Revive Count
Zeffy has revived 3 people.
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Before the Outbreak
Before the outbreak, Zeffy lived in Peddlesden Village with a close friend of her's, a boy named Shinzin. They went to the same school together for elementary school, and to the same high-school a few blocks away. She had more friends, but they all lived just outside the suburb, leaving them just outside the quarantine. She always wanted to be a doctor, and, after high school, she started going to college in Dulston. She didn't finish when the quarantine hit, though.
During the Initial Outbreak
After the quarantine hit, the hospitals needed as many nurses, doctors, and other staff that they could grab. Zeffy, although she didn't finish medical school, was recruited to help at Anne General near her school. She spent the first two years "learning by doing" as she helped other doctors attempt to quell the plague.
The Next Step
The hospital didn't seem to mind that she wasn't technically qualified as a doctor, and accepted her into their medical staff as a full-time doctor.
Zeffy served at Anne General for a short time, but left when she heard that the suburb was the battleground of some insane death-brigade. She left for Pescodside, just to the south.
Boring Bart's
Zefy quickly found refuge and work in a small hospital in Pescodside, St. Bartholemew's. She got in to the staff without a hitch, and helped the few people that trickled into the hospital needing help.
As time went by, the hospital started seeing more and more patients. And, eventually, Zeffy met up with a few friends of hers. Falkion, a friend from high school, had apparently been locked in the city. And, a few days after, Shinzin finally found his way to the hospital. Stumbling in, infected, she didn't realize it was him until she was talking to him in his patient bed.
Leaving St. Bart's
After feeling something, Zeffy urged Shinzin to leave their condo north of St Barts and head south. It is unknown where they are heading, but Zeffy is content with just being with Shinzin.