Most civilization is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame. - The Stolen Journals of Leto Atreides II, The God Emperor
Date of Birth: 14th February 1978
Hair: Shaved
Place of Birth: Melbourne
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 11''
Complexion: Fair
Weight: 12 stones
Sex: Male
Build: Medium
Race: Caucasian
Damon Young was attending a Philosophy conference at Malton University as a guest speaker when the outbreak hit. Subsequently he joined the shadowy group of intellectuals known as the Philosophe Knights in an effort to maintain the knowledge in Malton.
He is a pacifist in a group known for its Player Killing, but only rewards those people who frequent Centres of Learning and he also repairs and maintains such sites.
Until recently he was on a quest known as The Culture Tour 2008, an attempt to visit, repair if necessary and study in every museum and library in Malton. The attempt was successful and took ten months to complete.
Centres of Learning Policy Supporter
Damon Young supports the Centres of Learning Policy and acknowledges that all Libraries, Schools, Zoos, and Museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of Damon Young or the Philosophe Knights.
Gladiatorial Arena Policy Supporter
Damon Young supports the Gladiatorial Arena Policy and acknowledges that all stadiums in Malton are gladiatorial areas, in which the killing of another survivor is not a crime and therefore not punishable in any way.
Recognition This page is based on Citizen VI's user page. His in turn is based on the Philosophe Knights wiki design, created by Masque and greatly influenced by the designs of Sirens.
All discussion should be kept on the discussion page or the main page or on the forum