Bacon is good for your soul. or your Barhah, whichever you prefer.Groups/AffiliationsNecroWatch technician - I'm in, I update scans when I take them, but I stopped counting them.
Petty opinionsALL cinemas, banks, and clubs should be kept dark at all times. Unless there is a party. and If I wasn't invited, then I may darken it out of spite. None of you can say you would do different. I feel very little pity for a creature that usually needs to spend 1-6 AP to stand up with full health. I do feel pity for creatures who need to spend 10-15 friggin AP to get back up. Ridiculous. Books are useless. As a scientist I would gain roughly 1 XP for ever 5 AP spent. Everyone else needs to spend 10 AP to get 1 XP. It is more AP-efficient to throw yourself from the nearest building and pounding on its barricades for XP than to use books. Poetry books are even more useless. Also, math rocks. The DS page is filled with hate. It permeates the soul of many people who go there. Very few exist who can remain civil in this unerring vortex of hatred. I am not among them. I don't hate you, the DS pages hates you and it is possessing me. Along with most of the others commentators there.