All About Me
Colonel O'Neil
2007-01-21 23:54:06
Character Class:
Equipment on Hand:
Flak Jacket Pistol and ammo shot gun 2 radios and maybe a few med kits on a good day
Favorite Weapons and\or Firearms:
Desert Eagle and FN P-90
Character Acount:
Urban Dead Acount
Current Status:
Looking for supplies
Character Group:
Phoenix Division
Character Stats:
Level 21
Kill Counter:
Zeds: 25 PKers: 1
Commander and Chief of Phoenix Division detachment to Malton. Proficient in His Orca Fighter as well as a P-90. Do not mess with him.
![Gdilogolarg.png](/images/thumb/6/6c/Gdilogolarg.png/100px-Gdilogolarg.png) |
GDI: Phoenix Division
This user is affiliated or is a member with Phoenix Division
- Disclaimer: All Images and files uploaded by me are not done so for profit or to take credit for other peoples'/corporations' work and credit is given to their owners/creators unless specified otherwise
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