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18:24, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

  • woke up in the Gage Museum [71, 06] in Earletown.
  • scouted east all the way to St.Helier and St.Alban's hospitals. both were ruined, along with the Wortley NT and St.Adrian's hospital in Earletown. The general area south of the Wortley NT looked rough, lots of ruined buildings and small packs of zeds, but the area west was lit and caded.
  • both Etheldreda and Clare hospitals were occupied and safe.
  • passed out in a safehouse in central Earletown

05:41, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

  • scouted supplies, and ended up barricading and powering a factory, since I couldn't find anywhere else to look.
  • Eteldreda still looks good. passed out nearby.
  • will continue to repair, cade and power buildings in Earletown for a while.

23:09, 3 February 2010 (UTC)

  • headed to the far end of Rhodenbank, possibly into Dulston. there are a lot of NecroTech buildings, plus a mall, and plenty of other TRPs. I'm curious to see how difficult it is to establish a stronghold. Earletown is looking about the same as it did a month ago, possibly a bit more together, but the same number of seemingly feral zombies running about. I'm looking for something a bit more busy. I ended up about half way through Rhodenbank. Ill scope out the neighborhood outside tonight, update some status reports, check out the size of the packs roaming about.