User:Molh394 is under construction. It is either not completed or is about a subject or event which has yet to finish. Feel free to check back later for an update in information.
My Characters
Molh394: As a Private fresh out of boot camp, this hapless Marine got Zombified the moment he stepped into Malton, where he was deployed back in the days where the military hadn't given up yet. Overwhelmed by his newfound zombie instincts, he was urged to kill, and to get harman brainz. Oh, how he enjoyed that! He became so addicted to brainz that, even when revived, he would go and get himself killed, just to get to rend flesh and blood again. However, something changed eventually, as he regained some of his Memories of Life. Gradually, the Human Molh came back, and fought against the insidious Zombie Molh394 in an epic internal battle of mythical proportions. In mid-2007, after 2 full years of struggle, the Harman won hands-down. Molh394 is now a dedicated, determined Zombie Hunter, who has mastered his Zombie side such that he is able to continue being a Zombie Hunter even after death. Zombies beware.
(OOC: I started off as a Human, but I didn't know how to play humans then, so I was eventually zombified. I found zombies much easier and more fun to play, so I played on as a zombie till 2007, when I realised that the zombies seemed to be winning, and winning heavily. They were everywhere, and all the buildings in Malton seemed to have already been ruined by them. And I had already got all the Zombie skills anyway, even Brain Rot. Hence I got myself a Rot Revive, and now I play Human instead.
Brain Rot
One of this user's characters has brain rot and/or supports those select few who do have brain rot.
This user is male.
This User Plays Scroll Wars
This user or group has chosen to join the next great browser-based MMORPG, Scroll Wars! Enter the growing realm of DragonSpires today!
This User Plays Outbreak
This user is one of growing numbers of mercenaries playing the browser-based MMORPG, Outbreak! Join in and fight the good fight!