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Bounty Hunter
This user is a Bounty Hunter.
Body Count
Drunk_Link2500 has identified and killed 16 Pkers.
I joined Urban Dead in April 28, 2009. I immediately searched for a group to join. I picked the Umbrella Corporation because I love the Resident Evil series of games and movies. I joined and was a recruit for about a month. I graduated from Whiskey Platoon on June 10, 2009. The once dead Victor Platoon was reactivated and I was assigned to it. On Sep. 4, 2009 when Thadeous Oakley G. left the Umbrella Corporation and his position as Victor Platoon XO, I took his place. Today I am still Victor's XO along the side of Kylac, the platoon's CO. I soon became a member of the senior staff in November 2009. In February 2010, I started by bounty hunting career for the Umbrella Corporation. On January 15 2011 I was promoted to Director of Public Affairs. Contact me on my talk page or on the Umbrella Corporation Forum for diplomacy with Umbrella.
Join the Umbrella Corporation!
If you wish to join please go to this link: Umbrella Corporation Forum or go to this link in the wiki Umbrella Corporation
If you have any questions for me or about Umbrella or if you wish to set up an alliance of some sort, please use my talk page. Thank you.