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A Hispanic male standing at 6 feet tall (1.8 M) and weighing 150 pounds (68 Kg) with Arabesque features. He has short black hair, with dark eyes. His skin is a darker shade of brown. He has no piercing or tattoos, but has several scars. One is across his left shoulder from a close quarters knife fight with an Iraqi insurgent, and another on his right side, from a bullet that grazed his ribs during a fire fight with Iraqi insurgents. He has little facial hair, but has stubble from lack of shaving. He is currently wearing a set of digital camoflauge fatigues, with his ALICE pack on his back. He carries an axe found in a local Fire Department in his hand.


Lance Corporal Leo is newly graduated Marine from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, California, USA. He was the Honor Graduate of his platoon, graduating with the rank Lance Corporal (PFC being earned for referrals to the Marine Corps before entering Basic Training). He made friends in BT quickly, and made three close friends named Private James Garcia (Jimmy), Private Douglas Johnson (Doug), and PFC Richard Huynh (Rich). He is a smart person, catching on quickly to anything being taught to him, and is also very athletic, placing two years consecutively in the Arizona State Track and Field championships in the 400 meter dash. He chose to become a field medic, wanting to become a heart surgeon one day after the Corps. Update: For his selfless and courageous acts as a medic, Leo has received a promotion. Thus, the wiki/profile will be changed to convey the aforementionted promotion (save for the Background/Entering Malton section)

Entering Malton

Having heard of the zombie outbreak in Malton for years, he received news on August 8th, 2006 that he was going to be sent in with one of several squads to stop the epidemic. Lance Corporal Leo's squad consisted of eight other people, Private Garcia, PFC Huynh, Private Johnson, Lance Corporal Adimas, and Squad Leader Gunnery Sergeant Jameson. He was astonished, but nonetheless joyous, to have his closest friends take part in this mission with him. His drop point was St. Bartholomew's Hospital, in the suburb of Pescodside.

He dropped in third of the squad, and they headed into the hospital to investigate. They set up there for the night, shutting and barricading the doors. They awoke to the sound of zombies banging on the doors, obviously trying to get in to eat them. PFC Huynh, the smallest and most limber of the group, climbed to the roof from the inside to see what was going on outside. He returned with his report, saying there were 13 zombies outside. The barricades were becoming weaker, so they prepared to defend the building. As the barricades came down, and the zombies poured in (whose numbers had grown to nearly 30), bullets began flying at the invaders. The front lines of the attackers were dispatched, but the remaining continued their advance. The sound of the gunshots attracted even more zombies, and the ones already in the hospital were closing in on the Marines. Private Garcia was the first to be eaten, since he was the point man. His screams still haunt Lance Corporal Leo's dreams, as do the screams of the others in his squad. Lance Corporal Adimas threw a grenade in the crowd, dispatching few of the undead. The valiant Marines continued to fight, but they were fighting a battle they couldn't win. As Lance Corporal Adimas reloaded his weapon, he was sucked into the crowd of the zombies, being eaten alive. Gunnery Sergeant Jameson called for a retreat, but there wasn't much place to go, the hallways being strewn with hospital tools and equipment, and they didn't know the status of the rooms down the halls. Gunnery Sergeant Jameson hopped onto the reception desk, firing his side arm, but was bitten on the ankle, and was dragged into the crowd. Private Johnson, PFC Huynh, and Lance Corporal Leo escaped down the dark hallways. The zombies were fresh on their tracks. The gunshots fired in the hospital, and the groaning of the undead attracted even more of their ranks, and their numbers increased at a geometric rate. The halls flooded with zombies, and there wasn't any place to go, nor any place to hide; the courageous Marines were at the end of their rope. They came to a dead end and prepared to fight. They fired endlessly at the creatures of nightmare, but there were too many of them. Private Johnson was grabbed by one of the zombies, and pulled into the crowd, his screams drowned by the sound of groans and moans of delight. The front lines of zombies blocked the others from advancing, and Lance Corporal Leo boosted PFC Huynh into the ventilator system. PFC Huynh then pulled Lance Corporal Leo up with him, and they began to move. They could hear the constant moaning as they moved throughout the hospital, and were back in the lobby when the suspension wires broke, dropping PFC Huynh into the crowd to be devoured. Leo turned around, looking for an empty room. Luck prevailed, and he found one on the second floor. He toppled into the secured room, and didn't wait a moment. He dove out of the window onto the grass outside and ran for his life. There were few zombies out on the street, and he found Millerd Walk Fire Station. He squeezed through a hole in the barricading to hear guns cock and see them pointing at him. He raised his hands, introducing himself. The guns were lowered, and he searched the area. The windows were barred and barricaded, so he found a room to sleep. Night had fallen, and the events of the day took his energy away. Exhausted, he could go no further, and collapsed onto a bed, hoping he'd live to see the morning.


Corporal Leo is currently an active member of the Malton Defense Corporation. A rising Medic in Squad 3 under the command of Julia Wedit (Squad Leader), and MDC CEO Master Guns. Corporal Leo was contacted by former CEO Coldsteel after hearing of the tradegy that befell his squad. Upon accepting the position within the Corporation, he relocated himself to the corporate headquarters.


Corporal Leo Araiza has acquired land, as well as the building erected on it, in the North Blythville area. The Travers Building is now a part of Corporal Leo's assets, and is to remain in the state given on its respective page. Corporal Leo also keeps a journal, which is updated as often as possible.

Note: All of the preceeding information is in-character, all based on UD and should not be taken beyond it, save for UD Wikipedia usage. Furthermore, although fictional, all entries into both the main page, as well as the talk page, are wholly original and belong solely to the owner.

Zergling.gif Alt user
Leo417 has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.