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This user is a Taoist.

Stoned.gif Neighbourhood Dealer
This user deals cannabis in the suburb of Dulston.

"You're all the same, the lot of you, with your long hair and faggot clothes. Drugs, sex, every sort of filth. And you hate the police, don't you?"

"You make it easy."

Joined: March, 2007
Character Profile: Urban Dead profile
Current Level: 25
Character Class: Civilian-Consumer
Favorite Equipment: Length of Pipe
Primary Weapon: Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Knife
Current Status: Undead
Location: Dulston
Group: Electric Light Torchestra
Morale Phrase: "Psychotropic substances may be utilised for the enhancement of audio sensory."


  • can be seen fashioning a bong from an empty 500ml drinks bottle and a thin 'length of pipe', cigarette in the corner of his mouth, FN.9mm inside waistband.
  • Resides in Dulston.


Though formerly of Tollyton, this survivor was among civilians that were being escorted out of the city by military convoy when there was an accident and their vehicles came under attack at the edge of Malton. Having been temporarily secured in Weston Crescent Fire Station with other evacuees, emergency crews failed to return.

Spent the first few weeks in local Hospitals collecting first aid supplies, healing wounded survivors and generally helping out wherever possible. Stationed primarily at St Anacletus's Hospital but also Anne General Hospital (Dulston), began working unofficially as a medical assistant supporting the work of DITPS members. During this period he began stealing amphetamines, ketamine and dextromethorphan from the drugs administration. Though it is noted that these were for personal use and were not sold or traded for profit.

It was at this time that, due to the consistently peaceful nature of this particular suburb and the North-East in general, Stoner24 decided to take sanctuary in Dulston and make it his home indefinitely. After this he soon found his way into Treweeke Mall where equipment and supplies were much more readily available. However, noisy, overcrowded, and crime-ridden the Mall was not the most comfortable of places to sleep so he resided himself to the quiet residential areas for most of the time.

By this time Stoner24 had left the Hospitals - though still healing sick and injured survivors here and there - and began raiding commercial property, warehouses as well as domestic premises around Dulston in the hope of finding a large-scale cannabis stash. After following numerous leads he came to discover the mobile phone number of a major dope supplier in Malton as well as an associate named ‘Dave’ who it appeared had two addresses in the North East, one of which was in Dulston. Although ‘Dave’ was nowhere to be found and there had been no recent evidence to suggest that he was still in Malton there had been a large cache of drugs hidden between the walls of two adjoining rooms. Enough to last indefinitely!

Stoner 24 gradually descended into a period of deep reflection. Distanced from all social and political interests he began brooding on volatile uncertainty and broadly pondering the meaning of all things. Darkness, sorrow and misery were closely followed by apathy and indifference until nothing mattered any more. There was no ambition, no aspiration, no motivation, no desire at all. Life had lost all meaning, death was inevitable. Stoner24 decided to take action, to occupy the mind with a basic objective, to find purpose that would serve to distract from the endless pain and suffering of the world. Perhaps in some small way he could still hope to make a difference...


Stoner24 joined the Electric Light Torchestra in late April 2007. A specialist group dedicated to supplying Portable Generators and Fuel Cans to all buildings in Dulston. By providing power to all Resource Buildings in Dulston survivor efforts will flourish, and by bringing light to even the darkest corners they shall eradicate all evil that lurks in the shadows.


DulstonAllianceAlly.jpg Dulston Alliance (Allied)
Stoner24 is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance.


Stoner24 only carries the essentials...



FN. 9mm (Weapon)

Fender 12-string acoustic

click here for details 200L fuel can
Stoner24 only uses "ELT 200L fuel cans". Carry more, search less.

click here for details ELT zombie bomb
Beware, zombie hordes! Stoner24 uses the "ELT zombie light bomb".

Generator.JPG Generator Supplier
This user supplies generators to those who ask.

Audio Transmission

Rakista.jpg Music Is Life
This user or group is a Musician.