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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
aux. supply room (blocked)
corridor (blocked)
2 unliving
1 tehb
corridor (blocked)
corridor (blocked)
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 30 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside a corridor, now plunged into darkness. The overhead lamps on the walls are non-functional. The walls are quite bare, save for a few fresh bloodstains, but they feel smooth and cold to the touch. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP), Amy Hanley (36HP), Primrose Arni, Taiga Rosetti, and Roselaine.

You say, "We're here to look for May."

Why did you cooperate with Doctor Able in the first place? Was it not because you believed he worked in the best interests of Amy and May? Arni was not truly looking for May from the start, when he really had her under his care. With Amy taken as Arni's hostage, the only one left for you to help was Finch, unless you initially found Arni compelling enough.

Amy attempts to open her laptop again. (4 minutes and 15 seconds ago)
Amy says "It didn't get enough charge, it won't open!" (4 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "You can just do that later. What are you trying to access, anyway?" (4 minutes and 2 seconds ago)
Amy says "Shh!" (4 minutes ago)
Dr. Able peers over Taiga's shoulder, to see what Roselaine is writing on the notebook. (4 minutes ago)
Roselaine writes "Why didn't you stop them, Taiga?" (3 minutes and 38 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Why would I? If your girlfriend, or hell, your wife and daughter were taken away from you, how would you feel?" (3 minutes and 35 seconds ago)
Roselaine writes "Meh. I don't have either. Why did you make them wear the maintenance uniforms?" (3 minutes and 2 seconds ago)
Amy closes and takes her laptop, standing up. She peers over Taiga's other shoulder. (2 minutes and 50 seconds ago)
Roselaine writes "Papa Dod does not allow it, and neither do I. :(" (2 minutes and 29 seconds ago)
Taiga says "It's for protection." (2 minutes and 27 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "It was Commandante Rose who made us wear the suits, to protect against Arni's tracer bugs." (2 minutes and 20 seconds ago)
Taiga says "If she did not make them wear the suits, they'd trigger the automated security system." (2 minutes and 13 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Remember what happened the last time Doctor Able got to this floor? Arni was broadcasting threats to him." (2 minutes and 5 seconds ago)
Taiga says "He was broadcasting it to all our earpieces, and it seemed Doctor Able was speaking to no one in particular. He was talking to his phone." (1 minute and 52 seconds ago)
Taiga says "The gas that was sprayed on him hindered him from walking." (1 minute and 47 seconds ago)
Taiga says "I saw him there, took his phone, and saw that some people were texting him." (1 minute and 41 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Text-to-speech was enabled on his phone, but it was picking up Arni's emergency broadcasts." (1 minute and 34 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Arni has this technology that can disrupt thoughts, through the release of specific frequencies from his 'tracking bugs'." (1 minute and 26 seconds ago)
Taiga says "I had to help him out of here, and bring him back to the third floor, where the security system isn't employed." (1 minute and 17 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Then, I had to bring out an oxygen tank for him, because I wasn't quite sure he was still under the effects of the gas." (1 minute and 8 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Sounds like it was an anaesthetic gas. Now that I think of it, I had retrograde amnesia. My memory of what happened when I got past the fourth floor is hazy." (55 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Thank you, Taiga. I think I do recognize you now." (50 seconds ago)
Taiga says "I heard Amy interrupting some of the broadcasts. Were you with Arni at the time?" (44 seconds ago)
Amy says "No, it was not me!" (42 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Eh? I'm sure it was you!" (39 seconds ago)
Amy says "It's not like I can talk about it." (36 seconds ago)
Roselaine writes "If you tell me what happened, I might be convinced to help you. :)" (5 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
"Come on, Amy, how did you do it?"
You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: curry bread, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.