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Cmslogo1.jpg Caiger Mall Survivor
This user or group assisted in defending Caiger Mall on one or more occasions.

(THIS PROFILE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) I am [URL=]Silvio[/URL] (why didn't that work?) an elder member of the Caiger Mall Survivors. In addition to contributing and being a CMS representitive to the wiki where I can, I am also recruiting and trying to elevate the good name of the CMS. I am an Admin at the CMS forum,

I have an alt, Road Warrior Hawk, that travels around checking on "unknown" malls.

Caiger-mall-logo.jpg Staff
Silvio is a Caiger Mall staff member and gets free refills as such.
Fire.jpg Anti Flagbox Abuse
I is against the abuse or excessive use of flagboxes.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery.
Smallaofc.PNG Survivors Defending Fort Creedy Supporter
This user or group is a supporter of the Survivors defending or reclaiming Fort Creedy.
Martini.jpg Sobriety
Silvio is currently "shloshed"
Unorganised.jpg Unorganised!!!
Silvio is currently getting yelled at by some random wiki user for having an unorganised profile.
McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.