User:Thomas Chardon/Other Characters/Kris Chardon

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Kristen Chardon

Kris is Tom's younger sister and Rob's twin, and the only girl in the Chardon family. Growing up in a family of boys, she developed a very strong tomboyish attitude, a trait that remains a part of her to this day. An aspiring medical doctor, she took every class relevant to biology and pharmaceutical science her high school offered, and occasionally would read medical journals and studies just to fill in the gaps in her knowledge. Her hidden talent is her persuasive ability-- she can empathize with almost anyone, helping them to see things as she does. This is offset, however, by a razor-sharp (and often quite venomous) sarcastic wit.

Having just graduated from high school, Kris flew out with Rob to visit Tom for the summer. After the zombie onslaught began, she found a hospital in southeast Malton, and started putting her knowledge of medicine to good use, patching up other survivors so that they could continue the fight. She's now working with the MEMS in continuance of that purpose.

Kris is also involved with Project New Hope, a low-profile research initiative.

Full Name: Kristen Laura Chardon
Nickname: "Kris"
Gender: Female
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57.3 kg
Hair Color: Bright red (dyed)
Eye Color: Green
Age: 21
Sign: Cancer

Hit: Cracking jokes
Miss: Side effects