ghost of Satchmo* That was fantastic music, good ghostly sir. Wow." (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • Lilandryl revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 26 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork said "oh, right, the talent show. i forgot all about that. good stuff" (59 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork said "Also, I happened to find a small torn piece of a what must have been a recent newspaper blown in from outside the quarantine or something 'cause it had a headline that I just know couldn't have been from the past decade even, but the paper wasn't worn, so" (56 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork said "It said: WARRIORS DEFEAT MAVERICKS IN GREATEST UPSET OF NBA HISTORY!!!!! AMAAAAZING!!!!!!!!" (56 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the south. (44 minutes ago)
  • ZombieChow47 installed a generator in the building. (21 minutes ago)

Randomdead and unhealthy squint

  • You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (27 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Randomdead) said "Ahn hanra barah ah baarh an ra graag! An Hanra barah ah baarh!" (26 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ra grab ahn gran, barh ah arang..." (24 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Nanna nan barah ah baarh ahn ra graag!" (23 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Nanna nan barah ah baarh ahn ra graag, nanna nan barah ah baarh!" (23 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ra grab ahn gran, barh ah arang..." (22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Nanna ahg barah ah baarh ahn ra graag!" (22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (21 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Barah ah baarh?" (21 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the bodies. (21 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Barah ah baarh?" (21 minutes ago)
  • unhealthy squint said "applause.......applause" (19 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
  • A zombie gestured at unhealthy squint. (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Barah ah baarh?" (17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Baarh ah arahn!" (16 minutes ago)
  • You say "Come on without, come on within! You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn!" to the fifty people nearest to you.
  • You say "That was a fantaastic song, Mr. Inuit, and Satchmo you've got me all in the mood for a New Orleans funeral. Many thanks." to the fifty people nearest to you.

Small Talk

  • A zombie (A Foo Fighter) said "Ha hrh hrh. Rm arrh rrh rrrn hrrrh brrrrh rmrh aa zrmbrrh rh mrh." (7 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • jambosque revivified a zombie. (7 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Todd Evers) dragged MoreThanDork out into the street. (7 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (mumified corpse) gestured at the generator. (7 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Graagh." (7 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Grh." (7 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • Darth Vader said "Quinn that was as good the second time as it was the first. I was there for your song in the mall and I applaude you once again!" (7 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Fox's Classics) killed Harry Balzac. (7 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • mbalbier revivified a zombie. (6 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Sligs killed a zombie. (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (ecuhappy2005) dragged Alache out into the street. (5 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • DeadHorn said "ecu stop killing this is a no kill zone" (5 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • KC Hawkman killed a zombie. (5 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • Iggy13 said "Give peace a chance friends" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "Alright can you undertsand me now?" (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "Oh look there's my ear, I've been looking for that everywhere." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "See what happens when people go abot swinging their axe everywhere and then just start throughing bodies on to the street." (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, buddhagazelle! You too, Darth! I'd forgotten you were there, but I just checked my log and so you were. It's cool to run into someone from the old days." (4 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • spida34 killed a zombie. (3 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • A zombie (MoreThanDork) said "Nah mrh nah mrh nah mrh" (2 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Spida, please, no killing the guests. This is a party, not a battle. :)" (2 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "My sentiments exactly, Mr. Zombie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and invite a friend. brb" (2 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Buford Valis) gestured at Clockwork22. (2 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AZZHARH. Bang-bang azzharh. Nah harm n!zh zambah, ah?" (2 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Quinn Inuit. (2 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Harman z!ngz amaz!ng! HARRAH, Grh!nn!!!" (2 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Gore Girl. (2 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Zangz, Garh G!rh - magaz!nhz n!zh, zambah habbah aga!n... Zambah gah bah-bah nah." (2 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Got it, MTD... I'll leave you as you are, then." (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 5 blocks to the east. (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, Mr. Zombie, glad you liked it." (1 hour and 32 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 9 blocks to the east and 6 blocks to the north. (1 hour and 16 minutes ago)


Sir Fred's Juggling

  • Peter McMally healed you for 10 HP. (1 hour and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mrh?" (1 hour and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Y'know it's kinda ironic to cure a zambah of infection by healing" (21 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Ah good literate friend BuddhaGazelle, Mz.Irony has requested we extend the talent show. And I am not nearly done juggling ! **juggles ski pole, fencing foil, and hockey stick... dropping them often**" (4 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria jabbed you with a fencing foil for 2 damage. (3 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria hit you with a ski pole for 2 damage. (3 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria smashed you with a hockey stick for 3 damage. (2 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl revivified a zombie. (1 minute ago)
  • Gore Girl said "DeddHedd! Good to see you alive. Surprising, but good. Is this a permanent change for you, or just long enough to see how the other half lives?" (31 seconds ago)


Hanging Out

  • D0M0Kun said "Damn I'm at trenchy level of firearms." (20 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor revivified a zombie. (20 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "many thanks, AD! no idea why that one fellow PKed me... rather shocking, that" (exactly 20 hours ago)
  • A flare was fired 5 blocks to the east and 7 blocks to the south. (19 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (demondim) said "Hrhrhrhrh rh man, rh hra rb ra rrh rnrh rh" (19 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  • FennisZotorman said " this one just bit me" (19 hours and 21 minutes ago) ...and again. (19 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • FennisZotorman said "Charissa we have a no biting policy!" (19 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • Jack Neon revivified a zombie. (19 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) said "Ahm ah zah zambah. Ahh hamanz ram mah. Mah mah ANGRAH!!!" (19 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • A zombie said "Mah garb bah habba!!! HABBA ZAMBAH!!! AHNZ!!!" (19 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • A zombie said "Rh mran rra. H rh rh aa rrrh? Brarrh rrrh aa mrh. H rh rrrh aa mrh? Brarrh hrh rarh mrh. H rh hrh rarh mrh? Brarrh rh aa rrrh. H rh rh aa rrrh? Brarrh hrh aa mrh. H rh hrh aa mrh? Rrh rrh." (18 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (18 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (18 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (18 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Ah ah!!" (18 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 9 blocks to the south. (18 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (jambosque) said "Hmm....mrh babbagazarrh" (18 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Basil Seal) said "Hrh rh rrh rrarng grrh rh brh rrrh. Rrh grh rn barrrarh hrh arh rnrh rh hra rrrh rn rrh hra brrh rh ra? Rrh arrh rh rrh. Han rrh rrh rrrrng hrh hra rrh an ra brrh." (18 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin revivified a zombie. (18 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin said "Basil Seal 547270, now why would you moan like that?" (18 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin said "The refreshments are right over there..." (18 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Basil Seal) said "Rm hra rrrrh an an grh hra rrrrh. Rh arh an rh brh rrrrrrh an arrh hrh rhrrh zrmbrrh rh hrh hra rrh an ra brrh ha rrh harh rh grnrrrrh rrrrh." (18 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Rrh mran hrh rrrh?" (18 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the survivors. (18 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Rh rrh nrh hra rrrrh rrrrh rnrh rh arrrarh rrrrrn." (18 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "M-n.zmn-z-znn.aa-az-aa-azan.aamb-" (17 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Rh rrh rh rrn rrrh grrrh! Rh brrrrh rn rrrh mrrrn rh brrngrng rrra rh hrh marh! Ha hrrh rh rh?" (17 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Maximus Braineater) said "Rrh rrh babrah" (17 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Sir Fred of Etruria. (17 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Barhah" (17 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • ignoti said "Thanks for the expedient application of first aid, everyone." (17 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • JasterZ killed a zombie. (17 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • JasterZ revivified a zombie. (17 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin revivified a zombie. (17 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • jambosque said "Thanks, sarah. Thank you as well for healing my zombie, D0M0Kun." (17 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Glad I could heal buzzard ya jambosque" (16 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Yay! More partying. Ok, any requests from anyone? I've sung through most of what I've least as far as songs go. I could tell stories, if you want." (15 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Bond1 killed a zombie. (15 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "Wow, quite the crowd. Almost makes me want to recite some poetry or argue philosophy..." (15 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • awantameat said "HAHAHAHA HARMANBARGARZ HAHAHA LOL GANGBANG!" (15 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • awantameat said "YAMMA HARMANZZZ" (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Bond1 killed a zombie. (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • awantameat said "branagan tasted very nice tell him i said so" (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • awantameat said "KILL THEM ZOMBIES TOO VICTORY TO HARMANZ" (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • awantameat said "plz keep healing me trushalo as i am a zed and i like waste ur faks" (15 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "We'll make sure to tell him, I'm sure he was ecstatic to provide nutritional content for you." (15 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "HAHAHA AANAMrA!!! HARMANBARGARZZ!" (15 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "Oh, I know. I also heal the zeds in here. They're our guests." (15 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AANAMrA BA!" (15 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AANAMA" (15 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at D0M0Kun. (15 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AMMA AMMA HARMANBARGARZ" (15 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • bazfum killed a zombie. (15 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba killed a zombie. (14 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba said "I was tired of awantameat's ramblings...." (14 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba said "Grumbles, please take care of that renegade if he shows up again." (14 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba installed a generator in the building. (14 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh nice to meet you MaximusBraineater(id=764148)... It is so nice to find another neighbor from the Italian peninsula." (14 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) said "Zambah harh... Hra.... Man ram zambah!" (14 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 6 blocks to the east and 8 blocks to the south. (14 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • Geruvah killed a zombie. (13 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • Geruvah said "I was wandering around and found this place wide open. I baricadded and killed a few zombies outside and in here. The rest is up to you guys." (13 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Lilandryl said "Wow, glad Geruvah could be such a help." (13 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Lilandryl said "*sigh* I'll start working on the looks like she took out randomdead :(" (13 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Gravain killed a zombie. (13 hours and 26 minutes ago) ...and another. (13 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Don't ya just love illiterate harmanz Lila? *shakes head* I'll help take down the cades." (12 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "if you don't stop groaning you will have to leave." (11 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • xryanx1 said "Maximus, would you have an alt attempting to take the Dewes Building near Dowdney?" (9 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • xryanx1 revivified a zombie. (9 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • deathbunny killed a zombie. (7 hours and 39 minutes ago) ...and another. (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • Jack Borroughs killed a zombie. (6 hours and 17 minutes ago) ...and another.
  • Tizki killed a zombie. (5 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin revivified a zombie. (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!! too long dead, was begining to like the feel of freds blood on my hands *stares at fred hungrily*" (4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "i belive FAKs may be of use... bbl" (4 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • Farnell said "Hey, Darwin, how's it going?" (4 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • A Giant Percocet said "WHO NEEDS PERCOCETS! I am in fact, a giant pain narcotic!!!!" (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • A Giant Percocet killed a zombie. (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • A Giant Percocet said "He tried to steal my stash!" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Mrh?" (3 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor revivified a zombie. (3 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor killed a zombie. (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • asshole doctor said "god without zombies in here I can now get back to reading all those groans were getting on my nerves" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "Aww ll my zombie friends have left. How are we ever going to bridge this gap in society if we just keep killing each other" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "Think of the children!!!!!" (3 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "Greetings Mr. Farnell , I am well thank you. But I agree, it has been difficult to read in here with all the gunfire." (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • Maximus Braineater said "xryan1 yes I do I am not zerging am i" (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • xryanx1 said "Not at all, and I hope I didn't convey that meaning. I was just wondering, since that's where my alt is at the moment." (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Maximus Braineater said "Yeah I am there nice to meet you. By the way why are we caded and why were zeds killed I thought this was a place of coexistance as for sir fred I see you in malls occasionally and think this is a great place to have was it your Idea" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
  • Maximus Braineater said "i have a crowbar if you want cades removed" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
  • thomas3 said "can someone cure me, please!!" (1 hour and 27 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 10 blocks to the east and 1 block to the south.
  • You say "Whew! **collapses in a pool of sweat** I'd no idea how difficult it is for a harman to do away with barricades. But we're free now, our zambah brazzaz can come join the party again."
  • You say "Hey, Geruvah, your desire to help is appreciated-- but read the writing on the wall, please. We're having a Talent Show in here, and it's open to all guests both living and undead. Those zombies you killed and those bodies you dumped were our friends."
  • You say "So, don't waste your weapons and AP on excluding invited guests who continue to seek our company despite being repeatedly shot and dragged outdoors."

Dead Nick's Defence

  • A zombie (awantameat) said "Ahahahah BRANAGAN!!!! HARMANBARGARZZZ!!!" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) said "Nah mah!!!! Nah mah!!! Ahma naz zambah!!! Ah ram bah zambah!" (57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "Nah garb ah bah zambah! Ah RAM bah zambah!!! Ahma naz zambah!!!!" (57 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 11 blocks to the north. (54 minutes ago)
  • Leggy Bianca installed a generator in the building. (44 minutes ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "*does a happy little gig because he hasn't been chewed on by Grumbles in the past 24 hours*" (37 minutes ago)
  • Yurination said " what the hell is happeneing with the zombies not killing us? Also I'ma leave...I fell unsafe. ;D" (26 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (derp) said "Rh hra rh rh" (19 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said " hra g g rh" (18 minutes ago)

Sir Fred Juggles to the Death

  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**claps** fine, fine dancing there mister flick... could I have a volunteer ? **scans audience, selects the wise PapaShanga**" (1 hour and 26 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Now throw those sporting goods at me... **Papa throws all equipment at Fred in a pile** Argghhh... not like that, one at a time to juggle... like this..." (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Now when you catch that tennis racket, throw it back to me while I throw the hockey stick... **the racket and hockey stick make graceful arcs as they pass in mid-air** Excellent !" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**Fred throws a ski-pole gently through the air towards PapaShanga while Papa catches the hockey stick, and returns the stick with a vendetta**" (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "That's the spirit ! **Papa Shanga has now gotten the hang of it ! Not only is the Papa juggling things back and forth with Sir Fred, but he is juggling a couple knives with his left hand ! ** Wowzers... **a hush falls on the crowd**" (1 hour and 17 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "**Amazingly, Papa Shanga does a simultaneous backflip while throwing both knives at Sir Fred ! Which he successfully catches with his eye sockets !**" (1 hour and 16 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Sir Fred!) said "Aaahhhhhh..... Mah hra!Z.... Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh.... Mah bahb!harh bahb!harh hra!z..." (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
  • 26.49 MHz: "Spamming of the kepmsterbank frequency will not be tolerated" (1 hour and 13 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "!b. Hahrb.z zah bahb.... An!bahb.!, hah. Hra h.!rzb. Hra!b. Gh!b.?" (1 hour and 12 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) said "AH HA HAHAHAHAHA!!" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)



  • A zombie (sarah tonin) gestured at itself. (3 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies (Sir Fred of Etruria). (3 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Harh harh harh!!" (3 days ago)
  • A zombie said "M-zann-aaannz!n.aa-azan.aan-zannzzn-n.z?aaz-n!aa-azazbz?g-" (3 days ago)
  • asshole doctor said "you asked for it" (3 days ago)
  • Charles Darwin revivified a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "AHHH BRANAGAN HANGRA" (3 days ago)
  • asshole doctor killed a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • asshole doctor said "out ya go." (3 days ago)
  • asshole doctor revivified a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • demondim said "hmmm to many... someone get hurt so i can heal you" (3 days ago)
  • calenor said "hello?" (3 days ago) ...and again.
  • Slosh killed a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "Y'know, this place really reminds me of my work on the feature film 'Fight Club.' Not sure if you're all familiar with it or not." (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "But essentially, I played a fairly complex character, who raged with inner demons; an alternate personality. This library here can be somewhat comparible to what was going on in my characters head." (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "A multitude of voices and opinions all clamouring to be heard. It was a great experience to be on that set, also to work with a little known actor by the name of Brad Pitt." (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "We were going to do coffee just before this all broke out actually, discuss some new film propositions etc. But now, as I find myself stuck in here, I'm feeling happy. I can see a more effective and appropriate outlet for my formidable thespian talents." (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "So, if you good folk will have me, I'd be honoured to perform in this upcoming show. I am an Oscar nominee after all." (3 days ago)
  • EdwardNorton said "By the way, I ask for no payment whatsoever, but if you do see Cuba Gooding Jr wandering around here, please kill him. Gracias." (3 days ago)
  • Farnell said "Hey Norton. How's the new Hulk movie going?" (3 days ago)
  • A zombie (omg im dead) said "Graagh." (3 days ago)
  • A zombie (Jameslogan) gestured at itself. (3 days ago)
  • demondim said "but cubas good!!!!" (3 days ago)
  • Friedrich Engels killed a zombie. (3 days ago) ...and another.
  • Beaker74 killed a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • Clauden killed a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • A Foo Fighter said "I read Fight Club just last year. Good read. The movie translation was done very well. Mr. Norton you played the part perfectly." (3 days ago)
  • Herb Dangerous killed a zombie. (3 days ago) ...and another. ...and another.
  • Edgar AIIen Poe said "I have just spent myself applying this crowbar vigourously to the barricades, yet I have failed to completely open the library...Perhaps one of you can continue my efforts...I haven't been able to read today, but my head is too tired, and I must rest." (3 days ago)
  • Maximus Braineater said "I opened it" (3 days ago) ...and again.
  • BRANAGAN said "awantameat, if you keep targeting me specifically, I'm going to kill myself and come back here a splatter you across the street." (3 days ago)
  • Kiisa said "All the zombie friends are gone. Sigh, can't we all just get along?" (3 days ago) ...and again.
  • akhrin said "Blah blah blah, Quinn Inuit. Blah blah blah, CDF bad. Blah blah blah, etc. Got PK?" (3 days ago)
  • akhrin killed Quinn Inuit. (3 days ago)
  • A zombie (Maximus Braineater) said " harm zambahz zrmbahz nrh harm harman" (3 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Zambahz nah harm harmanz" (3 days ago)
  • JasterZ killed a zombie. (3 days ago)
  • Kiisa said "Can we just put up an anti-jerk barricade?" (3 days ago)

Apocalypse Now

  • Stagehand said "Ladies and gentlemen, by special request of the Quartly Study Group, we present the following special unscheduled showing from Drama Club!" (3 days ago)
  • Colonel Walter Kurtz said "They train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow them to write ‘fuck’ on their airplanes because…" (3 days ago)
  • Colonel Walter Kurtz said "…it’s obscene!" (3 days ago)
  • Colonel Walter Kurtz said "…the horror…" (3 days ago)
  • Colonel Walter Kurtz said "……..the horror…" (3 days ago)
  • Cpt Benjamin Willard killed Colonel Walter Kurtz. (3 days ago)
  • Stagehand said "Thank you ladies and gentlemen. That was a special unscheduled performance of the Apocolypse Now troupe of Drama Club, by request of the Quartly Study Group. We hope you enjoyed the show." (3 days ago)
  • Stagehand said "You can view our performances as .JPG and find out more about our organization and troupes from our Wiki page at:" (3 days ago)
  • Stagehand said "Good night and stay alive!" (3 days ago)
  • elgala said "*applauds*" (3 days ago)
  • Dash Oregano said "Awww.. someone killed me and dumped my body." (3 days ago)
  • Dash Oregano said "Did I miss any of the talent show?" (3 days ago)
  • Dash Oregano said "Btw, I've got this nasty cough from this zombie-hickey.. some got a FAK?" (3 days ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Ah... nice to be free. Was carrrying way too many shotguns" (2 days ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "It was extremely uncomfortable trying to fit them." (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Lucado) killed William Butler Yeats. (2 days ago)
  • Iggy13 said "keep your hands to yourself" (2 days ago)
  • Iggy13 said "manky git" (2 days ago)
  • Iggy13 said "The coconuts want me to tell you that your show is very funny" (2 days ago)
  • Iggy13 said "they have spoken to me again" (2 days ago)
  • Iggy13 said "*crawls under table muttering incoherently*" (2 days ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "Magnificent ! **claps for the Apocalypse now performance** Amazing, both educational and autobiographical..." (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "poor Yeats, seems the center is not the only thing that could not hold... *coughs*" (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "doesnt seem like the peace thing is going to well... and who put cades up *gets out the fire axe*" (2 days ago)
  • deathbunny said "Please accept my sincere apologies for shooting Zs here. Enjoy the party." (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Elvis the Destroyer) destroyed the generator. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) said "Bah hamanz ram naz zambah. Amah angrah." (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "I'm sorry Dead Nick, there's a lot of confusion around here--doesn't make it right, but, well, that's the price of such a unique place as the Quartly" (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "perhaps things will calm down a bit again--there have been better times, to be sure" (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "no chewing on Sweet', she is, well, sweet, but not literally..." (2 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Ahma ah zangahn hamanz!!!" (2 days ago)
  • Jarper said "Bravo, Drama Club! *applauds*" (2 days ago)
  • sarah tonin said "i sure hope that was fake blood,...Mr. Kurtz... Mr. Kurtz... oh dear..." (2 days ago)
  • sarah tonin said "En Garde!" (2 days ago)
  • Flickman666 said "Thanks for the performance drama club. It was moving. No wait that's not big enough it was Scrumtrelesent. Yeah that's good." (2 days ago)
  • Flickman666 said "Huh Ha!!!" (2 days ago)
  • Flickman666 said "I'm gonna go get one of those fencing foils." (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Harry Balzac) gestured at itself. (2 days ago)
  • Flickman666 revivified a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • Clauden killed a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "hmm, chewing on sweet usually results in a smack in the mouth, i should know, i did it ages ago :S" (2 days ago)
  • Harry Balzac said "hey thanks flickman" (2 days ago)
  • Harry Balzac said "Although being a zombie is a most elucidating experience, I prefer a human form" (2 days ago)
  • BRANAGAN said "Guys, I just got a bad feeling... like an omen or something, I'm sure it's nothing, but still..." (2 days ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "..Mrh BRANAGAN?" (2 days ago)
  • Flickman666 said "No problem Harry. I to prefer the human form." (2 days ago)
  • Dr Kimba installed a generator in the building. (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "who the hell!!!! who keeps baracading !?!?" (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "I'll do what I can here with the cades" (2 days ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "I swear, zombies move their alternates in here to barricade just to see if we are legit... good work OAZ... good work" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) gestured at itself. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Ah mah ahrh hrh ah ah" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Ah ah mah hamah ah ah mah ah..." (2 days ago)
  • Ashta killed a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "Pip pip HOOray to the drama club! Good show old chaps, what? And yes Mr. Norton, we would love to see you perform!" (2 days ago)

Gore Girl and Elvis

  • Gore Girl killed a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • Gore Girl said "Ladies and gentlemen...Elvis has left the building!" (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "LOL but harsh gg" (2 days ago)
  • Uncle Bill said "28 Weeks Later is playing at Vere Cinema. Quite the kick ass movie, I might add." (2 days ago)
  • Denus03 revivified a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • sarah tonin said "Is that the smell of fine pipe tobacco? Brings back memories..." (2 days ago)
  • modom killed a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • Stagehand said "Thank you everyone. We're glad you liked the show. Thanks to Sir Fred for bringing this event to our attention as we just happened to be passing through town on our tour when he posted the notice on our Wiki page. Thanks for the invitation to perform." (2 days ago)
  • Stagehand said "If you missed the show (Dash) there's a JPG of the performance on the Wiki" (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "*lols* uncle bill (RL:so your an australian aswell?)" (2 days ago)
  • demondim said "reminds me, 28 weeks later is comming here soon and there should be a 4th resident evil movie also" (2 days ago)
  • Clauden killed a zombie. (2 days ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "*sees the cades at heavily, sighs, takes out his crowbar*" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Rotting Ray) killed Uncle Bill. (2 days ago)
  • elgala said "there, much better." (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "HA HA HA BRANAGAN AA HARMANBARGARZZZ!!!!! ZAMBAZ AA" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie dragged BRANAGAN out into the street. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie (Quinn Inuit) said "Mrh?" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie said "Z!ng BahGahz! Z!ng BahGahz!" (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (2 days ago)
  • sarah tonin revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
  • sarah tonin said "There you go Quinn..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "AND WE'RE BACK!!!!" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "This is DJ mentiroso with your daily serving of latin spice" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Here on the Spanish Mix, Malton" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "27.56th on your radio dial, but first in your hearts" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "We've got carlos mencia in the studio today, he's going to.." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "try and make us laugh, carlos, let's see what you've got" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Mentiroso, i don't know if you can handle what i've got" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Ooohh, some hardcore humor here, what are you gonna talk..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "about? Well, i'm gonna blow your minds with something..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "completely new to stand-up: racial humor!" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "For example, it has been brought to my attention that..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "black dudes like fried chicken. I mean, what's up with that?" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Yeah, you heard me, i went there. Blastin' down the doors.." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "of traditional comedy, that's what i'm doin'" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Well, that's quite something, carlos. See you later. later" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to say we can't have..." (yesterday)
  • Jonny Crystal killed a zombie. (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "carlos on the show anymore, because that joke he told was..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "actually stolen from every comedian ever." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "In retaliation, we're going to tell carlos that we're about" (yesterday)
  • Jonny Crystal killed a zombie. (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "to kill him in a completely original and brutal manner..." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "and then just hang him." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "In other news, John Dead is a Gker and Pagram Librarian has." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "a literal ton of herpes. Actually 2000 pounds of nasty bumps" (yesterday)
  • jambosque said "Hmm...managed to take the barricades down to lightly." (yesterday)
  • DeddHedd said "Sorry about killing you buddhagazelle, but I thought that since you speak zombie more often than some zombies do, I figured that you wanted to die for awhile. But then you didn't get back up for a long time, and I felt bad about it." (yesterday)
  • DeddHedd said "Glad to see you breathing again!" (yesterday)
  • DeddHedd said "And goregirl... I don't really get to decide whether I am living or dead from day to day. I got revived and random, and thought I'd stay this way for awhile." (yesterday)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "Rm hrrrh rrh hrh arn hrh, rn mrn mrh!" (yesterday)
  • A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 14 blocks to the south. (yesterday)
  • A flare was fired 8 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the south. (yesterday) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • A zombie said "HAHAHA" (yesterday)
  • Gore Girl said "What's that? You want to gangbang my hamburger?" (yesterday)
  • Gore Girl said "Aww damn, and I thought that was special sauce. *throws hamburger down in disgust*" (yesterday)
  • Flickman666 said "If you think about it GG, it was a Special sauce." (yesterday)
  • Flickman666 said "En Garde!!" (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "PKer Alert: Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore." (yesterday)
  • 27.56 MHz: "(not confirmed as malicious)" (yesterday)
  • BRANAGAN said "THAT's IT AWANTAMEAT!" (yesterday)
  • A zombie (BRANAGAN) killed a zombie. (yesterday)
  • A zombie said "HA HA HA HAAA!...... Mrh?" (yesterday)
  • sarah tonin said "En Garde!" (yesterday)
  • demondim said "*pulls shotgun on sarah and flicker* yes, en garde!!! :P *pulls trigger and nothing happens* or not O_O *hides*" (yesterday)
  • demondim revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
  • Kiisa said "giggle, very cute" (yesterday)
  • demondim said "what is? O_o" (yesterday)
  • Bad Reverend said "Charles Darwin. You shot me dead for making a joke about creationism. There was no other provocation, you just killed me because I said something you didn't like." (yesterday)
  • Bad Reverend said "But, to err is human, to forgive, is divine." (yesterday)
  • Bad Reverend said "Shame for you I'm human." (yesterday)
  • Bad Reverend killed Charles Darwin. (yesterday)
  • Bad Reverend said "I apologise for that ladies and gentlemen, but I assure you, it was justified. I'm sure one of you fellows will revive him in a bit. All I ask is that you give me enough time (say a day or so) to get to another suburb." (yesterday)
  • demondim said "now what did i do? *goes of to sulk*" (yesterday)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, Sarah! Sorry for attracting unwanted attention to the party. I've never even heard of that guy, and I've been killed by all kinds of people." (yesterday)
  • D0M0Kun said "This is the longest I've lived as a Harman for quite a while. I like this place." (yesterday)
  • BRANAGAN said "Thanks, I managed to cut awantameat up into bitch chicken. Do you guys want light meat or dark meat?" (yesterday)
  • A zombie dragged BRANAGAN out into the street. (yesterday)
  • Kiisa said "*pats demondim on the head* Welcome to humanity D0M0Kun, hope you stay a while." (yesterday)
  • Lilandryl revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
  • A zombie (Dead Nick Danger) gestured at one of the zombies (GrumbleCake). (yesterday)
  • A zombie said "Hm bah zambah! Hamanz ram!" (yesterday)
  • A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (yesterday)
  • A flare was fired 8 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (yesterday)
  • A zombie said "Hm ram BRANAGAN! Hm bah zambah!" (yesterday)
  • Ashta killed a zombie. (yesterday) ...and another. ...and another.
  • Dr Kimba said "I was only able to get the barricades down to quite strongly. Someone else please work on them Thanks :)" (yesterday)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "HAHAHA Branagan!!!!! MA HANGRA! HARMANBARGARZ" (yesterday)
  • Imgonnadiesoon said "Um... I was walking by and the doors were open and a couple of zombies were here. You might want to kill them, sorry I don't have enough AP to kill them. The police station to blocks north is a good place to hide if you need it." (22 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (thing69) clawed at you for 3 damage. (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • The zombie grabbed hold of you! (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "we know we know :. and id still like to know why i got stabed" (22 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork said "maybe you'regonnadie but we're not. The zombies here are mostly friendly. A few strays wonder in pretty regularly and try to cause a stir, but the quickly cease to exist or join the party" (22 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • MoreThanDork healed you for 10 HP. (22 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • sarah tonin said "Sorry sorry Flickman666 and i have been having a Fencing match, but our aim is horrible." (22 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 7 blocks to the west and 14 blocks to the south. (20 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Todd Evers) dragged MoreThanDork out into the street. (19 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • A zombie destroyed the generator. (19 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • Dr Kimba said "Unfortunately, Todd Evers ( isn't one of the friendly ones..." (18 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Thanks for the healing, Greenwing. Now, time to open a can of medical assistance all over this place." (17 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Pker alert: Cain has killed Abel outside Nichols mall" (17 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • Quinn Inuit said "Darn, there's nobody around here to help. I've got lots of syringes and kits. Anyone need any?" (17 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "HAHAHAHA HARMANBARGARZ HAHAHA rh GANGBANG!" (17 hours and 36 minutes ago) ...and again. (17 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AA HARMANBARGARZZZ!!!! AA GANGBANG ZrMBAH MANBAGZ" (17 hours and 34 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • bazfum killed a zombie. (17 hours and 4 minutes ago) ...and another. (17 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "PK Alert: Michael Dawson (#481516) killed Ana Lucia & Libbby" (16 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "In another sad incident of PKing..." (16 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "Tybalt has just killed Mercutio just outside of reason tower" (16 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "I can only speculate that there will be revenge enacted upon" (16 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • 27.56 MHz: "in the very near future" (16 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  • Trushalo said "Woo, drafty. Think I'll close that door." (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria said "En Garde" (16 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Sir Fred of Etruria killed a zombie. (16 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • Gore Girl said "I recognize Randomdead, but who's the other zombie in here?" (15 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (BRANAGAN) said "Mrh?" (15 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "I confirm that two zambahs are BRANAGAN and Dead Nick Danger" (14 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Excuse me" (14 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • D0M0Kun said "Hmm..Dead Nick Danger's hogging the DNA spotlight." (14 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • Charles Darwin said "*dusts self off* My, that was a bit embarassing. Thank you kindly for the revive Ms. Lilandryl." (14 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (GrumbleCake) dragged Charles Darwin out into the street. (14 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • A flare was fired 9 blocks to the east and 9 blocks to the south. (14 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Wow, I sure had a lot to catch up on... thanks for extending the show for me, everyone! I will be performing something soon. I've loved all the acts and songs, wonderful!!" (13 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Dead Nick Danger, it's wonderful to have a new zombie friend! Did you get a Reading is for Rotters book? And don't worry, we know Grumbles is a bah zambah, we're used to it by now." (13 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  • SweetIrony said "Oh, and thanks everyone who healed me while I slept! I sort of expected to wake up dead... but I got a pleasant surprise. =)" (13 hours and 1 minute ago)
  • xryanx1 revivified a zombie. (12 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Garry Hopkin installed a generator in the building. (12 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "darwin isnt having much luck" (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "and if your going to have fencing matches, please do it ina safe spot like... the roof" (11 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • Jack Borroughs killed a zombie. (11 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • demondim installed a radio transmitter in the building. (11 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "my tranmiter doesnt semm to exist anymore... meh, all is good :P" (11 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "haha, its back :P" (10 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (derp) killed Bond1. (10 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "BRA!NZ" (10 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  • elgala said "*hands derp a toothbrush* you might want to use this, if your mouth gets much worse your teeth will rot. I dont think a toothless zombie would be a fun thing to be." (9 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "tell you what we need. naruto DVDs, metallica and system... or atleast vivaldi and/or chopin (ATLEAST!!)" (7 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (awantameat) said "BRANAGAN AMMA AMMA HANGRA HARMANBARGARZZ GANGBANG HARMANZZ HARMANBARGARZ! HrNGRA!!!!" (6 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • Clauden killed a zombie. (6 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "oh what the hell!!!! CADES, WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME!!!!" (6 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • demondim said "i couldnt even get it dowm one" (6 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • Flickman666 said "I will Try demondim... But with my fencing foil. En Garde!!!" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • Flickman666 said "I missed every time. I really need to work on that." (4 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • Flickman666 said "Well I got those damn cades down to VSB. I need to pass out for a little while. All that fencing and jabbing gets to be exuasting." (4 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • One Angry Zed said "got it down to QSB... *collapses on a book cart, which starts rolling, dumping OAZ in a dusty corner*" (3 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • John McSilly killed a zombie. (3 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • elgala said "got it to light. *colapses*" (3 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • 26.49 MHz: "got mrh? FAK's and Medics required at Halay Building (65,17)" (3 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • Sligs killed a zombie. (3 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • 26.49 MHz: "Zombies got in and went all Pimm's O'clock at us." (3 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • A zombie (Charles Darwin) gestured to the north-east. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-east. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured down at the ground. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at FennisZotorman. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at Lilandryl. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at jambosque. (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at One Angry Zed. (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the radio. (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to Quartly Library. (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  • jambosque revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  • Ulfric Havok said "Anyone in need of a medic?" (39 minutes ago
  • A zombie (thing69) said "Rrrh abrrh rrng rrh grh. Rh an rh rrn hrh arh" (7 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at itself. (7 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling.


   *  demondim said "last person to stab me got shot :S. and whoever keeps making these caded, ill shoot you to if you dont stop" (yesterday)
   * One Angry Zed said "Mr. Darwin, I must say--had never really thought of you as a dancer before... certainly your sometime associate Mr. Herbert Spencer never danced, as was famously noted... delightful to see you shake it down a bit" (yesterday)
   * Stanley Gibbons killed a zombie. (yesterday)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (yesterday)
   * A zombie said "Mah bra!nz arh bananaz." (yesterday)
   * Jarper revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
   * Jarper said "Very appealing though." (yesterday)
   * Maximus Braineater said "alright guys I really enjoyed my time here but pat of me has to get eating and ransacking catch you later" (yesterday)
   * sarah tonin said "Thanks Jarper." (yesterday)
   * A zombie said "Banana brarnz arh ahm habbah zamba. Zamba hra haman hra harmrnah!" (yesterday)
   * Gore Girl said "Why hello, thing69. Why aren't you with the rest of the Minions?" (yesterday)
   * bazfum killed a zombie. (yesterday) ...and another.
   * One Angry Zed said "awantameat, please leave BRANAGAN alone... he's a good fellow. Here, have a look at this Eeyore picture book I found on the reshelve cart I crashed" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "I should probably be leaving soon, just to get back to work defending Peppardville. Any song requests before I go?" (yesterday)
   * One Angry Zed said "perhaps a few lines from 'The Mighty Quinn' ?" (yesterday)
   * Jeremy Nicholson said "Wierdos" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Weird? Who's he calling weird? Darn well better have been me, that's who! I won't settle for anything less than Moderately Abnormal." (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Humph. Weird, he says. I'll show him weird. Just give me ten minutes with a grapefruit, a crowbar, some dancing rats, and a Spice Girls/Ussher mash-up CD. I guarantee he'll be thinking in Basque for a _week_, and I'll bet he doesn't even speak it." (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "All right, Mighty Quinn it is. But Bob Dylan style! *whacks himself on the head so his words come out slurred and uneven*" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Everybody's building barricades and boats / Some are building monuments, others jotting down notes" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Everybody's in despair, every PKer and zed / But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here, he'll shoot 'em all in the head" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "So come on without / Come on within / You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Everybody! Come on without / Come on within / You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn" (yesterday)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Ouch...I got myself too well in the head there. I need to lie down. Someone else want to take the next verse? (OOC: My wife says it's time for bed, so I'm off. Party on!)" (yesterday)
   * sarah tonin said "Nah, zah harmanz arh nah Harman-bargarz. Zah harmanz arh R!brar!anz." (yesterday)
   * sarah tonin said "Anh zah harmanz nah harm zambahz. Hhhmmm,... harmanz mah harm zambaz !h zah zambahz harm zah harmanz." (yesterday)
   * One Angry Zed said "Mr. Inuit, that was absolutely delightful! Thank you, thank you!" (yesterday)
   * One Angry Zed said "awantameat, I really don't wish to carry on violently in this noble establishment, but you really must leave off harming and harrassing BRANAGAN, eh?" (yesterday)
   * Mr Domino killed a zombie. (yesterday) ...and another.
   * demondim revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
   * demondim said "theres always a way to stop annoying zeds... revive them and make annoying people :P" (yesterday)
   * Darth Vader said "Quinn thats another good tune but there was one thing. It was still to clear. Hit yourself harder next time, (or have your wife do it for ya) so it sounds way more slurred. Hell, maybe sing it as a zed next time." (yesterday)
   * Darth Vader said "Of course I've been playing for so long that even the zombie speek is easyer now to understand than Dillion. If you need inspiration for your next song do one about the talent show." (yesterday)
   * Darth Vader said "Sing to the tune of Everyone Must Get Stoned - But change the words to...Everyone Watch This Show. Now that I've lit the fire of insperation, I'll sit back and watch what happends." (yesterday)
   * Beaker74 killed a zombie. (yesterday) ...and another.
   * awantameat said "why the heck should i stop attacking branagan? he is very tasty? and also y dont u baricade this dump?" (yesterday)
   * Sir Fred of Etruria said "We don't barricade, because we want it open for our zombie guests, members. The Quartly Study Group has four members who are brain-rotted zombies... maybe more. We used to lower the 'cades every time a zombie friend would stop by, but now we have so many" (yesterday)
   * Sir Fred of Etruria said "that the locals are constantly killing our zombie friends, and since we can't prevent the headshot, we try to at least save our zombie friends a few AP by not barricading... besides, don't you love the fresh air wafting through the large print annex ?" (yesterday)
   * Sir Fred of Etruria said "En Garde" (yesterday)
   * One Angry Zed said "demondim, nicely done--hadn't thought of that : )" (23 hours and 49 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "*opens the windows* there, much better." (23 hours and 48 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Na ma harman manh ma na an manh harmanz" (23 hours and 45 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Na ma harmanz ma zambah ha an na arng" (23 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ma zambah nah ana harmanz" (23 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ma zambah na hra harmanz" (23 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * Stagehand said "That's right, buddhagazelle. The leader of Drama Club won the Xmas tree dead pool. Thanks for the grats. We'll all looking forward to seeing what he gets in the mail as a result." (23 hours and 35 minutes ago)
   * demondim said "thanks OAZ. no thanks fred *pulls pistol out* i think ive been stabed 2 to 3 times already, trust me, waking up cold, hungry and with 7 inch of rapier in your arm isnt somthing i like doing :'(" (23 hours and 27 minutes ago)
   * mbalbier revivified a zombie. (23 hours and 2 minutes ago)
   * One Angry Zed said "awantameat, now that's the sort of thing we like around here--a fine song you have going there" (22 hours and 20 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Graagh." (20 hours and 51 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "Ooo, cool name. Dead Nick Danger! It's like you can't say it without saying it loud. Dead Nick Danger! to the rescue! Awesome." (20 hours and 28 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "anyone up for a fight? I got lots of energy and am lookin to use it. How about you, Charles you old daft?" (20 hours and 26 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "I can't speak british." (20 hours and 25 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "But Waylen and Payne do! Muhahahaha!" (20 hours and 25 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "Bring it on, Charles you daft old chum......................... p!" (20 hours and 23 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "Woohoo! We're having fun now! dances about Charles Darwin, eagerly anticipating his retort" (20 hours and 21 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ah ahn zah ahah... Ahm za" (20 hours and 6 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ra nrh angrrh..." (20 hours and 6 minutes ago)
   * BRANAGAN said "You know I was always curious as to who would win the pool, because one day last month I saw the umber of trees go up by 2, so who else could still have trees?" (19 hours and 49 minutes ago)
   * BRANAGAN said "In their inventories, I mean." (19 hours and 48 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "theres always more trees." (19 hours and 29 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl killed a zombie. (18 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl said "There. Maybe he'll pick on me now and leave Branagan alone for a while." (18 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * One Angry Zed said "I like the way you work, GG" (18 hours and 35 minutes ago)
   * A zombie dragged One Angry Zed out into the street. (18 hours and 3 minutes ago)
   * A zombie destroyed the generator. (18 hours and 3 minutes ago)
   * A zombie destroyed the radio transmitter. (18 hours and 3 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "Zorinth, that was just rude." (17 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "hi grumbles! *waves*" (17 hours and 51 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl killed a zombie. (17 hours and 16 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl said "Wow, I killed him with my Fist of Fury. I feel like Rocky Balboa, only without the speech impediment." (17 hours and 15 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl said "Feel that, GrumbleCake? That's the Fist of Fury. Dig my impressive bicep." (17 hours and 14 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 3 blocks to the south. (17 hours and 7 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Grambahz, zaz nah nahz, nah zmazh Angrah Zambah... Angrah Zambah az nahz!" (16 hours and 48 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Mrh rrrh" (16 hours and 37 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Rh rn nrh hrh rh ra rn zrmbrrh" (16 hours and 31 minutes ago)
   * Iggy13 said "I smell coconuts" (16 hours and 27 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Barhah" (16 hours and 20 minutes ago)
   * A zombie killed deleterious. (16 hours and 16 minutes ago)
   * elgala revivified a zombie. (15 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "wow, lot of zombies in here today." (15 hours and 41 minutes ago)
   * One Angry Zed said "thanks for the revive, elgala... I don't know if you want it, but I found this tooth lying around outside, it's all I have to offer at the moment... *proffers tooth to elgala*" (14 hours and 49 minutes ago)
   * elgala said "err, thanks, but I think ill do without it. why not chuck it in with the talent show prizes or something?" (14 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * sarah tonin said "Damnit Sir Fred hold still...." (14 hours and 33 minutes ago)
   * Todd Evers said "Dear MoreThanDork the PK'er: Make me a zombie and it's Dork-chow. Living? I don't PK. Unlike some." (14 hours and 21 minutes ago)
   * Todd Evers installed a generator in the building. (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Graagh." (13 hours and 53 minutes ago)
   * Tom Deat said "Greetings, Librarians, Harmans, Zombahs, and other residents of Quartly Library! Good to be back. *Shifty Look* I'm not supposed to be here...I took a detour to be here again. But this Center of Learning is so much more enjoyable than all the others." (13 hours and 45 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AH AHNZ AH AHNZ!!!" (13 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AH BAHNZ AH BAHNZ!!!" (13 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AHMA ZAMBAH ZMAZH! AHMA ZAMBAH ZMAZH!!!" (13 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AH AHNZ AH AHNZ!!!" (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AH BAHNZ AH BAHNZ!" (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (13 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (13 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl said "Fist of Fury, thing69! Feel the pain!" (13 hours and 14 minutes ago)
   * Charles Darwin said "Is that what you had in mind Mr. Dork? En guarde!" (12 hours and 53 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Mrh?" (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Brnhr." (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Graagh." (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Grrrh." (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Grh." (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Mrh?" (11 hours and 58 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Brnhr." (11 hours and 57 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Mrh?" (11 hours and 57 minutes ago)
   * One Angry Zed said "thanks for the heals earlier, sarah... did you want the tooth I found? *gingerly extends it towards sarah*" (11 hours and 56 minutes ago)
   * One Angry Zed said "sorry deleterious, I'd revive you if I could, but I have no human skills, alas..." (11 hours and 55 minutes ago)
   * ignoti revivified a zombie. (11 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * ignoti said "Wakey, wakey..." (11 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, glad you liked the singing. I'll see what I can come up with for Everybody Watch the Show. The lyrics are tough to work with...I need to do more than just simple word substitution." (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
   * kingleotheII said "sup mafuckas" (11 hours and 3 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ma zambah na mararh harmanz na marh" (10 hours and 53 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Harmanz na mararh ma na marh" (10 hours and 53 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Az na mararh ma" (10 hours and 53 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ma ha zambah" (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Na hangrh" (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Nah mararh harmanz" (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
   * Gore Girl said "Fist of Fury!" (10 hours and 26 minutes ago)
   * a chimpanzee said ":: Walks in through the open barricades. Wonders if the zombies are here to read books or have lunch ::" (9 hours and 32 minutes ago)
   * a chimpanzee said ":: Considers if it might be time to have a poo slinging session ::" (9 hours and 31 minutes ago)
   * a chimpanzee said ":: Drops her head down in sadness. She cannot add her painting to the Quartly Library collection ::" (9 hours and 15 minutes ago)
   * xryanx1 said "My alt is carrying a tree cut from a park, as well as a set of white lights," (8 hours and 45 minutes ago)
   * Charles Darwin said "What a lovely chimpanzee, if she gets a little closer I could tell if she is a Pan troglodytes or Pan lovely little chimp, I have some termites for yooooooou..." (8 hours and 3 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "Touché, you sure pack a punch, charlie. but i will not fall so easily!! ( mostly due to your generous use of bandages)" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "so, bring it on!!!" (7 hours and 38 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "Have at thee! Muhahahahaaa!" (7 hours and 36 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "xryanx1 I know the Dalley library would love your tree. Ada McCloud would worship you if gave it to them. There a good bunch of people. There in Peppardville. Its about 15Ap to the NE." (7 hours and 24 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "En Garde!" (7 hours and 23 minutes ago)
   * MoreThanDork said "A fencing sword?? Holy crap! And you totally just stabbed me with it twice... dude, I'm gonna go faint now..... I will be whupping you in my dreams..." (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "Sweet dreams MTD." (7 hours and 8 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "Hey Ada a Alt of mine came across someone who still has a tree. And christmas lights I told him about this place and that he should drop by. Here's his profile. He is in the Quartly library." (6 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "whoops wrong charecer" (6 hours and 41 minutes ago)
   * Flickman666 said "im a dumbass" (6 hours and 34 minutes ago)
   * Kiisa said "So are we going to see any more talent stuff? We' ve seen some good stuff so far, but no one seems like they want to step forward lately." (exactly 6 hours ago)
   * Kiisa said "So, not to be called a hypocrite, I'm going to try a limerick:" (exactly 6 hours ago)
   * Kiisa said "There once was a zed from Nantucket, who kept his poor head in a bucket." (5 hours and 59 minutes ago)
   * Kiisa said "He showed off his dong, which was not very long, and said that he did it to suckit." (5 hours and 57 minutes ago)
   * Kiisa said "bad enough for you?" (5 hours and 56 minutes ago)
   * DeddHedd said "Hi Guys!!" (5 hours and 47 minutes ago)
   * DeddHedd said "Awww, I can't decorate... I wenta ll the way over to Pegton for nothing" (5 hours and 46 minutes ago)
   * DeddHedd said "The police station to the northeast thinks we are under attack again, which we probably are. I won't eat anyone this time, though" (5 hours and 46 minutes ago)
   * DeddHedd said "Pratley Road, that's it's name" (5 hours and 45 minutes ago)
   * xryanx1 said "Well Flickman, I was looking to save my tree for a special occasion. Can you think of any reason to put it down? I fear it won't last long in this city." (5 hours and 31 minutes ago)
   * Garguto killed a zombie. (5 hours and 12 minutes ago)
   * A zombie killed One Angry Zed. (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "MA ZAMBAH HAZ AAN! NAH HARMANZ MA HANGRA!" (4 hours and 48 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "NAH MAH NAH MAH ZAMBAH MANH HARMANZ NA MAR!" (4 hours and 47 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "MA HANGRA! HARMANZ MA MA HANGRA! HARMANBARGARZ hra AMMA!" (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "BA MA ZAMBAH NAH MANH HARMANZ NA MAR" (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at itself. (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HANGRA!!!!!!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NA MAR!" (4 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again.
   * A zombie gestured at the survivors. (4 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again.
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!! MA HANGRA!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!" (4 hours and 45 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at SweetIrony. (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!! MA HANGRA!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!" (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at a random zombie. (4 hours and 44 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "ZAMBAH NA hra HARMANZ! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!!!" (4 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured to the north. (4 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!! MA HANGRA!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!" (4 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured to the east. (4 hours and 43 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!! MA HANGRA!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!" (4 hours and 42 minutes ago) ...and again.
   * A zombie gestured to the west. (4 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!! MA HANGRA!! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR!" (4 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "MA ZAMBAH hra HANGRA AR HARMANZ! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NA MAR! GRAAAGH!" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "HARMANZ!!" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "AN rrh AN rh AR MAH" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
   * Quinn Inuit said "Hi, Chimpanzee! Good to diversify our species around here. :) Kiisa, great limerick. That was fun." (2 hours and 21 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south. (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 13 blocks to the south. (1 hour and 40 minutes ago)
   * Oysterchet said "EdwardNorton you have been charged for PKing innocents." (1 hour and 15 minutes ago)
   * Oysterchet said "And shepherds we shall be, For thee my lord for thee. Power has descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be." (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
   * Oysterchet said "In Nomeni Patri Et Fili spiritus sancti" (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
   * Oysterchet killed EdwardNorton. (1 hour and 12 minutes ago)
   * jambosque said "Barricades removed...Quartly is open again!" (49 minutes ago)
   * jambosque said "Thank you all for making this place so interesting!" (48 minutes ago)
   * A zombie destroyed the generator. (9 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Angrah Zambah z!ngz!!" (8 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ah nah harm harmanz, ah nah grahn nah zmazh" (8 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Zambah brahzaz harm mah, gah mah zambah razh" (8 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Bah ah nah angrah nah, nah angrah rn zah rh!brarah" (8 minutes ago)
   * A zombie said "Ah haz mah haam, mah zrahnz, anh mah Zarah" (7 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at sarah tonin. (7 minutes ago)
   * A zombie gestured at the survivors. (6 minutes ago)


  1. One Angry Zed said "thank you, buddhagazelle... I seem to be going through quite a few downs and ups lately, as it were" (23 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  2. Hatchet Guy revivified a zombie. (22 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  3. elgala said "great song!" (22 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  4. Kiisa said "god damn barricades, sigh" (22 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  5. Kiisa said "sorry, zombie, I missed the barricades" (22 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  6. Gore Girl said "I think Rick Flair should be responsible for getting another genny, since he smashed the last one. Or should I just go ahead and kill him and be done with it? Hmmmm...tough call. I'll defer to our zambah guests. What do you recommend?" (19 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  7. A zombie killed One Angry Zed. (17 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  8. bazfum killed a zombie. (17 hours and 37 minutes ago) ...and another. (17 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  9. A zombie said "Hah gahm Znarrah arrahz hazza zmazh barragaz?" (17 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  10. A zombie said "Znarrah nah habba za ahnargaz ah z!ng ahn Graagh!" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  11. Tom Deat said "Whats this? Barricades?! Up around the Quartly Library? Say it isn't so!" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  12. A zombie said "Mahna manha!" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  13. A zombie said "Rh rrng mrh" (17 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  14. Tom Deat said "Oh, I see someone has said it isn't so. Much better, I think." (17 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  15. A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (17 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  16. A zombie said "Bah zambah! Nah harm Angrah Zambah! Angrah Zambah nah harm rah! Angrah Zambah naz! Nah harm!n zah rh!brarah!!" (17 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  17. Gore Girl revivified a zombie. (17 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  18. A zombie gestured at one of the zombies. (16 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  19. A zombie said "Ahma naz z!ng!ng zambah!!!" (16 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  20. A zombie gestured at you. (16 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  21. A zombie said "Ahma ram haman, ahma naz zambah!" (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  22. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  23. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  24. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  25. A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  26. The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (16 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  27. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  28. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  29. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  30. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  31. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  32. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  33. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (16 hours and 37 minutes ago) ...and again. (16 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  34. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  35. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  36. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  37. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  38. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  39. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  40. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  41. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  42. The zombie lost its grip. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  43. elgala healed you for 10 HP. (16 hours and 36 minutes ago) ...and again. (16 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  44. xryanx1 healed you for 10 HP. (16 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  45. elgala said "alright, whoevers attacking, stop it." (16 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  46. elgala healed you for 10 HP. (16 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  47. A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (16 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  48. The zombie grabbed hold of you! (16 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  49. A zombie said "Zarah baah..." (16 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  50. A zombie gestured at you. (16 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  51. A zombie dragged MoreThanDork out into the street. (16 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  52. Pierre Bezukhov said "Well, it seems I have made my way to the esteemed Quartly Library. I hope that you fair ladies and gentlemen can find shelter for a weary traveler such as myself." (15 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  53. Pierre Bezukhov healed you for 5 HP. (15 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again.
  54. A zombie said "Zrmbrrh anrh!?!" (15 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  55. A zombie gestured to the north. (15 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  56. A zombie gestured to the south. (15 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  57. A zombie gestured to the north. (15 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  58. A zombie gestured to the south. (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  59. A zombie gestured to the east. (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  60. A zombie gestured to the west. (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  61. A zombie gestured to the east. (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  62. A zombie gestured to the west. (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  63. A zombie said "Zrmbrrh arh!" (15 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  64. A flare was fired 5 blocks to the west and 1 block to the north. (15 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  65. Flickman666 said "I can Understand that xryanx1. The reason I told you there was they had one of the last 2 trees in malton then a jackass named Avenger destroyed the tree. Then I belive sweetirony gave them a tree and he came back and destroyed it again. Ada was a little" (14 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  66. Flickman666 said "bent out of shape about it. It would make the McClouds pub members really happy." (14 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  67. Flickman666 said "do as you please *Ryan*." (14 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  68. Flickman666 said "Hi there Snarfo. You here to dance for the talent show?" (14 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  69. A zombie said "Mrh?" (14 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  70. A zombie gestured at itself. (14 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  71. A zombie said "MAH," (14 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  72. A zombie said "MAH hra ZAMBAH, MAH, MAH, hra ZAMBAH! MA HANGRA AR HARMANZ! BA MA ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR..." (14 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  73. A zombie gestured at the survivors. (14 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  74. A zombie said "Hra, AR HARMANZ! Hra," (14 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  75. A zombie said "Hra, AR HARMANZ! Hra,hra AR HARMANZ! MA HANGRA! BA MAH ZrMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR..." (14 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  76. A zombie said "BA MAH ZAMBAH NA MANH HARMANZ NAH MAR..." (14 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  77. A zombie said "RRARRH!!! RRRRAAAAHH!!! ZAMBAH Z!NGZ!!! NAZ!!!" (13 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  78. McNinch killed a zombie. (13 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  79. DJOokami3 healed you for 5 HP. (12 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  80. Dirk von Dashing III killed a zombie. (12 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  81. Buff Jenkins killed a zombie. (12 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  82. Derek Hansom killed a zombie. (12 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  83. Quinn Inuit said "Please stop killing the guests." (12 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  84. Quinn Inuit said "Ok, for my last act before I take off, I'm going to do a song dedicated to our old group leader, CowboyUp." (12 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  85. Quinn Inuit said "To the tune of The Bonny Streets of Fyve-Io (see here for the lyrics and Chad Mitchell Trio recording: ), I present The Bonny Streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  86. Quinn Inuit said "There once was a troop of Creedy dragoons / Come marching down through Peppardville, / And the captain fell in love with a very bonny lass / As we marched through the bonny streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  87. Quinn Inuit said "The captain’s name was Ed. He was the pride of the regiment, / The bonniest lad in all of the Army-o. / A very handsome sight, he was the ladies’ own delight / As we marched though the bonny streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  88. Quinn Inuit said "“Well it’s I’ll give you FAKs, and I’ll give you shells; / And I’ll give you a vest of kevlar-o, / If you’ll come on past your 'cades and prime all o'your grenades, / And we’ll march through the bonny streets of Peppardville!”" (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  89. Quinn Inuit said "There’s many a bonny lass in the 'burb of Peppardville, / Aye, there’s many a bonny lassie in old Malton-o! / But our Captain's heart was stole away by a lassie far away, / And he turned away from old Malton-o." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  90. Quinn Inuit said "“Mount up!” DocPutzs cried, “and it’s to Caiger we shall ride, / Down from the Fortress to Chudleytown-o!” / “Well, it’s travel another day!” we heard the captain say, / As we marched through the bonnie streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  91. Quinn Inuit said "Doc Putzs with tears o'eyes he bid a sad goodbye / To the bonniest lad in all of the army-o; / The Captain turned a metal key, and from Connecticut did flee / As we marched through the bonny streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  92. Quinn Inuit said "It’s lang e’er we left the town of Peppardville. / We had our young captain to remember-o. / And lang e’re we came into bonny Pitneybank. / We had a new captain there to promote-o." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  93. Quinn Inuit said "*slowly, sadly* There once was a troop of Creedy dragoons / Come marching down through Peppardville, / And the captain fell in love with a very bonny lass / As we marched through the bonny streets of Peppardville." (12 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  94. Quinn Inuit said "Thank you, everyone! You've been a great group to hang out with, and I'm sorry to have to say goodbye. Fare thee well, all of you!" (12 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  95. sarah tonin said "Quinn, you'll be missed..." (11 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  96. sarah tonin said "En Guarde!" (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  97. sarah tonin jabbed you with a fencing foil for 2 damage. (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  98. sarah tonin said "En Guarde! Lilandryl!!" (11 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  99. Lilandryl said "Make sure to write!" (11 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  100. Lilandryl said "HI YA!" (11 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  101. sarah tonin said "That's the spirit!!" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  102. Lilandryl said "It's really hard to punch when a sword is coming at you..." (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  103. Lilandryl said "Now for my round-house kick" (11 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  104. sarah tonin said "You need a sword my friend" (11 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  105. Lilandryl said "Yes, I thought my yellow belt would help me out, obviously, I'm outmatched :)" (11 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again.
  106. sarah tonin said "Well i'm pooped, there's only so much sword swinging this ol' lady can do in one day." (11 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  107. Lilandryl said "It's also had to move when you have 6 shotguns strapped to your back..." (11 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  108. Lilandryl said "I bow to you ST :)" (11 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  109. sarah tonin said "i find that multiple hockey sticks can be bound together to make quite nice bookshelves." (11 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  110. sarah tonin said "Good match, tomarrow again maybe?" (11 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  111. Leggy Bianca healed you for 10 HP. (11 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  112. Tom Deat said "Ah, PB, well met, sir! And I notice much sword waving. I simply must get myself to a mall and fetch one. What is a knight without his sword, hm?" (11 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  113. A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 10 blocks to the south. (11 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  114. Lilandryl said "Sure :) Tomorrow! After school at 3 o'clock!" (11 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  115. Jarper said "Farewell, Quinn. Take care!" (10 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  116. Quinn Inuit said "Thanks, I'll miss you all, too. Unfortunately, Sarah didn't quite miss me. A hit, milady, a palpable hit!" (10 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  117. WayFaerer said "Waah! Zombie! Kill it! KILL IT!!" (exactly 9 hours ago)
  118. A zombie said "HARMANZ NA MARAR MA ZAMBAH!" (8 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  119. xryanx1 said "Flickman666: I suppose I shall head over there when the siege going on at Dewes comes to an end. That is a disturbing story, I must say. When the time comes, I'll ask for those coords again. Also thanks for noting the profile." (8 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  120. xryanx1 said "You want chicken, yes?" (8 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  121. xryanx1 revivified a zombie. (8 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  122. Charles Darwin said "I would now like to read a passage from my book The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex" (8 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  123. Charles Darwin said "Man may be excused for feeling some pride at having risen, though not through his own exertions, to the very summit of the organic scale" (8 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  124. Charles Darwin said "and the fact of his having thus risen, instead of having been aboriginally placed there, may give him hopes for a still higher destiny in the distant future." (8 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  125. Charles Darwin said "But we are not here concerned with hopes or fears, only with the truth as far as our reason allows us to discover it." (8 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  126. Charles Darwin said "I have given the evidence to the best of my ability; and we must acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased," (8 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  127. Charles Darwin said "with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system" (8 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  128. Charles Darwin said "with all these exalted powers—Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin." (8 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  129. Charles Darwin said "For my own part I would as soon be descended from that heroic little monkey, who braved his dreaded enemy in order to save the life of his keeper" (8 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  130. Charles Darwin said "or from that old baboon, who, descending from the mountains, carried away in triumph his young comrade from a crowd of astonished dogs" (8 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  131. Charles Darwin said "as from a savage who delights to torture his enemies, offers up bloody sacrifices" (8 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  132. Charles Darwin said "practises infanticide without remorse, treats his wives like slaves, knows no decency, and is haunted by the grossest superstitions." (8 hours and 38 minutes ago)
  133. Charles Darwin said "Important as the struggle for existence has been and even still is, yet as far as the highest part of man's nature is concerned there are other agencies more important." (8 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  134. Charles Darwin said "For the moral qualities are advanced, either directly or indirectly, much more through the effects of habit, the reasoning powers, instruction, &c., than through natural selection" (8 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  135. Charles Darwin said "though to this latter agency the social instincts, which afforded the basis for the development of the moral sense, may be safely attributed." (8 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  136. Charles Darwin said "*sinks back into his chair* And now I need a very large snifter of brandy." (8 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  137. A zombie gestured at Merlynn. (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  138. A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin. (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  139. A zombie gestured at itself. (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  140. A zombie said "Mrh?" (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  141. DeddHedd said "Man, this place is so lively and fun, I think this alt has found a permanent home. Human or zombie, this library will be where I stay! I LOVE YOU GUYS! *SNIFF*!" (8 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  142. DeddHedd said "Hey Nick, CATCH!" (exactly 8 hours ago)
  143. DeddHedd killed a zombie. (7 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  144. DeddHedd said "*Laughs his head off* Wheee, shooting zombies is fun when you're drunk!" (7 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  145. A zombie said "Barhah!" (7 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  146. Gore Girl revivified a zombie. (7 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  147. surfs up killed a zombie. (4 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  148. EdwardNorton said "Thanks for the revive, Gore Girl. I didn't really deserved to be PK'd back there, especially but some idiot who spouts such pretentious nonsense as he does it...." (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  149. A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the south. (3 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  150. A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south.