User:Karth Salvage/Notes

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  Karth Salvage's Notes  

My private notes for remembering things by.

Edit Links?

 <sup><span class="plainlinks" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit&section=2}} edit]]</span></sup>

Thanks to Karek for the correct coding.


The FOD forum

The FOD Category listing.





Infinitus est numerus stultorum. "Infinite is the number of fools."

Basic skin coding

The basic coding to this userpage skin can be found HERE. I call it UDskin and you're free to copy it to your userpage. However, If you do, Please don't remove the flagbox. You can move it, the important thing is that it's somewhere on the page. Here's the handle:

old avatar


Possible bases?

72,17 Pashenton + surounding. 23,38 East becktown + surrounding

Ud text template

The exertions of the day have numbed your clouded brain. You stand where you were, swaying slightly.

You have run out of Action Points.

Action Points are restored at the rate of one every half hour - check back later in the day, or tomorrow, to continue.

 Upperbox=The exertions of the day have numbed your clouded brain. You stand where you were, swaying slightly.|
 Lowerbox='''You have run out of Action Points.'''

Action Points are restored at the rate of one every half hour - check back later in the day, or tomorrow, to continue.}} 

Last Edit Timestamp: 20081023093939