User:Khrushchev Campaign
Tovarisch Khrushchev, Anchorman, Medic, Mayor!
A brief message to my fellow survivors
Hello my dear friends. About a month ago I was viciously attacked by a currently unknown persons, although all signs point to Mantooth, and have had my internet stripped from my household! As such, I have been unable to stay in touch with this dear city. All is not lost however! I have many men on the inside, and they are working on getting my connection back up. I also have many eyes all across this great land of Malton, and although I have been missing, I have not been gone. Keep faith in me, and all your worries shall be laid to rest! Tovarisch Khrushchev 19:35, 8 April 2007 (BST)
Also, happy easter, where we celebrate the first ressurection of zombie baby jesus, and the glorious battle that followed!
Announcement Speech
A man, clad in a white suit that shimmers in the bleak twilight of Malton, approaches the stand. He has no need for prewritten campaign speeches. Hes just that good.
ahem Ladies, Gentleman, zombies out to get me, I stand before you, a man-NO!-an Anchorman! I have been in this fair land over a year now, which to many is but a vacations stay, but in that time I have fought many battles, healed many survivors, carried the fallen back from Valhalla, and brought a great level of class to these forsaken parts. During these past few months, the undead have swept across Malton, bringing a vice like grip to our city. They have taken our malls, they have taken our hospitals, they have taken our police stations, our bars, our junkyards, our liquor stores! Will you let them take our public office!? Choose me, my fellow survivors, as your humble Mayor! I have fought along, and against, the best Malton has to throw against us. I have seen and learned much during my days as a news anchor, and a survivor. I know what it takes to tough it out in this land. Should you elect me, I will help bring back what this city needs, class, and EHB buildings. Together, we will show those Zombiecrats that their choke hold on our city will not extend to our public office. We will take back what these zombies have stolen from us-Our Pride! Oh, and our city.
Stay Classy, my fair city!
Where I Stand!
Contrary to what the Zombiecrats and my competition will lead you to believe, I know what Malton needs. The Zombiecrats seek to destroy our way of life! They preach of a world free of vital Revivification Syringes and other prescription drugs! They say we'd be better off without guns, or barricades! They're vision is as rotted as their minds! I see a Malton of order, of equality! I see a future of freedom...
We've all heard of them, and some of us have witnessed their wicked work. I speak of the murderous criminals, the lost survivors, the sad minority we know as "PKers". They are seen as a menace, and are even hunted as they hunt us. There are entire organizations formed with the sole goal of bringing judgment to the "PKers". I plan to change this. In my vision, I see a city where ALL are equal. Survivor, PKer, and recovering zombie. I plan to set up rehab clinics for these survivors addicted to the kill. In these clinics, PKers will be treated until they are seen fit to be re-released into our society. Then, they will be given honest jobs corresponding to their skills. This will help in my overall goal of uniting mankind against its only true enemies--Zombiecrats, and Bears.
Through me, Unity
As in any post-apocalyptic scenario, we the human race have split! The horde is solidifying, and with their unity comes strength! If there is one thing I will give the Zombiecrats, it is their ability to achieve unity, but they were once human, and all their skills are based off ours. We too can achieve this unity, the solidity. We can become equals under a single banner, a unified banner, the great flag of Malton! I pledge to bring the survivor groups of Malton together under a single alliance. With this alliance, with this unity, will come strength against the horde, and the bears.
The Hybrid Theory
Long have humans and zombies fought, and long will we fight. This is a war, pick a side. However, as I have said before, zombie and man are related. We are brothers, comrades, at heart. There are those out there who believe Zombies and Survivors can live together, in peace, and I too believe that with time and effort, the necessity for the eating of human flesh can be weened from an undead's mind. Zombie and Man can someday live in harmony, and as Mayor, I will do all I can to make it so.
Greater Funds to Necrotech
Necrotech, the produces of the Necrotech Revivification Syringe, are one of many companies working hard to repair the balance in this city. They have stalled the extinction of mankind with their miraculous Revivification Syringe, and further inventions will help bring peace to our future. With more funds, Necrotech can further their research on the Undead and Living alike.
Bringing back the News!
For too long have our citizens read old papers from the other side of the gate! Too long have we been stuck with news broadcasts filled with static over our radios! It is time we bring back News with a face! I speak of bringing back the TVs, and bringing back the news! If I am elected, I will push for the return of TV News Programs in Malton, so that our citizens can be better filled in on the happenings inside our borders, as well as those outside the quarantine zone!
Wave our Banner!
Our fair city has gone too long without a symbol with which we can unite under! My fellow Maltonians, if I am elected your Mayor, I will design and construct a flag! A flag that may wave above this city and announce, "We're still surviving"! This flag shall be our symbol of hope, of freedom, of UNITY!
My fellow Candidates
The following is consistently IN CHARACTER and does not at all reflect my views of my opposing candidates. They're a class filled bunch! More to come as the election season progresses!
Karloth Vois-Politician, or KILLER?
I was approached early on in this election by one Karloth Vois, who asked if I would like to indulge in an election scandal. He offered to join forces with me to plot against our mutual opposition. He then asked me to meet in an abandoned warehouse and to come alone. I denied his offer, and never met with this man. Why? Because I do not believe in dirty tricks! He will do anything, including KILL his opposition, in order to be Mayor of Malton! I fear that should he succeed, his madness will infect our great land! Do not be blind to his deceptions my brothers and sisters! He is a trickster in the guise of a politician! Let the promise of unity guide you to the light! Shed yourself of his sins, and unite under a banner of freedom, a banner of Khrushchev!
Labine-The Jester
This man started his election as a joke, and now that he decides to run for real, has personally insulted my fellow candidates and I! This infection of our fair city is no joke, our SURVIVAL is no joke, this CAMPAIGN is no joke! His candidacy began as a joke, and if elected, he will no doubt continue this comedy act of a campaign! The day Malton is run by this jester, is the day the quarantine walls are broken down and our people set free in to the untainted world! Unity and freedom, that is what Malton needs! Not some jester making a mockery of this political office, and of our cities people!
So to YOU, Labine the Jester, I give this message--The Quartly Library is having a talent show. Perhaps your act would be better suited for such an occasion!
Suskind- Zombie Politician, noble warrior, TERRORIST?
If I hadn't removed my sweat glands after seeing Nixon during his debate with Kennedy, then Mr. Suskind would have me soaked! I have known this man for a long time. I have fought him on the field of battle, I have talked with him both professionally and casually, and I respect him as a classy man. Some people say he is a zombie, but I don't see people as zombies or humans, just as people.
As you can see, I have very little to object with when it comes to Mr. Suskind, but I cannot say he is without his faults. Mr. Suskind claims he wants a drug free Malton, but this seemingly innocent claim is laced with a poison more foul than the drugs he wishes to purge from our streets! Before the quarantine, our pharmacies were packed with such common drugs as Advil or Tylenol. Household items for the removal of headaches and pains, but still DRUGS. Would we have purged such drugs from our land? No. Now, in modern times, we rely on the commonplace Necrotech Syringe as we once did those painkillers. THIS is the drug he wishes to remove from our streets! This harmless syringe, which would bring LIFE to our people! His goals would bring nothing but chaos and death! The removal of our immortality! Our unity is dependent one LIFE, and he aims to destroy it!
Mr. Suskind, I am disappointed! Here I thought we saw eye to eye! Why would you wish to destroy our lives, our UNITY? Necrotech is the heart of our fair city, and the Syringe our blood. You would wish to drain us of this blood, this life giving force! For shame my brother, for shame!
Richard Nixon's Head
He is a head in a jar...COME ON!
Ad Posters
Ad posters, like the one seen above, are vital to spreading the word of my campaign! Let your voice be heard! Let the people know that a loyal servant of the Maltonian people has stepped up as not only their peer in this apocalypse, but their leader! Let it be known that their voice will be heard!
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Tovarisch Krushchev for Mayor! |
This user or group supports Tovarisch Khrushchev for Mayor of Malton! He's a News Man of Values -Odin's values- and he's here to put a temporary stop to the war on zombie-kind and clean up this town. Tovarisch will get the Desire out of the streets and the Scotch off the playgrounds. He's got a no-tolerance policy against Pirate Hookers and by the Hammer of Thor, the Apocalypse has been going on for nigh a year and a half and his hair still looks good. Vote for Tovarisch for unity! |
My template may be large, but so is my vision!
Also, I'd like to thank Ron Burgundy, THE BALLS HIMSELF, for making my campaign template. Hes been more than a leader, hes been a mentor, and a crazy drunk! Thanks again Ron! I'm 72% sure that I love you!
The Following Groups or Users have shown that they share a vision of peace and unity for the city of Malton! They share a vision of Tovarisch Khrushchev!