User:James Ennis

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Creator of the 2nd Squad, making sure to keep them seperate and planning to insert them into the Malton Chronicles.

2nd Squad Stories

James Ennis
James Ennis.JPG

Private Ennis works to save innocent civilians in Northeastern Malton

Joined: 4/14/07
Character class: Private
Favorite equipment: Shotgun
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: The Buckrell Arms Troops
Character stats: 54 zed kills, 5 revives, 4 deaths
Journal: [1] for James Ennis

Private James Ennis, 2nd Squad

James was a rookie in every sense of the word when he and his squad were dropped into Malton to help crush a terrorist uprising. What he found, after being seperated from his squad, was that the city had actually been overrun by hordes of shambling undead. He was nearly killed within hours of the mission's start, but managed to make it to the St. Aidan Complex in Gibsonton/Dunningwood. Since then he's worked hard to make the Northeastern Safe Zone as clear as possible of the undead menace, even while the Rolt Heights War raged nearby. After the War ended James spent some time in Rolt Heights itself, helping to clean up the devestated suburb before moving back to the Complex, specifically the HQ of the Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile. While not associated with the Cult in any way, its upbeat nature persuaded James to spend several weeks based out of the Complex. Eventually he revisited an old stop in NE Dunningwood, the LBPD, to help defend it from a feral attack. He has distinguished himself in that region, making many kills and managing the cades. After more than two and a half months of serving in that region, he returned to the St. Aidan Complex to help fight off an attack. However, the complex was quickly overrun, with James suffering his second death and revival since landing in Malton. Evenutally peace was restored there, though, and he moved on.

James attempted to create and run a paramilitary/police group known as the LBPD based out of the station with the same name, mainly as he believed increased survivor organization was the only way to truly hold the area. However, it was not meant to be. Low recruitment numbers and general chaos and a lack of communication led to the group dying off, and James began skulking from pub to pub, drowning his sorrows. However, he eventually joined up with the The Buckrell Arms Troops, and currently spends his days polishing the bar and guarding the beer stash. There was one foray from his comfortable spot behind the bar, involving a rush north to defend Rolt Heights in early December '07.

But the big event came when James rushed south to fight The Secod Big Bash at Giddings Mall. After almost a month, the mall fell, and James shambled back to Buckrell to toast the comrades he'd met and the enemies he'd fought at that epic clash.

Survivor giddings stand.jpg Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the living that fought honorably against the Big Bash 2 in the one month long Battle of Giddings.

Zergling.gif Alt user
James Ennis has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.

Alts are Harry Likos and Arthur Patstone. Careful management is done to keep all three characters seperate.

Pkdaythumb.jpg Body Count
James Ennis has killed 54 zombies.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
Headshots are my main export.
Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.
This user is a Christian.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
RAF Private.jpg Private
This user is a private in the military and is probably off pumping lead into a zombie.
Flare.720.jpg The Second Extravaganza
This user is wholly dedicating to making the 3rd of July the most absolutely kickass night ever..

Han shot first.jpg Han Shot First
James Ennis supports the theory that Han totally shot first. Seriously, anything else is ridiculous. That Greedo dude wasn't fast enough for Han Solo.