User:Rosslessness/Random Rambling/Sandbox19

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Infectious Bite

Infectious Bite is a zombie skill available after purchasing Digestion within the Zombie skills tree.

Like all zombie skills it costs 100 XP

Whenever a zombie with the Skill Infectious Bite lands a successful bite attack, the target of the attack becomes infected. This is automatic and can not be prevented. Both survivors and zombies can be infected.

Whilst a survivor is infected, they lose 1 HP for every action taken, except for speaking.

It is possible for zombies to be infected, but they take no damage from the infection unless they are revived when they begin to take damage as normal.

An infection will "carry over" after death or revivification until cured. This means that a revived zombie will still be infected upon returning to life; and a survivor who was infected while alive will still carry the infection after rising as zombie.

Anyone can cure an infection by using a First Aid Kit. One application will cure the infection and all its effects -- this works on both survivors and zombies.

If a survivor is infected with 1 HP when they use a FAK, by their next turn they'll have 1 HP plus however much a FAK normally heals given their skill set and location.

In-game messages

Giving an infection

You bite A survivor for 4 damage. They drop to 56 HP. They become infected. You gain 4 HP.

Receiving an infection

A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (23 hours and 20 minutes ago)
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (23 hours and 20 minutes ago)

Curing an infection

You restore 5 hit points to A survivor, bringing them to 50. You cure their infection.

Infectious Bite

Infectious Bite is a zombie skill which allows the player to use bite attacks to infect other players. It is a child skill of Digestion. Like all zombie skills, Infectious Bite costs players of all character clases 100 XP to purchase.

A drop of listerine ought to clear that right up.

Upon succesfully biting another character, the zombie player will recieve the message You bite A Sammich for 4 damage. They drop to 56 HP. They become infected. Since the player must already have Digestion to have purchase Infectious Bite, this will also result in the zombie gaining 4 HP if possible. Biting both zombies and survivors will infect them; however, feeding upon a corpse will not infect the corpse. No additional experience is gained due to the infection being passed on, nor by the HP loss which it causes.

Infected survivors will lose 1 HP per action (except for speaking) until their infection is cured or they die. Infection can be cured by using a first aid kit. Zombies are unaffected by infection, but it will carry over after death and persist upon being revived, leading to the advent of Parachuting as a death cult tactic.

At present, bites made with Infectious Bite are the only source of infections in the game.