User:Roddy Winters

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I've been playing UD with Roddy Winters since 2008. I immediately joined the Knights Templar and never looked back, eventually rising to the Grand Council. I had great times with the KT and learned everything I know from them. I only ever ran the one character during that entire time, being on the Survivor side through and through. But, I've decide to give him a rest for however long it feels right, and move on to something different within the game. As of Sep. 2011 I have thrown Roddy back into the KT world for a bit. It's good to see the old gang again!

Roddy Winters is a proud member of

Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon

At the same time Mr. Winters dropped in to Malton, an alter-ego named Roddy Summers was also born. I steered "Summers" in the zombie direction, levelling up and wandering around. I grew bored as a zed, and things with KT really took off, so I let "Summers" go. Now I feel it's time to give him a dust off and give zed-ism another shot. I've taken up with the Extinction group in Dakerstown. Once a zed force to be reckoned with, the group is in a bit of a rut at the moment, so I am hoping to be able to help get things back on track for them, as well as exploring a much different aspect of UD. After a lull in playing time, Summers moved over to Ridleybank and joined the legendary RRF where he lurks currently.