Look Upon Me, And Despair.....
It will never stop
Slaves Of The Mistress Technology Policy
Our human slaves destroy all mechanical devices that are found "abandoned". Immortals destroy anything living, or mechanical that displeases them.
Witness To The Mistress
This user has seen actually SEEN the immortal goddess in Malton!
Slaves Of The Mistress Recruiter
"Girls gone wild" don't bite you to death if you won't party with them...
The Final Sign of the Apocalypse!
One of Mr Aushvitz's suggestions was implemented!
You Gotta be Sh*ttin Me
Mr A has a 2nd suggestion implemented!
Just Won't Die!!!
Nothing we know of can kill MrAushvitz...
Nerf This!
This user actually uses the word "nerf" appropriately.
PSP Supporter
This user supports the current Pimp Slap Policy on the Wiki. Trolling will not be tolerated, bitch.
Zombies On The Move Just cuz you're dead doesn't mean you won't stay in shape...
Pimpaliscious! This user is constantly 'selling' themselves or their suggestions on the Wiki.
BRAN! Things would move more smoothly on the Wiki if we all just had enough Bran!
Sheizer! It isn't easy keeping all this crap under control!
MrAushvitz thinks that SPAM voting is the Antichrist.
This user is an atheist.
This user is going to Hell.
MrAushvitz is a Viking
They kick Pirate and Ninja ass with ease (all together or one at a time)
The Ropes
This user thinks we should show Those who vote SPAM without reading the ropes.
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.