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Mad cat.jpg Wrong!
You've gone wrong!
MaltonCityCircus.jpg Malton City Circus
This user has been to the Malton City circus, watched the trapeze artist zombies, saw the famed head juggler, saw a guy unicycle while juggling zombies and even bought some of that funny green candyfloss.

Text that I plan to use for every overpowered weapon suggestion

I understand that you would like to introduce a new weapon of some description into the game. Here are a few things you should bear in mind:

1) Keep it simple! Most UD players have a limited understanding of weapons. As a guide, assume that players have a level of knowledge gained from playing the occasional shoot-em-up on a console. We know what an assault rifle is, but we don't know what (and don't really care) what a ASG-500 (or whatever) is. If what you are suggesting is a sniper rifle then call it a sniper rifle, not a MCAR 750. I don't want to have to search through google to find that what I've just found in a gun store is a type of assault rifle!

2) Realism doesn't always equal fun. Guns are not realistic in UD, of course they're not. A pistol only takes away a tenth of someone's health. In real life people are usually killed if they're shot. They certainly don't get back up again and they definitely don't magically heal all their wounds with a First aid kit! A few weeks in intensive care, maybe...... Sure, in real life an assault rifle is capable of killing lots of people in just one attack, but, in game terms, where's the fun in that? Especially if you're on the receiving end, and thanks to Malton’s population of PKers, you will be.

3) There is such a thing as too much choice. If you introduced even one more type of weapons into UD and allowed them to be found in the same place that firearms are found in then you will be adding another type of gun to find and another type of ammunition. This means that while I'm looking for shotgun ammo I'm going to be coming across different types of ammo and weapons that I am not going to be using, quickly clogging up my inventory, slowing down my searches and burning through my AP.

4) Zombies are players too! Sure, introduce a powerful weapon... then what? You're going to wind up seriously pissing off roughly 50% of UD players. Imagine if a zombie attack was implemented that was as damaging to survivors as your new weapon is to zombies? Not much fun, huh?

5) Balance is the key. The reason why UD is so much fun to play is that a lot of work has gone into creating a balanced playing field where no one group has too big an advantage over another. Survivors cannot kill tens of zombies every day, and zombies can't kill a whole bunch of survivors a day. Sure, it makes UD a slow-burning game, but it also increases its long term playability a whole lot.

That's all! I hope you take all this into consideration.


Andrew Hollard