Bizzy enjoying a lucky day
The McMurtrie Building, Rolt Heights [88,12]
Isabel "Bizzy" Bowers of Malibu, California, USA, is the proprietor of Book Bizarre in the beautiful McMurtrie Building [88,12] in Rolt Heights. She was visiting cousins in Malton when the outbreak began, trapping her as it did so many others.
Book Bizarre, for those of you new to the district, is an independent bookstore specializing in murder mysteries and supernatural fiction. The bookstore occupies all four floors of the historic McMurtrie Building.
While nowhere near as large as million-volume Powell's City of Books in Portland, Oregon, USA, Book Bizarre nonetheless is estimated to contain a hundred thousand books. Part of the second floor is home to the coffee shop, Unhallowed Grounds, offering a wide selection of gourmet coffees, teas and fresh pastries. Bizzy invites you to come in, relax and enjoy their warm hospitality. Because of the balconies extending from the second level, on fair days patrons may take their refreshments outdoors and read their books to the soothing moans of the shambling zed crowds shuffling along the streets below. Music's in the air and it isn't just jazz quartets and swing from The Mighty Wurlitzer, the jukebox still pristine even after all the travail.
The black currant jam is from bushes established in the roof garden across the street. Originally, Bizzy started it to produce salad ingredients. That was a number of years ago and it's now grown quite lush. Seedlings and cuttings were planted in large pots, old wash basins and re-purposed cast-iron bathtubs. These tubs and sinks were salvaged at great personal risk by Bizzy and her cohorts from burned-out buildings around the town. (Ask Bizzy, and she'll arrange a tour for you.) The roof is where she keeps the chickens that provide the eggs for her cakes. Later in the year, there's the famous view from the north balcony of the roses blooming in the warmth of the sun. Now everyone gets to enjoy the trees blooming and leafing out.
Saint Patrick's Day is always a very special time at Unhallowed Grounds. Wishing everybody good luck is the order of the day. Everybody tells stories of when they or a friend of theirs caught a glimpse of one of the wee people in Malton. Usually they are spotted doing their bit to fight off zeds.*
The shop is conveniently located four blocks from the Burchell Arms [89,17]. The quickest revives may be had at cemetery [88,13]. After you're revived, while away your afternoons in Book Bizarre next door, then run the four blocks to the Burchell Arms. Their ale is the stuff of legend! All of the holiday parties at Book Bizarre are catered by the Burchell Arms Regulars. These stalwarts have never yet let the community down. Bizzy's buffet table is always a splendid spread that fills half of Unhallowed Grounds. (Where do those deer keep coming from?)
Pyewacket, the shop's cat, enjoys St. Patrick's Day. Like a leprechaun, he can use his powers to hide and amaze. He's always full of fun. He loves to give the little folk rides on his back.

There are whispers around the neighborhood, not even rumours really, that Bizzy must be a witch because in spite of all the attacks, the interior of the book shop is still lovely. Bizzy just smiles and shakes her head, then laughs that if she were actually in league with the forces of darkness she'd be doing a lot better than an odd store on the edge of a ruined city. We aren't so sure. "People make their own luck. It's old saying but it's true," Bizzy assures us with a wink and encouragement to finish our coffee cake.
"I think the whole history of the human race is the search for little comforts. The aquaducts - all of it - is just the striving to achieve little comforts in life. That's why the bookstore is so important to me. I believe it's vital for people to have a place where they can relax and forget their troubles, if only for an hour." Giving us a warm smile, she thanks us for coming by to interview her and bustles off, exuding an air of invincibility, to polish some brass or whip up a new batch of delicious treats in her fabulous shop.
There's lots to do in Rolt Heights™
Don't miss our Saint Patrick's Day special!
This week's special: Clover leaf cookies and Irish coffee!
Book Bizarre, a pleasant place to hide.
Unhallowed Grounds offers many teas and coffees made just the way you like. Stop in any time for a fresh pastry treat, warm cake, pie or something chilled, if you prefer. If Bizzy is out on a supply run, someone charming will be in the shop and ready to serve you. Book Bizarre stands vigil 24/7. Come and join the celebration, always in progress, and give us a chance to please you. Whether it's a bank holiday or just a gloriously sunny day, Book Bizarre is indulging and so should you.
Isabel "Bizzy" Bowers (talk)