User:Kiros9999/Focus Skills

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Focus skills are abilities that temporarily boost certain traits of a player for a limited time. Survivors have access to a different focus skill depending on the class they chose upon character creation, whereas zombies will have access to all of their focus skills. Survivors who die and become zombies will not have access to zombie focus skills, nor will "natural born" zombies have access to any Survivor focus skills.

These skills are to find a use for extra xp accrued after a player has obtained every available skill in their tree, and can only be used when a player has bought all skills available to them (meaning a survivor must have ALL survivor skills unlocked, and zombie players must have all zombie skills unlocked.) These skills also cost 1 turn/ap to activate. These skills are also to give more meaning to choosing a class during character creation, since every survivor eventually learns every skill from every tree anyway.

Skills that last a limited number of turns will disappear in those amount of turns regardless of a player's actions (meaning if a Private uses Steady Aim, shoots a zombie for the next 2 turns, and then performs any other action that costs AP such as moving, healing, etc for the third turn, the effect will end). In the event where a particular class has more than 1 focus skill (currently in this case, zombies), only 1 focus skill effect may be used at a time. For example, a zombie cannot burn a large amount of xp to stack all of their focus skills on simultaneously. In order to use a different focus skill, they must wait until the previous skill's effect ends. This includes the pinned state.

Survivor Classes


Private - Steady Aim: Your heartbeat slows and your vision sharpens as you approach your target with deadly calm. Increases accuracy with Pistols by 20%, and Shotguns by 10%. Lasts 3 turns, costs 50xp.

Medic - Intern Experience: Your knowledge of first aid and firearms allows you to narrow down your search when looking for supplies. Increases the chance of finding FAKs by 25%, pistol ammo by 20%, and shotgun ammo by 15%. Lasts 3 turns, costs 50xp.

Scout - Your experience in the field has sharpened your survelience skills. Displays all zombies and players, inside and outside buildings, in a 1 block radius, and gives the status of each building (strength of barricades). Lasts 5 turns or 5 hours. Costs 20xp.


Necrotech Lab Assistant - Lab Proficiency: Your education has taught you to be more time efficient in your lab work. Reduces the AP cost of manufacturing Revive Syringes by 10AP, and their use by 5AP. Lasts 1 turn, costs 30xp.

Doctor - Field Experience: The challenges of tending injuries in lightless or ruined buildings has polished your skills to an exceptional level. Allows you to restore 15HP to survivors with FAKs regardless of your location/condition of any building you are in, and 25HP if you are in a powered Hospital/Infirmary. Lasts 1 turn, costs 20xp.


Police - Street Justice: When in a Police Station, increases the chance of finding Pistol and Shotgun ammo by 30%. When anywhere else, increases the chance to hit with Handguns by 10% and damage by 1, and increases the chance to hit with Shotguns by 5% and damage by 2. Lasts 3 turns, costs 50xp.

Firefighter - The Blade's Edge: Your resolve has strengthened and you no longer see zombies as people, you begin to consider them obstacles in your way, like the locked doors of a burning building. Increases the chance to hit with melee weapons by 50%. Lasts 3 turns. Costs 40xp.

Consumer - Backstage Pass: As you loot abandoned stores, you begin to discover the locations of their store rooms and supply closets. Increases the chance of finding an item in buildings by 10%. If inside a powered mall, the chance is increased to 100% and the player is given a list of items to choose from for that turn, depending on the store they are in, but can only choose 1 item. Lasts 2 turns, costs 40xp.

Zombie Focus Skills

Ravenous Charge - You become energized at the sight of the living. Increases the chance to hit with claws by 10%, and successful claw attacks have a 20% chance of causing the survivor to be tackled and pinned by the zombie. While in this state, the pinned survivor will suffer an additional 10% chance to be hit by attacks, however, the tackling zombie will also be left vulnerable during this time, increasing damage taken from attacks by 1. This effect (increased chance to claw and to tackle) lasts 2 turns and costs 35xp, but the pinned effect is special, read below.

This special state can end at any time by the zombie, by simply leaving the immidiate area (the square you are currently on), however, in order to end the state by the survivor, they will be randomly forced to either A.) Spend 5ap to force the zombie off them and to stand back up, or B.) Inflict atleast 5 points of damage to the zombie. Pinned survivors can still attack and heal themselves, but will not be able to do anything else (leave the area, heal others, etc) until the pinned state has ended. If the zombie chooses to end the state, the survivor will not be forced to damage the zombie or spend additional AP. Other survivors may also help free the pinned victim, but they will be required to do atleast 15 damage to the zombie. The effect is also cancelled immidiately in the event of either the zombie or the survivor's death.

Rage of the Grave - The ferocity of your attacks increases 3-fold. For the next 2 turns, your actions are tripled (meaning instead of 1 claw or bite attack for 1 ap, you will do 3, this includes attacking barricades). However, each additional attack is still subject to it's inherent accuracy, meaning each of those 3 attacks have an equal chance of hitting separate to each other. (Ex: the first attack could miss, while the subsequent 2 could connect). Costs 45xp.