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This member thinks that you should get the fuck out of Theo's.

Appunti013wg.jpg Denzel Washington
This user is Denzel Washington's alias.

Former member of The Many and the Council of Leaders (new). Recently returned as DARIS. Also known for his banjo skills, giving people seizures, and upholding the "Theo Way".

Known as 'Sykic' on the Urban Dead Forum and Desensitised IRC channel.

Now get out.

Totally Awesome Character Profile Crap

Joined: August 17, 2005
Character class: Golden Oldie
Favorite equipment: Banjo
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Rockin'
Character group: DARIS
Character stats: Get out
Journal: Journal for Sykic
Joined: August 22, 2005
Character class: Zombie
Favorite equipment: Hambargarz
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Under the weather
Character group: What
Character stats: Get out
Journal: Journal for Lamarr

You're All Faggots

I consider these guys to be faggots for various reasons.

Ludwig - Bitch, whine, moan, complain, MOD COLOUR, angry fist shaking, more whining, "You win, SA", MORE whining, etc

Eddo36 - Zerger, Zerger, zerger, faggot, zerger, annoying bastard, ban evasion, zerger, Shoe, zerger.

Legend X - Either a zerger or a complete moron. Probably both.

Shaft121 - Zerger, promotes hacking, worst poster ever, worst mod ever, dick sucker extraordinaire.

lol NPOV lol