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September 2006

  • Sept. 24 I didn't have many supplies from my zombie hunting escapades last week, so I forraged in Pratley Road Police Department for most of the day. Afterwards I free-walked around the NE corner of Roftwood to see how the survivors in this recently devastated area were faring. It seems that the survivors have begun to move back in and that most buildings in the area were well-barricaded. There was a large group of 8 zombies outside the Eligius General Hospital, which was not barricaded at all, since it is marked as an entry point for the NE section of the 'hood. I'm camping out at the Dempsey Grove Police Department for now since it has an easy access for hunting.

  • Sept. 21 Scouted northern Roftwood. The area was overrun by a horde recently and is beginning to be rebuilt. The buildings are beginning to be properly barricaded and survivors are sleeping in them safely. The number of zombies groups has dwindled to a few groups of 4-5 with a lot of them alone, disorganized and easy prey. I shot at one of them today but didn't kill them. Forraged in the Pratley Road Police Department as well. I really need more pistol clips, not shotgun shells.