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Confirmed Kills
- Smarmy Bob
- sammyslam
- Mr Hootington
- evildemon
- elven runner (Stupid elf, running around in Dwarf territory...)
- Frank D Frog
- Rencho
- Jonny Sac
- Darkside777
- Ed Pontiac
- Sargeant Fable
- Srgt Ayers (I was on a Sergeant kick that day, I guess.)
- Pedestrian Joe
- flickface
- Jean Marie
- Sgt Eminator
- Commune
- Kolleen (BH)
- Copypasta
- ydnaada
- A Malton Zookeeper
- UK Civil War
- potentiallydead
- StaplerX
- Charly99
- Robots in Disguise
- matthew is alive 3
- Jeffrey Palmer
- Rock Beefslab
- burgertime1
- Rapid Goblin
- Mjollinir07 (Killed in the NW corner of Malton)
- bjornagain
- (Killed Twice) Dr Jock (Bloody CGR, always getting in my way...)
- Great Ape
- Darth Lairdman
- lazydoctor
- Dr Scub
- TGBM (I can't just let some bloke kill me and get away with it. Once word's gotten out that a PKer's gone soft, people begin to disobey you and then it's nothing but work work work all the time.) (BH?)
- Poopypants911 (Generally speaking, I don't kill newbies. But with a name like that... I made an exception.)
- Father Monday
- gekkakitsune
- Avatar2
- Toph (I guess I was playing as Zuko today?)
- SASF Snake
- Mosqu
- Sailor Ripley
- Jay Leno the Zombie
- Renilauv
- cloppa2
- Dexter the Mad
- crazyasablackman
- Bear McAlister
- Barge Arse
- Gruff McGirk (My first live on-air kill.)
- David Lin
- Thibbledorf Pwent
- K a n o s
- Paddy Dignam-----------------------------------------
- bakart1
- Octavea (BH)
- Brass Balls
- Little Bill Daggett
- Slammin Sammy
- John Wolfjager
- Spike of Dojima
- Dracos Finite
- Sentrygun (Shared kill--most of the work done by Mike LeGrande)
- combat revivers suck
- Davinos (BH) (MFD Battalion Chief)
- norfolk n good (BH)
- dadude064
- poopoothepoo
- Snowfox69
- RayStanwick
- Jim Phil (BH?)
- hairy armpit
- Whippy3
- douganaunt
- Anonymous157
- Surgeon Bloodneedle
- Shotgun Ed
- ChromeGirl (BH)
- FishOutOfWater
- Agnetha Jones
- Van Savage
- DomGama
- The Speaking Demon
- Arrowsmith
- Officer Murphy (BH?)
- Matthew Corvont
- EvilDemon989
- Urban Path Finder
- Noddeg Amrac
- Smarties
- Undetermined 101
- Deletion
- Blazing Saddles (Fire Marshall)
- Allison Wolf (DEM Academy Instructor)
- KristiOTD (DEM Chairwoman and MFD Battalion Chief)
- Fred Thrawcheld
- El Satanno (Leader of the CDF)
- Amazing Triangle
- Dr Jock (2nd Time)
- headless gunner (I'd really rather be killing Bounty Hunters than these scallywags...)
- Axe Hack
- Elrod
- Thethe
- Strayla (BH)
- Dick Wolf
- Benjamin Frost
- Air Eater
- Joe Shopper
- Maureen Gale
- Victor Tooms
- Strayla (BH)(2nd time)
- Strayla (BH)(3rd time!)
- dogual111
- the cop
- Neurotoxic2213
- Bertrand Russel
- whitewolf75860 (BH)
- Duke Garland
- Bonaduece
- Excalibur788
- Veloan
- Neon God (BH)
- Durandal00
- Cornelius Jones
- Bravo Brown
- AngelWitch2
- braunwyn cleanslate
- Druuuuu
- Thomas Witherington
- Auronz
- Doctor Shack
- Doctor Ashford
- Combine 108
- Kayla Fray
- Neohuman
- Taytrefendwyd
- A Land Shark
- Honami
- NPCuser
- theunitmonster
- Felcho
- Lab doctor (BH)
- headless gunner (2nd time) (I thought the CGR and Red Rum war was over?)
- Doctor Nemo
- S Aline
- Harrrvey
- RennisZotorman (BH) (Chief Medical Officer of MEMS)
- Winnan (BH) (MPD Commissioner)
- LD 50 (BH) (Brookes Hills Fire Captain)
- JimBergerac (BH)
- smokey one (BH)
- Southrop (BH)
- aliveNwell
- Henry Sprout (NW Corner)
- Jace242
- dont shoot im stoned (I shot him--I was drunk.)
- Stephen Courage
- Papa Nixon
- Lurchy McGee
- dont shoot im stoned (2nd time)
- BriAnna BIackmore
- darhtrevan
- Rob Lefter
- Matthew Philip
- shu
- superdot
- Dr Thew
- Druboo (BH)
- Adrian Sayre
- Cap Constantino
- Adolph Hitler Jr
- ganadarf
- bigdaddy2
- CrusssDaddy SE Corner... sort of
- Morris O'Brian
- Bouncer 3 (BH)
- fuzzypickles
- doberman guy (BH)
- Rob Lefter (2nd Time)
- kaboose117
- El Tenedor
- Beck Ass
- Robin Graves
- yankstar (BH)
- Mr Chalmers
- Danny Finn (BH)
- Sinke
- ropponmatsu
- Dermon Caffran
- Alexander Turpin
- Lord Alpharius
- Jakoto
- ImperialCommissar
- Lamerton
- savfer gill
- Carrie Cutter (BH)
- Shotgun Ed (2nd Time)
- Voxmanglaen
- Chaplain Wilkins
- Pete Marsh (SW Kill)
- Tak Valentine
- Tactical Grace
- pehipol
- Korstakov (SE Kill)
- McRage
- joshgusto
- Bjarne
- Brancher
- Bernard Ferguson
- Jon Arne
- Elduardo
- pwndubitch1
- nooneimportant
- Kaluen
- Novacane
- Loki Cameron
- Kung fu cat
- Dan Breen
- yuna paget
- Scorpios
- Psycho Cop
- Kung fu monk
- Nicole Boniface
- cyberbob240
- Vaccinator
- le bourreau
- Lola Briggs
- Nagara
- DC Harry Batt
- Yes Man the Medic
At this point, I stopped counting--it was getting to be too much work. Suffice it to say, I have killed many-many-lots people.
(Back to User:Vandr)