User:Lane grate
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Malton Police Department |
Lane Grate is a member of the MPD. |
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Malton Police Departments Group |
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton. |
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Supporter of River Tactics |
I flow into the void. |
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No More Bananas |
Just say no to RP rape. |
Civility | |
This user or group believes that while zambahz and humans must kill each other, they can still be civil about it. |
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |
DEM Merits Earned
Ins Lane grate (MPD) | ||||||||||||||||||
Journal of Lane Grate third generation officer:
All I wanted was to be a Policeman. My uncle was one and so was my grandpa. Both are retired now.
My assignment to the suburb Greentown's Eley Way Police Department was the best. My grandpa started his tour here and it felt like coming home.
There was talk of new developments for the city, and possible growth. Looking back I guess that is true now.
The city has since been quarentined, and the dead are being re-aninmated by this 'contagion'. I don't pretend to understand all of it and the military has been called in to assist with the situation.
Got a call the other day from my uncle, he said "Keep your head, and do the job they trained you to do. Watch your partners back and they will watch yours."
Good advice. I hope I live long enough to thank him. But this was never covered in the basic police training. I think I need more training...
They tell me I was infected, but I don't remember dying.
The day the news reached the police training grounds, the coverage was unbelievable, and so scattered, that many of us thought it was advertising for a movie or TV series.
Later our trainers had us assisting with phone calls, those frantic voices speaking of break ins, looting, and gruesome details about attacks by loved ones. Bone chilling accounts of cannibalistic behavior of what is now officially termed the 'infected dead' by the Defense Dept. It all became very real, because this was my hometown of Malton.
Our C.O. read aloud the statement that the National Guard has been called in to Malton to take charge and that the city is under quarantine indefinitely. Then we were told we would be sent as re-enforcement to areas in need.
On the way to the transports, they issued our equipment: one .38c Service-6 Ruger, one speed clip of ammo, one Class IIa Tactical Response Vest. When I asked about Riot Shields and Helmets, the duty officer admitted they were on back order but hadn't arrived yet.
On the ride to the Eley Way PD the scenes from the window were sometimes barren streets, and in other places simply chaotic ruins. Some people were seen shuffling around, others ducked around corners as the trucks approached.
Arriving at a run, from the retreating armored transport, I entered the barricaded building of brick and mortar that would be my new home. The tired look of the other officers was mixed with grim determination and duty bound strength. Other citizens were also there, just as tired and grimm, but determined towards victory.
Later, I recall standing by the coffee maker waiting for a re-fill, and suffering the rubs about being the new guy. My uncle and granda called it the real initiation if you could take it and not lose your composure. I felt a little easier about my assignment knowing that some traditions never die.
They were taking bets in cigarettes, odds being 5 to 1: I would die and 1 in 20: I would not puke when I saw my first 'zed' attack. I pitched in my bets on both, that I would stand the test and do neither.
I remember laughing at a really crass joke, but can't remember the joke itself., I took a sip of the strongest coffee I had ever tasted. I heard the front door swing open, everything slowed to a crawl.
In the door way was a man in a really dirty shirt he had a large gash on the side of his head. I stepped towards him to render assistance, but then I saw his eyes.
Blinking in the interior lighting, distantly searching for something unknown and intangible. I recognized the signs even from this distance, he was infected.
Reflexively, I dropped my mug and pulled my pistol from its vest holster. As the mug shattered across the floor I shouted, "Zombie inside the station, Captain!", and pulled the action on my revolver.
Converastion fell, and I could hear chairs scrape on the hardwood floors. Every breath I took seemed to echo, and my heart beat loudly in my ears. Around me the other survivors rose and armed as well. Someone told him to "go on n' git", but he just stared vacantly at the words ignorant of thier context.
I squeezed off my first round. Wide and to the left. My second round hit the wanted sheets by the door. Those papers exploded into a cloud next to the zombie. My third shot slammed into his shoulder. He staggered slightly, then fixed those ravenous eyes on me and growled deep in his throat. With a stiff knee'd shuffle he moved towards me. Swallowing my fear, I emptied my gun into him, missing twice more and getting the last shot in his neck. After that, I used my gun as a makeshift sap, to begin bludgeoning him without mercy. He flailed at first, then grabbed my left arm and shoulder and bit into me.
Sometime during our struggle I lost consciousness. When I woke up I was lying on cold, wet pavement a little after dawn. I saw a woman in a blue med-tech jumpsuit sitting next to me. She looked serious, holding a device by my head. I tried to focus on what it could be. She stood, checked the reading, and walked away to my left. My vision faded slightly, and when it cleared another woman in a PMAC uniform was kneeling near me prepping a needle. She mentioned under her breath that she didn't normally do revivification here and that the Abbarow monument, a local cemetery, was more commonly used. Carefully she lifted my sleeve, patched my arm, and jabbed me with the syringe. She smiled a little, probably at my obvious confusion, then left.
I admit I may have blacked out again, for when I looked around and was able to stand they were both gone. Walking back to the Station I realized I hadn't said anything to either of them. I owe them both my gratitude and my life. I also lost some of the bets at the station house.
Note to self: better pick up a couple more packs at the next Q-Mart.
Joined the Academy 2006
Signed up for further training at the Malton Police Academy. Finally a chance to further my studies and become the officer I used to look up to along with my uncle and granda. I was given a lot of advice and set up with a pile of reading so I'm going to hunker down in a safe house, to get to work. Soon I will get the assignment to the training grounds, I hear they are 'front line active' so I best rest up and stock up.
week three: "Humble Thoughts on Humanity"
Been Patrolling the streets and assisting where I can. Checking into EWPD has become habit. Recently I overheard talk of a group RRF and everyone was tense.
I went out to gather more FaK and Fuel to help bunker the station. Warning others of potential dangerous times while scavenging and scouting is better than finding them latter eviscerated or zombi-fied.
I still shudder when I see a zombie, but after the first couple times, being infected is less horrifying and more a clinical condition. There is a rumor that after too many times a condition called "Brain Rot" makes a victim less willing to return to the living.
The churches here appear to be a line drawn in the dirty streets. Found a Bible left behind when I opened it I read "... they walk in filth and despair reigns high, so that there is no place left clean to eat..." How fitting.
week four: "Accepted into MPD Academy"2006
Woke up inside a warehouse this morning, checked the radio and generator still active, I left them running through the night and must have dozed off.
While listening for the next broadcast, I checked the barricades. Noticed a gap where a zombie had slipped through. I cautiously looked around until I saw 'her' eyes in the shadows, a dull yellow glow. I brought my arm up to push her back and she bit me. Backing away I used my last FaK on myself; then fired a shot from my shotgun.
Quickly I went to the radio, glanced at the dial (freq 28.79 GSE) I pressed the mic/talk button "Be Advised citizens of Greentown. There is one zed inside warehouse (34,77); zeds bite is infectious; use caution! Will hold position as long as possible." After spending my ammo against the zed, I vacated the building for ammo and faks.
I recall earlier this week hearing that the mall in the next suburb had been attacked. The attack was repelled but you can expect spill over in these chaotic situations. I guess this is ours.
She must have been a stray, separated from the rest and had sneaked inside after I had fell asleep. The lights were still on inside but I didn't see or hear her so I moved out towards the PD for ammo.
I approached the EWPD and noticed a lone zombie staggering around twelve dead bodies here. I recognized 5 survivors among the dead but had no NT equipment to do any good.
Entering the police station I have grown to call home, I announced to the room: "Be advised the powered warehouse(34,77) has 1 zed inside, its' bite infectious. I came here for supplies. So open hunt to any others". Roughly 10 survivors were in attendance and shortly after some of those left.
I crossed to my desk and noticed the summons from Ladydarke to 'Red Thrush Campus' for academy training. I cleared out my desk pocketing personal items and picked up my backup pistol/holster then put it on and loaded my shotgun.
Noticing the hour I decided it best to give up and try again tomorrow for Faks, fuel, and especially Ammo.
Settling in at St.D's I found a dusty bottle of wine. "In Vitis Vitae" I said to the shadows. Drinking lightly mumbling a prayer to St Michael for courage and protection while I travel to RT Campus.
"Trekking the Suburbs"
Left St. D's in best condition possible, two other survivors had holed up there so I bid them well and left. Moved rapidly across Greentown to a factory judging from the amount of zombie activity around the mall I decided to forget trying to enter there. Privately wishing I could try for a portable radio; I ran to G--- Plaza PD stepping over the 3 dead bodies lying outside the doors. Inside were a mob of survivors glancing fearfully at the barricades as if they might erupt at any moment with undead hungry for flesh. quickly I scavenged an extra pistol clip, then moved on. Ironically, there was a lone zombie and a dead body outside L----- Plaza Police Dept, which was barricaded and locked tight. Somebody had Tagged: . I recognized it as the Auxunit 10 wikisite a faction of RRF group. These ghouls specialized in zombie supportive propaganda! Spotted 7 zombies and 14 dead bodies outside the Ni-- Building, The doors have been left wide open no other survivors around. A quick check of my priorities and ammo told me to keep moving. After twenty or more block travel I felt tired. I approached Cast---n Wal-- Fire Station in Wykewood. The doors to the street left wide open and the building had been ransacked. However since no zombies were nearby I cleared the bodies and closed the doors, making what repairs I could. Somebody Tagged: Zombie Sex Up Point - DO NOT OVER EXCITE! onto a wall. Hmmm...Hope Im alive in the morning.
- dawn*
Yawn horrid taste in my mouth.... ratfarts Im dead again! staggering onward glancing at newspapers blowing around in the streets. Notice a few notices of NT locations being overrun. Hard to focus through the bloodshot eyes. Recall something important in the Northwest so I shamble that way. Walking feels better, lots of dead bodies and some other zeds grimace in my direction but mostly seem uninterested. At least I slept well I havent felt so full of energy for a long time. Odd but for some reason I have moved towards a graveyard. There are others here they seem to sway in the breeze. I think I'll try and do the same to blend in. Faint gnawing nearby and the crowd begins to moan softly.
As night dragged on I remained until I had recovered my energy. Then with my crowbar gripped in both hands, I slowly made my way to the Campus. I gauged it to be not far now and noticed some sparse activity on the way.
Approaching what appeared to be a large group of zombies, I recognized the uniforms of fellow Police, Fire, and Civil Defense Personel congregating in a small cemetery at the south end of St Ser--'s Hospital.
Finally, I seem to have reached the RT Campus and judging by the graffiti on a nearby gravestone, I lucked upon a revive point. Nothing to do now but wait for someone in medical to administer the serum. I must have looked a little silly hugging my crowbar and grinning from ear to ear.
Cadet Grate does a little service in the middle of Academy training.
Gave Maric Star <profile.cgi?id=808584> a recruitment speech as last action today.
"The MPD and the DEM would like the citizens of Malton know that our ranks are always open to those who want to make a difference here. If you are looking to be part of a great team, check us out <>." In the morning he said 'sounds good,hey any safehouses nearby cause were surrounded by angry zombie clans like dead on arrival'. After collecting my thoughts, I advised him best I could, 'try one of the churches or schools, these building are ok, and the Arms are old bars. Important not to sleep in Police Fire or Hospitals as they are targeted always by zed, some people like junkyards warehouses & factories but I don't trust them.
'Right now NixBank is red zoned as the zeds are rampant, suggest you head south Folkes Village or Riddlebank (SE) they are not so bad but enough for you to get some XP and buy say pistol or free running (its) best to check the area first ( for instance'.
It is humbling that we two are sitting here in foxhole positions under seige by the recently deceased, and though I am still a cadet I can set a example and advise like my predecessors. I guess the Academy does boost confidence, and being part of a larger team does have its advantages. Some one raised the barricade while I slept. Thanks team, and also the DEM for being here when we need you.
Academy Life
A little more than a week later I have trained harder in the specifics of survival, and assisting others to survive. I am proud to say I don't recognize myself as the rookie who came to the campus not long ago.
I recently received a field promotion to Heal Team Leader, since then I strive to direct the cadets under me well, and teach the fundamentals of Serving the public in this manner. The skills I use daily would have seemed impossible to imagine having when I began my career in Malton.
We move from one hot spot to the next going into the rough areas others are fleeing. It is tiring work, but rewarding. Conditioning us to think ahead re-act to alarms quickly and work as a team for the better good.
Most of my fellow cadets are Firemen, Forensics Specialists, Marshalls, and Volunteer Civil Defense. We all have the same goal and working together accomplish what others along could not achieve.
As I near graduation, my thoughts turn to the Police Staion where I began in Greentown, and what scant news bits we can gather from the static ridden radio broadcasts.
Post-Mall Tour 07
The conditions there are slipping there, in the wake of Mall Tour 07; and recovery efforts are slow in some of the more remote locations. the burg where my Granda walked his beat as a Patrol Officer, and the precinct he took me to crow to his colleges is struggling as the suburb of Dartside is swallowed into zombie occupation.
Hopefully my paperwork will reach the right channels, and I will be assigned a position at Eley Way PD, so I can honor my grandfathers memory, and the only place that felt like home.
SW-1 Assignment accepted - August 18th 2008-
Daily I see ripples of effect from my efforts and of those around me. The danger level has dropped but duty, like rust, does not sleep. There have been a few break ins, mostly feral zombies. Constant vigilance is part of the job, and integrity follows. Sighted a few known killers, and reported to the Marshal's their last location seen. I am proud of the badge, I earned. I have maintained as best I could the Station and here neighbors, and will continue to do so until commanded to mobilize. But this is my home now and I will defend it.
- August 24th 2008- Superintendent Orfui has awarded me a promotion to the rank and duties of Sergeant to SW-1 Division. A humbling responsibility that he feels I am ready to accept. I determine myself to be worthy of the honor and see to the safety of my fellow citizens. Marven Mall and Lockettside Mall have been publicly threatened with destruction. I have been advised by the Superintendent the proper course of action and where to direct refugees to shelter.
-October 26th 2008- Superintendent Orfui has informed me of my promotion to Chief Inspector of SW-1 Division, further expanding my responsibilities toward my beloved Suburbs within my jurisdiction. I take pride in the recognition bestowed upon me and in the midst of the present crisis, do an Irish Jig in the streets before resuming my patrol.
My Carreer slips -June 3rd 2009- I have accepted a lesser position of Detective. This is partially due to an unscheduled visit with family outside Malton; and my recovery from a family loss. I will continue my duties, and assist where needed however, I felt the whole of SW-1 Division deserved an officer with more time to address the whole picture. This also gives me time to grieve, and recover my emotional center.
Finding my inspiration in those who serve around me. One of the things I have determined when I began as a police officer is the motto: "to Serve and to Protect." Since then I have acted in the best interest of those around me with those words deciding what direction to go first. The MPD define my current position as "Experienced Cops who have distinguished themselves in the line of duty may be assigned the rank of Detective. Detectives have no command responsibilities, but are expected to lead crews, advise new Cops and generally be an example of the best the MPD has to offer. Young officers are encouraged to pay attention to their Detectives, as frequently the only reason they have a commission is because a Detective didn't want it! " It is what I plan to be worthy of everyday Alive or Zed.
Journal Entry 2013
"mens ingenti literanum flumine inudata in medias res." by Petronis Arbiter comes to mind. Translated it reads: "to speak of it softly in the midst of things". I humble myself daily with these words, and continue to serve, as weeks turn to months, and months to years. Familiar faces are fewer now, but not forgotten. I continue to serve the interests of the DEM in SW-1 Division, posting recruitment tags, a revive here, a FaK there., though the names change the work remains., and will continue until the end of days.