Bruce77Willis | |||||||||||||||||
N/A |
He used to be a cop. Now he settled down in St. Ethelbert's Hospital and joined the Malton Medical Staff to heal people and kill zeds.
He's holding a bottle of scotch and a box filled with Viagra pills.
November 27, '07
Broadcasting did not work. I got to speak [[BlackReaper though, but apparentely some weirdo's are hunting the poor bastard, and he was afraid to tell me where he was. So I looked for a mobile phone, found one, and realised I don't know his phone number! But ah, he must've etched it in a wall somewhere, hmm?
Had a great time in Club Crook. I found a jukebox, and pressed play. Immediately I started dancing when I heard the funky music. The Coasters. Suddenly I was warm again.
November 17, '07
Somehow Necrotech Mobile splitted up, and I lost BlackReaper. I looked for him everywhere, and I'm even broacasting on our old frequency we used back when NM was still active. I hope I'll find him. That son of a bitch kept me from killing myself. And I miss his hot soup.
Damn, it's getting cold.
October 26, '07
I'm at Pole Mall right now. It's horrible over here. Hundred people, breathing loud, giggling nasty and talking about how many zombies they killed with their axes and guns. Scum, criminals and first-class gangsters. They make me feel home for a moment.
October 25, '07
Today I woke up with a needle in my tigh. BlackReaper stood next to me and told me he somehow 'revived' me, and that I was a zombie. I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is that the needle hurts as hell.
October 22, '07
I found a sheep today.
And I had sex today.
See the connection?
Look, it's not like I'm proud of it, but everybody has it's needs. It's been a very long while since I had sex, and masturbation does not give statisfaction anymore. And it's not like it was a very dirty sheep. Far from. Actually, it was a very clean sheep. Rather adorable, cute and even fluffy.
October 19, '07
Life at Necrotech Mobile is amazing. Sure, I work harder then ever, but every day BlackReaper makes this delicious, hot soup. And believe me, soup is hard to make these days.
But not everything is sunshine (and hot soup). Word on the street is that large hordes of zombies are moving to Wyke Hills and the surrounding suburbs. I'm not afraid. I'm just a bit sad, cause everything was going so well. Oh well.
I'll write some more tomorrow, hot soup is waiting on me.
October 12, '07
I survived the heartattack. I dunno how, but I survived it. After recovering for about two days I'm back in business, working my ass off for Necrotech Mobile. We're moving to West Grayside now.
Also, I found alot of yellow clothes, and decided to wear them. So look out for a yellow dressed thug, when you're looking for me.
October 6, '07
My heart won't stop pounding. It just won't. Fuck.
After I joined NecroM, I started with my first mission. Look for a generator. It wasn't as easy as I thought. First I've got mugged by some gangstas, then a zombie bit me, and I had to look for a first-aid kit.
After all I completed my mission. To celebrate I drunk a whole lotta booze. Yes. A whole lotta booze. After my 10th drink it hit me. The doctor told me something about it before the outbreak. Angina he called it.
My heart won't stop pounding. It just won't. Fuck.
October 3, '07
Read some graffiti about the NecroTech Mobile. Maybe it's good for me. Y'know. Then I finally have some company. Then I don't need the Prozac anymore.
Went to their HQ, a weird, spooky junkyard. They were still asleep, so I guess I wait untill they wake up and ask them if I can join. Meanwhile I'll drink some beer.
October 1, '07
I've hurt myself today. Fell down the stairs in a ransacked pub where I was looking for booze.
Went to look for a fist-aid kit after that stupid incident. I looked everywhere: in a warehouse, at a junkyard and finally at a big hospital. All I found there was the corpse of a dead, but o so hot nurse. The first woman I saw in 5 weeks, and she was rotting. Ugh.
Dumped the body outside, and after I extremely heavily barricaded all entries, I fell asleep on a surgery-table. I never slept so good since the outbreak.
23 September, '07
Found myself a big machine. It looks like a generator but I can't be sure.
Haven't seen a single zombie today. I guess they're all hiding or went back to Ridleybank. I heard it's spooky over there. Oh well, never liked that suburb, so why should I give a fuck?
18 September, '07
Did not find any Prozac, but I found something even better. A big, tall, sharp fireaxe. Already tested it on the barricades of a hospital because the bastards inside wouldn't let me in.
10 September, '07
It feels like my balls are rotting away. My stomach growls like a wild lion. If only I had some Prozac, or something.
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Nothing Washes Away Zed Guts Like A Shot Of Belvedere |
This User Supports Heavy Drinking. |
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The South Will Rise Again!]] |
This User or Groups fights to make the Southern Suburbs RISE again! |
VVigo | |||||||||||||||||
N/A |
A small, blind guy with weird tattoo's and signs on his forehead. He's wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt, a black jacket and a pair of black shoes.
October 28, '07
Everything is so quiet. All you hear is your heart pounding in your chest. And zombies. Alot of zombies.
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Random Member |
VVigo is a member of The Randoms. |