User:Jim North

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Hello, I'm a newbie! Hopefully won't remain a newbie forever. You know how it is.

My real name is Roland Lowery, I'm 30 years old, and I'm currently unemployed, which is why I can spend a lot of my time waging war against/for the zombie hordes. Or ghoul hordes, if you prefer. Which I do. Because I'm an undead monster snob. But I'll call 'em "zombies" around here just 'cause it'll save time. Anyway!

My Characters

Jim North

Normal Status: Dual Nature (Human Consumer / Zombie Shopper)

Current Status: Zombie Shopper

Appearance: 6'3", 210 lbs., brown hair (curly), green eyes, glasses, van dyke, wears mostly blue and black clothing

Human: Before the outbreak, Jim was just your normal fellah, spending his life tooling around on the internet and wondering if he'd ever find another job. His job swiftly became survival as the dead began to rise and feast upon the living. Grabbing his trusty ski pole - and wondering why on Earth he had a ski pole in his apartment - he struck out on the streets and started making his way to the nearest safe haven. Now operating out of Bale Mall when it isn't overrun by zombies, Jim intends to arm himself better, hunker down, and hope that the internet becomes available again soon.

Zombie: Itchy. Tasty. Zombie Jim wants the 'net back up and running, too, so he can start bidding on eBrayn, the undead auction website. In the meantime, he makes do with whatever brain bargains he manages to find on the street. Om nom nom.

Vax Nader

Normal Status: Human Doctor

Current Status: Alive and well and hoping to stay that way

Appearance: 6'0", 195 lbs., brown hair (very frizzy), brown eyes (wild with fear), wears mostly typical doctor's outfit and a surgical mask

Vax had just finished up his internship at St. Isidore's Hospital when the outbreak occurred and now finds his medical expertise being applied to fixing up zombie bites and scratches. While he's both willing and able to lend a helping hand to the survivors of Malton, he's also extremely freaked out. Please do not sneak up on him unless you want a few syringe wounds for your trouble. He's just a little high strung at the moment.

James Smythe

Normal Status: Human Army Private

Current Status: Alive and just blocks from his destination, For Perryn!

Appearance: 5'10", 200 lbs., black hair (crewcut), blue eyes, wears mostly army fatigues mixed in with whatever useful he can find

James (never Jim, or Jimmy, or Jamie . . . always James) is stationed at Fort Perryn, but was out in the city on leave when the zombie infestation began. He's been slowly working his way back to the fort and has gotten a serious mad-on for the zombie horde along the way. He has taken it as a personal crusade to wipe every single stinking flesh-eating motherless son of a ghoul off the face of the planet, and he will not rest until that job is done.


Normal Status: Zombie

Current Status: Blissfully Undead

Appearance: 5'7", 125 lbs., grey hair (what few strands of it remain), green eyes (gangrene, that is), wears whatever he had on him when he died . . . he's not really of a state of mind to look down and find out what it is

Ratmuncher not remember what it like being alive. Ratmuncher always zombie, far as he know. So he go by "Ratmuncher" 'cause he like to munch rats. They very tasty. Sometimes when human been in trashy part of town long enough, they taste like rat, too. Ratmuncher always happy when he get to munch human-rat. Ratmuncher not really have home right now. He like wander streets aimless, look for rats to eat. Yum!

Template Madness

Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This User or Group supports the Dual Nature Policy & believes that the citizens of Malton should embrace their two-fold nature.

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.