User:Thomas Chardon/Chardon Family

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The Chardon family consists of Tom and his two younger siblings, Rob and Kris (twins). Somehow, they became separated in the confusion following the zombie apocalypse, but are now finally able to reach each other through the DEM.

The Chardons share a number of common characteristics. Physically, they're all about average height, each has a remarkably slim build, and all of them have the same shade of brown hair (with the exception of Kris, who gets bored and dyes her hair a new color every couple of months). More striking than the physical similarities, though, are the psychological ones: all the Chardons possess uncommon intelligence and intuition, although they each employ their talents differently.

Random facts

  • The name "Chardon" is pronounced "shar-DOHN"-- not "chair-DON", not "KAR-den", and certainly not "CHAR-din".
  • The Chardons co-author a regular question-and-answer column in the Malton Observer, entitled "Whatever That Means!"
  • Rob has a lighter side... but only Kris seems able to draw it out of him.
  • In the event of complete failure of the laws of physics, it has been found that the thoughts and intents of the Chardons have a significant impact on the chaos. (This has only happened once.)