User:Dr Wyndham Watson

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Despite having been a military medic, Wyndham was a doctor specializing in plant genetics, not medicine. Attacked by an early wave of zombies in a military biosciences lab, the resulting chemical mess means that he's now part man part yeast extract. The stethoscope was an affectation which has somehow became fused through his neck during a awkward revivication in Shearbank.

Dr Wyndham Watson
Joined: 2008-12-28 13:57:31
Character class: Military
Favorite equipment: A bag full of old Radio equipment
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Messed up
Character group: Too confused to join groups
Character stats: Unknown
Journal: No journal for Dr Wyndham Watson

31st May 2009

Unusually lucid after what seems to be a lengthy blackout, Wyndham found himself scavenging for Ammo back in Richmond hills' Carl Street Police Department as it looks like St. Mark's is attracting zombies at the moment. Wyndham wonders if they are coming for him and him alone. Maybe a beer will help.

2nd May 2009

Following a night time break in at a police station in Richmond Hills he was hiding out in, Wyndham is currently lurching after the scent of the Militant order of Barhah in West Becktown, who he recalls feeling a certain affinity with. Wyndham believes, insofar as he'd be able to express it, that a college education and rich life experience make for better tasting brainz.

20th April 2009

He's pretty disturbed right now and vaguely recalls something... barhah... which calls to him when sleeping.

Currently revived, Wyndham is confused and hiding out around and about St. Mark's Hospital in Richmond Hills listening to Radio ENVY. The people in the hospital seem friendly enough, having found him on the very edge of succumbing to infection once more. He hopes that he won't find himself accidentally trying to eat any of them.

There is good beer to be had the Splain Arms. Maybe that will take away the... calling for a short while...


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My other character is called Astrid Moriarty. She lives in the East of the city, and is more pro-survivor.