DPeterkin | |||||||||||||||||
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LCPL. Peterkin Mission Log
January 13, 2008
1230 Hours
The CO says were shipping off to some city tomorrow, Malton was it? I overheard a couple of the others talking about how this place is an industrial city, full of laboratories, malls, factories, and rich people. I walked by the airstrip and saw our helicopters being filled with hazmat suits and a bunch of med-kits, i wonder what's going on there...
January 14, 2008
0945 Hours
At around 0700 hours, our ship left port muerta in Miami. We're landing in New Jersey and taking Seahawk helicopters to Malton, New York. ETA is in around 50 minutes, and all of the guys seem a little on edge. LT. Brenner is especially shifty. He must have prayed four times since we got onto the helo. Our team is made up of LT. Brenner, Sgt. Black and Pvt. Richards, our Assault troopers, CPL. Tchenovski, our Engineer, Pvt. Sheppard, the Medic, and me, our Scout Sniper. ETA is 15 minutes, everyone starts checking eachother's gear. Me and Sheppard start checking eachother's gear. He asked me if i was ready. I think i'm ready. I mean, were just controlling some riots, no big deal right?
January 14, 2008
1025 Hours
We were just strapping on our 'chutes when the pilot started flying low, i looked out the window and saw some fires and people fighting in the street. Just then, i saw someone jump at the helicopter. What the hell?! He hit the rear propeller and we started spinning out of control then we hit the ground and I went unconcious...
January 14, 2008
1030 Hours
I awoke in the helicopter and looked around, holy s#%*, SGT. Black had a piece of metal from the helo going straight through his head. My sniper rifle's barrel was bent so all i had was my pistol. I awoke the others, and one of the pilots, named Bruce Andrews. I grabbed Black's Mp5 and Lt. Brenner took us outside. When we got out, we saw some people stumble towards us. They looked cut up, and hurt, most of them were limping or dragging their feet as they walked. Tchenovski went over to a few of them to help them over to us and one tackled him. He yelled at him to get off but the wounded man tore off Tchenovski's vest and dug its hands into his stomach. It pulled out some organs and it along with several others began feasting. All of us were frozen in shock until one jumped from the top of the Seahawk and tore Brenner's head off. It began drinking his blood and we all opened fire. A horde of these...things....all i could think of calling them was...zombies...attacked us. Most of us were pretty banged up, broken ribs, gashes, but no one else died. I we went into a building with a sign above it labeled "The Tibbotts Building" and we fell asleep, taking turns on watch.
January 16
1725 Hours
Our supplies are nearly out, so i looked around for a map. I found a Mall about 2 hours from here. I told them to hold tight, and that id be back with supplies soon.
January 18
1520 Hours
I made it to "Mitchem Mall", but it took a while. The "zombies" kept lurking, its as if they had my scent, so i had to frequently hide. I met some doctors and gathered supplies. They told me to go to a place called Gelasius General Hospital, to get medical supplies for my teammates.
January 29
1846 Hours
I made it to Gelasius Last week, and i've been scanning the radio channels for other military units. I'm about ready to make my way back to Tibbots, but first i went to a police station called "Ling Boulevard Police Department" to stock up on ammunition and a new flak jacket. Mine got torn up and my Mp5 is out of ammo.
February 2
???? Hours
After a boring day at Gelasius, i looked out the window to see a zombie entering Club Athill next door. I ran over with a fellow soldier and we dispatched the zombie. There were many dead outside so my companion went out to kill them. I found a heavily wounded survivor and began surgery. I cut him open and removed several infected teeth. I worked for hours and eventually passed out.
February 4
???? Hours
Pain. I was in alot of pain. I felt holes in my head and torso. I struggled for about an hour to stand up. I looked over to the man i tried to save. He was missing a chunk of arm and his stomach was torn open. I tried to scream but all that would come out was a long, painful groan. I began to walk, but i collapsed. Each time i tried to move, all i could do was lurch forward. Was of them?
February 5
1655 Hours
Agh, there was a horrible buzzing noise in my ears. I stumbled to my feet and moved forward. To my surprise, could walk and think straight. I was in alot of pain,but i moved forward and managed to say, oh god my head. That was a good sign. I walked into Gelasius and passed out in the lobby. I was alive.
February 9
1449 Hours
Last night i was asked to escort and protect a High Ranking Officer to a battle zone so we could retake the area. Today I healed her injuries at a nearby club and went back to Gelasius to restock for the journey ahead. While at gelasius, i caught wind of a Lima Two Sierra (Code for Zombie) breakin at a nearby Cinema called "Shyar Cinema" i headed over where a saw a bunch of wounded survivors and two Lima Two Sierras. I went over to a man with an infected bite wound and applied first aid. Exhausted, and out of First Aid Kits, I pulled out my sidearm and fired four rounds into the nearest zombie. It collapsed just as I did.
1510 Hours
I regained consciousness in Shyar to a zombie clawing at my flak jacket. I was relatively unharmed, but the zombie managed to bite my arm and it looked infected, unable to help the remaining survivors in the cinema, i dragged myself out of a window and got into "Club Athill" next door. Unable to stop the pain, or even my bleeding, i fell unconscious propped up on a wall.
DPeterkin Is A
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Urban Guerilla |
This user is part of ongoing the armed struggle in the streets of Malton and will fight the enemies of the people until the revolution is achieved. |
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Bounty Hunter |
This User or Group hunts and kills PKers. |
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