User talk:Aphaythea

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Welcome to my talk page!

Hello out there! I'm Allycat, Phay's player. I'm mostly inactive atm but that could change at some point, I don't consider myself to have 'quit' playing permanently and ask that my page(s) not be removed. Thank you!

Brightest Blessings to all and any who might read these words, always. :) Aphaythea (talk) 19:54, 17 September 2022 (UTC)

End of the end of the world

Hi Phay apparently it's all coming to an end in a few days would be nice to see you again! There are a few of us at Coaches place, haven't seen any space goldfish yet. If I don't catch you it was good to know you, glad we crossed paths! Tonberryspoon (talk) 05:57, 6 March 2025 (UTC)

Hello from MSilva!

Hey there! If you're still in East Boundwood, I'm in the area for a while if you'd like to party. I'm at the Stapelton Arms, not sure if the Penguin Mafia would want us using their HQ for a party though. On the upside, plenty of bars in the area! MSilva 06:47, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

I am east of you but close enough to play. :) Please respect those with flippers, they have been kind to me in the past. Message me in private to coordinate. :-* --Aphaythea 07:08, 4 January 2012 (UTC)



Yup. This got me. Esp., the bits with strangers poking me and Ghost making friends with a zombie. Like no way. lol ;P But I HAD been at 45 hp last I checked. Someone healed me and THAT, I got no message about! Bah. ~sighs~ --Aphaythea 12:29, 1 April 2008 (BST)

Greetings from the Malton Police Department

Greetings CCPD, my name is Chief Inspector Jarlian. I'm in charge of the MPD in the Boundwoods suburbs along with Shuttlebank, Yagoton and Brooke Hills. I noticed your forces beeing active in East Boundwood and was wondering if we could get in touch for some sort of alliance perhaps. We are always interested in working together with groups who have the same objectives as ours. *Salutes* --Jarlian 11:11, 18 March 2008 (UTC)

Thank you! I am NOT the leader of that, or any other, group but will let them know. ;) --Aphaythea 12:20, 1 April 2008 (BST)

A Note from 'M.B'

Head north. East Boundwood isn't all that dead.

Already was there but I try not to advertise my location. ;D Already under attack though so... lol :P

--Aphaythea 12:16, 1 April 2008 (BST)

Pink Slip

As you have not reported any new NecroNet scans since January 1st, 2008 I am afraid we've decided to let you go. And by "we", I really mean "me". Or "I", if you want to be technical and don't care about rhyming at all. If at any point you want to return to NecroWatch your name will be added back to the member roster. Until then, I hope you're enjoying your vacation. --Mobius187 17:18, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

NO Prob! :P

Hey there. My real life had to come first and I've only just got an internet connection again. Sorry things didn't work out. Good luck to you and yours. --Aphaythea 12:17, 1 April 2008 (BST)

A Reminder

ALICE.png A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings Aphaythea. As of January 1st 2008 all NecroNet scans reported to NecroWatch by licensed NecroTechnicians, such as yourself, count towards ranks with the ultimate prize of earning delicious cake. You are reminded that standard non-intrusion policy requires that you update the "Total Scans" counter for your profile on the membership list whenever you report/post new scans. This prevents any mix-ups, or double counting, for the same scan by Caleb Usher. Thank you and remember, keep posting those scans for your chance to receive a delicious cake.

Project NecroWatch

ALICE.png A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings Aphaythea. I have observed your recent interest in Project NecroWatch. Do not be alarmed. I have analyzed your potential and determined that you would make a perfect test subj<<ERROR>> NecroTechnician. As an organization, NecroWatch requires absolutely no "group" affiliation or commitments, thus freeing you to act according to your own motives, desires, and goals. The only requirement from you as a NecroTechnician is the task of reporting NecroNet scans from facilities within your suburb(s). Even then you would have the choice of how often you complete this task or which facilities you would prefer to work with. If you are interested in joining all you need to do is confirm your membership by signing up here. Starting on January 1st 2008 all NecroNet scans reported to NecroWatch by licensed NecroTechnicians will count towards ranks with the ultimate prize of earning delicious cake.

--Druuuuu OcTRR 22:25, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

A MUST share...

You know you've been playing Urban Dead too much when From The Urban Dead Wiki SOURCE:

  1. ...You hear a low and distant groaning one block to the east and two blocks to the north on your way to work.
  2. ...When you get to work you immediately begin barricading your office.
  3. ...It costs you 10AP to get up in the morning.
  4. ...Unless you grab your ankles while getting up.
  5. ...You spraypaint "STREETS IS WATCHIN'" on the side of your neighbour's house.
  6. ...You walk into a Mall and immediately emit a loud groan.
  7. ...When people team up on you, you accuse them of Zerging.
  8. ...Anyone you don't know might be a Zombie spy.
  9. ...You see someone with a Trenchcoat and start looking for the "Attack" button.
 10. ...You see someone limping and suggest "Lurching Gait"
 11. ...Someone asks why you didn't check the messages on your mobile phone and you reply with "I didn't want to waste an AP"
 12. ...Your love talk consist of asking her to "grab ma banana manbag"
 13. ...ANY of your talk consists of Death Rattle phrases.
 14. ...Something good happens and you shout "Barhah!" whether or not you're in the Ridleybank Resistance Front.
 15. ...You stop asking questions and just mumble "Mrh?"
 16. ...You find an urge to ransack your surroundings when alone.
 17. ...You go to a cemetery and try to bring dead people back to life by sticking syringes in their necks.
 18. ...asked about the above, you say "Because I support the Sacred Ground Policy."
 19. ...trying to coordinate plans with friends that live on the same block you ask for a conversion to GMT or BST.
 20. ...any time you would have said "Oh My God" you now say "Zo My God!"
 21. get your friends doing the above, and they don't even play Urban Dead.
 22. have dreams about being trapped in Malton.
 23. carry around a Portable Generator and a fuel can.
 24. ...asked about the above, you reply, "To improve my chances of finding something, duh."
 25. ...your friends decide it's time for an "intervention".
 26. go to a Police Station any time you need ammo or a Flak Jacket.
 27. go to hug someone, and have to resist the urge to claw/bite them.
 28. ...You join the police, and on the application form, you reason for joining is "to take revenge on PKers".
 29. ...You jump out the window because you're confident you'll stand up as a zombie.
 30. ...You shout: “Stand up, it only costs 10AP!‿ at a friend's funeral.
 31. ...asked to do something you say "Wait half an hour, I need more AP"
 32. wonder if Kevan sells IP-Restriction removals in bulk.
 33. constantly visit a Wiki page about how you play too much.
 34. occassionally refer to real-world murderer's as PKers.
 35. hold the door open for someone, not because its courteous, but because you think that maybe they haven't bought Memories of Life yet.
 36. ...When you see someone kicking a piece of machine, you refer them as GKers
 37. ...You have a strong hatred against the newspapers whenever you see one in a hospital.
 38. ...When told you cannot apply for a degree in medicine you say "But I have Diagnosis, First Aid, and Surgery!"
 39. ...You accuse identical twins of Zerging.
 40. ...If you can use a FAK on a CMS with 5 Zeds next to you, gain some XP, and get MoL next time you are PKed before you become a Mrh cow.
 41. ...If you actually understood anything in #40.
 42. ... You choose your new home based on penetrability factors.
 43. ...After spending a weekend offline you come back and make a vow to never again leave, missing out on all the "breaches."
 44. ...You probably can't use "you're" and "they're" correctly 9 times outta 10.
 45. ...You have more friends in the CMS than you do "in real life."
 46. ...You write stories revolving around your characters/group.
 47. .......and you post them up on the internet and expect everybody to give a damn.
 48. ...You drool over 'hot' female survivor descriptions.
 49. ...You attack anyone who has a limp.
 50. ...You actually cried when Giddings Mall fell.
 51. ...You always freak out when you hear someone mutter incoherently.
 52. ...You consider the word 'Banana' as dangerous.
 53. ...You've scoped out all the local malls to see which one holds the best stores for zombie survival.
 54. ...You sit dumbfounded in your school guidance couselor's office as he says "I'm sorry I just can't seem to find the address of Owens Crescent School [55, 42] anywhere to send your transcript to."
 55. ...You watch the evening news every night to see if there is any signs of possible zombie outbreaks.
 56. ...Your baby took its first steps, and you responded with the statement "Wow, that's my little shambler!"
 57. ...You call up your insurance agent to see if Zombie Apocalypse is covered in your homeowner's policy.
 58. ...You start referring to sick people as "infected."
 59. ...You constantly write letters to the government, saying release the zombies.
 60. ...You go to your local McDonalds and try and order Chick O'Zed™, Malton Dew™ and Finger Fries.
 61. ...You always carry a crowbar around just in case you get locked out from work, home or school.
 62. ...You spend your sunday afternoon updating this list.
 63. ...The concept of 'turning the doorknob' has become too complicated for you. Instead, you just start banging on the door, throwing your body against it, and moaning and groaning at it, hoping it will give way.
 64. ...You turn zombie but starve to death, decaying completely, playing UD.
 65. ...The first time you saw the video Thriller, you thought it was a zombie workout tape.
 66. ...You take your shotgun to a group of drunks.
 67. ...After a busy day, A voice comes out of nowhere and says "Your IP address has accessed this server too many times today."
 68. ...When applying to your local fire department, you put MFD under "Past Experience".
 69. ...You stick a needle in someones neck every time they mumble.
 70. ...When you see someone badly hurt, you Drag them outside rather then calling 911.
 71. ...You get a zombie mask in Runescape, and decide to wander around Falador saying 'Mrh?' to everyone you meet.
 72. ...You're still trying to find a coat large enough to hold over a dozen firearms.
 73. ...When someone says a party they're throwing is going to be a big bash, you panic and start looking for weapons.
 74. ...You go into a mall and try to find the liquor store and gun store on the directory.
 75. ...When you enter a building, you start searching for some kind of passageway that will lead you to the building next to it without having to step outside.
 76. ...You try jumping from building to building, claiming the ground "Isn't safe."
 77.'re tempted to find out how many zombies are at that graveyard as you drive by it.
 78. don't find firemen quite as "friendly" as you used to (cuz they keep killing your zombie characters!).
 79. can't help but think of how strategically important the campus is to keep free of zombie infestation.
 80. ...It costs 10 AP to go shopping.
 81. ...You believe all knives are Kitchen Knives.
 82. ...Your idea of Christmas presents are Supply Crates.
 83. ...You write your address as (54,23).
 84. ...You Remember, Remember, the 5th of November.
 85. ...You've read this far, and been laughing at how much of this applies to you.
 86. ...You just stopped laughing because that last point was true and really creeped you out.
 87. ...Excessive groans from your lover make you nervous!
 88. ...You feel safer at the mall, for some reason.
 89. ...You find yourself wishing you had become a cop, or a fireman, just in case...
 90. ...You ask a local policeman if their station is "well barricaded" in case of zombie attack.
 91. ...You bought a set of binoculars just because they became available in the game!
 92. ...You searched a Hospital and found a Newspaper.
 93. ...You're still wondering how I knew you were laughing.
 94. ...Whenever you see a radio, you grab it and throw it out the window.
 95. ...Rather than ask for assistance when you enter a hospital, you instead loot the place for a First Aid Kit.
 96. ...You go around using the First Aid Kits you find on your friends, explaining that you need the XP.
 97. ...You wake up in the middle of the night and beat the hell out of your S/o because you mistook his snoring for a zombie attack.
 98. ...You groan loudly to call your family to dinner.
 99. ...You talk about "attack times" when planning a Friday night with friends.
100. ...You don't drink beer, since "First aid kits are more AP efficient!"
101. ...Asked for your resume in a job interview, you give them your profile number and Wiki username.
102. ...You don't fear death at all. You'll just wait in the cemetery until the local scientists come around.
103. ...You set your alarm clock to X:00.
104. ...Whenever your clothes get dirty, you throw them away and switch them for a clean pair.
105. ...You make a D&D character who thinks he's a zombie, speaks in death rattle, attacks with claws and bites, worships Zambah G-Zaz in the church of Barhah, and carries around bananas for the purpose of...well, you know...
106. ...The other players start understanding what said character is saying even without you giving a translation.
107. ...You've written songs in Death Rattle.
108. ...Your search of the local hospital returned yet another damn newspaper.
109. ...You cite HP gain as evidence that drinking large quantities of beer and wine is good for you.
110. ...You curse the 10% chance of finding your keys in the morning.

Sorry AWOL

If I take awhile to get in touch, it's just cus I am hooked on a new game But I will still get back to anyone that leaves a message... eventually. Aphaythea (talk) 01:14, 22 February 2015 (UTC)

Signing DangerReports

Hey Aphaythea! I noticed your edit to the Bradnam Arms DangerReport, and wanted to remind you that when updating a DR, it's important to leave your signature in the "user=" slot. It's easy to do, just by typing ~~~~ (four tildes) or clicking the Sign.png button at the top of the edit window. Thanks! Bob Moncrief EBDW! 08:04, 19 January 2016 (UTC)

so so sorry... been a long time awol from wiki~ness, lol. Thank you for the reminder! (Sincerely!) Aphaythea (talk) 02:38, 21 January 2016 (UTC)