User:Deathy McD/Deathy McDeatherson

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Deathy McDeatherson - Level 38 Civilian
Class: Civilian
Level: 38
XP: 537
Joined: 2009-02-23 22:51:09
Alive: Former dead chick with a new lease on life. Smells of freshly baked cookies, vanilla and formaldehyde with a faint odour of wet, rotting skin. Got any chewing gum or deodorant?

Dead: This dance-loving zombie seems friendly, but you can tell she is sorely tempted by your lovely-smelling bra!nz. You thought you smelled vanilla for a sec there, but now all you smell is decay. Revive pls, kthnx!

Wearing: white contact lenses, a pendant necklace, a Malton Zoo t-shirt, a dark red jacket, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of dark red boots

Group: The Randoms
Skills: "Okay, so I think I've always been a little lost. The city's so big, right. And before things went south in Malton it was always a bit hectic. Everything moving. I just felt like a little mouse, trying to find some cheese. Or something.

After the zeds showed up, I headed south, into areas of the city I've never been in and I ended up finding a home in the Butt with the Randoms. So that was great, right?

I mean, relatively. The city being trashed, us all being trapped and all the dead people walking around kind of puts a damper on things.

I spent a lot of time at The Bainton Hotel in the old days. Making friends, eating food, drinking, and occasionally blasting unfriendly zombie hoardes into next week, as one does. It was great! I felt like I had a place.

I mean... I know I left a lot... Sometimes you just need to see other parts of town, right? In the end, though, I always come home to good old Buttonville.

So! The world is ending. That sucks. I'm super attached to the Finlay crew in Kinch Heights, but I can't forget my Randoms over in HQ. So I'm trying to be in two places at once right now.

Gang, it's been real. thanks for being the best group a (R)random wandering loner could stumble into. You guys made the zombie apocalypse fun, and I'm really grateful for it.

(... uh, by the way. I'm sorry for the missing Bainton Hotel silverware and mugs. You know, the fancy stuff with the monograms? Yeahhhh. That was me. I traded those to get some almost-new socks and Pokemon cards that weren't covered in gross zombie sludge. It was worth it though, I got a Squirtle! - D)"

Newspaper Slapping (Not really a skill, but it's fun to do)

Sack Of Convenience (The never-empty RP sack of whatever is needed at any given moment. For some reason, It's usually stale food.)

Shopping Therapy (Are you sad? Possibly because Urban Dead is shutting down? Make your way on down to Ketchelbank and console yourself with a shiny new Malton Zoo t-shirt! Look, this one has a cute bear on it!)

(OOC:I didn't want to use an AI render, but lack of time/I can't fecking draw people!) Deathy McD (talk) 09:23, 13 March 2025 (UTC)