Character #1 - Saithis
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Channel 4 News Team Affiliate |
This user or group entered Glorious Battle beside the Channel 4 News Team. There were horses and a man on fire and this user or group killed a guy with a trident. Afterward, we could barely lift our arms because we killed so many zombies. I don't know if you heard us counting. We killed over 1,000. |
Saithis | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.)
- Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
- Advanced Pistol Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
- Shotgun Training (An extra +25% to hit with a shotgun.)
- Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
- Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
- Diagnosis (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
- Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
- Bargain Hunting (Player is 25% more likely to find something when searching a mall.)
- Body Building (Player has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
- Construction (Player is able to barricade buildings.)
Zombie Class Suggestions
Standard Corpse
Starts with the Vigour Mortis skill. The numerous corpses of Malton have begun to rise, whether fresh or old. These corpses have stiffened and grown more dangerous, but otherwise have recieved no special mutations. Survivors are advised to avoid contact as usual, but there are no special recommendations for battling this menace.
Hunting Corpse
Starts with the Scent Fear skill. These relatively fresh zombies have been mutated by new versions of the virus, giving them ability to smell the fear of the mortals they stalk. Survivors of Malton are advised to bandage all wounds and stay calm to avoid being targetted by these new mutants.
Swift Corpse
Starts with the Lurching Gait skill. The newer, fresher zombies have suffered many mutations due to the new viral strains. Many survivors use their legs to outrun the zombies, but this mutant variation has managed to keep up with even the swiftest of survivors.
Ghoulish Corpse
Starts with the Digestion skill. These fresh mutations have begun finding sustenance from the flesh of their foes. Survivors are advised to avoid contact with ghouls and to check for infections if bitten by a particularly vicious foe.
Sentient Corpse
Starts with the Memories of Life skill. Survivors are advised that the intelligence of zombies have begun to increase. Numerous zombies have been seen opening doors and windows to get into safehouses that were previously secured against intrusion. The Military has suggested that Survivors barricade all lower entrances to their homes and watch continually for these deadly mutants.
Tough Corpse
Starts with the Body Building skill. Particularly massive zombies have been seen wandering the streets, eating up entire clips of gunfire and still struggling forward to devour their prey. It is recommended that survivors use concentrated attacks to help bring these beasts down.
Elite Zombie Class Suggestions (Under Construction)
Vigorous Corpse
Requires 10 Zombie Skills, Free Running & Brain Rot. May be purchased with 500xp.
Severe mutations have turned this zombie into an extremely deadly and agile creature. While not able to take as much physical harm as some zombies, they can hunt down survivors with extreme speed and the ability to bypass some light barricades. Survivors are advised to keep a careful eye on their barricades at all times. The following skills can be purchased at 150xp each:
- Flexibility (The Zombie can bypass loose or light barricades to enter a building directly.)
- Squeeze (The Zombie can attempt to enter strongly barricaded (but not heavily barricaded) buildings. There is a 10% chance of success.)
- Bypass Barricades (The Zombie can attempt to enter a strongly barricaded (but not heavily barricaded) building as per Squeeze. There is a 25% chance of success.)
- Squeeze (The Zombie can attempt to enter strongly barricaded (but not heavily barricaded) buildings. There is a 10% chance of success.)
- Leap (The Zombie may attempt to pass between barricades as per Free Running with a 20% chance of success.)
Mutated Corpse
Requires 10 Zombie Skills Tangling Grasp & Brain Rot. May be purchased with 500xp.
The zombie has become a mighty beast of terrible strength and power. Though no quicker than a standard zombie, its teeth have grown long and jagged, its sharp claws frightening even the bravest of survivors. While not as quick or tough or smart as many other types of zombies, the Mutated Corpse is unstoppable in terms of sheer ability to do damage. Survivors are advised to keep their distance and avoid contact with this beast, as once it gets its hands on you, you may be unable to escape. The following skills may be purchased at 150xp each:
- Latch On (Upon a successful hand attack, the chance of a bite succesfully hitting increases by 25%.)
- Wound (Upon a successful hand attack, there is a 10% chance of dealing a nasty wound that injures survivors. From now on, the survivor must spend 2 AP to move somewhere. This wound may be negated by using a First Aid Kit.)
- Grievous Wound (Works as per Wound, except that it can only be negated by a survivor with the Surgery skill using a First Aid Kit in a powered hospital.)
- Shatter Limb (Works as per Grievous Wound, except that the survivor cannot use the Free Running skill until healed.)
- Grievous Wound (Works as per Wound, except that it can only be negated by a survivor with the Surgery skill using a First Aid Kit in a powered hospital.)
Titanic Corpse
Requires 10 Zombie Skills, Body Building & Brain Rot. May be purchased with 500xp.
Severe mutations have turned this zombie into a massive, hulking behemoth who cannot be stopped by mere force of arms alone. Thick, bony carapace has developed, helping protect from attacks and allowing the monstrous beast to crash through barricades with little trouble. Survivors are advised to target these enemies with concentrated fire, preferably from heavier weapons such as shotguns. The following skills can be purchased at 150xp each:
- Carapace (Thick bony plates have developed, protecting the Zombie from harm. All attacks are reduced by 1 damage (to a minimum of 1.) This does not stack with Flak Jackets. Once gained, the zombie does not benefit from Flak Jackets any longer.)
- Devastate Barricades (The Zombie smashes into barricades with all its might, doubling the chance of knocking a piece off.)
- Thick Skin (The Zombie gains 10 HP for a total of 70.)
- Unstoppable (The Zombie gains 10 HP for a total of 80.)
Ravenous Corpse
Requires 10 Zombie Skills, Digestion and Brain Rot. May be purchased with 500xp.
Revenant Corpse
Requires all Zombie Skills and level 30. May be purchased with 1,000xp.
Elite Survivor Class Suggestions (Under Construction)
Zombie Hunter
Requires 10 Survivor Skills
Requires all Civilian Skills
Requires all Science Skills
Elite Soldier
Requires all Military Skills