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Vince left his country of origin, the UK, in 2001 in order to start a new band. His old band back in England weren't interested in playing electro-funk trip-disco-hop any more, but Vince was sure that it would be the next thing. Hearing about the arty background and surplus of musicians in Malton, he decided to head there first. Things were going well, until the day the dead began to rise. Vince had just thrown a strop with his new bandmates, who refused to wear their gold jumpsuits and had told him that it was about the music, not what you looked like. He was heading out for a flirtinie cocktail at the local club, but stepped out into a city of chaos. After finding some safe shelter via beating down a few zombies with his keytar, Vince quickly decided he would do all he can to remedy the situation, and decided to put his b-tech national in necrotech science to use. He soon got used to the routine of survival - scavenging and sleeping, wandering randomly through the city. That was until he stumbled across the Baboneau Arms, a previously 'olde englishe' pub in Peddlesden Village. An idea struck him - he would renovate the place to his own designs, and let all survivors come and rest, and more importantly, hear him play.

Now the radio system has been brought back online, it is possible to hear live broadcasts of VT's music on the Vincent Tokay Baboneau Arms Network (VTBAN) - frequency 27.41.

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