User talk:Cthu1hu

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"10 April 2006

It's official: we're heavily in the crap in Kempsterbank. There are at least two major zombie hordes in our suburb causing havoc, groups which employ human scouts and spies I might add which I find abhorrent and against the spirit of the game. These groups are:

- da Shamblin' Waagh - The Devivification Experts of Malton

Kudos to both groups for causing some excellent havoc, now try and do it without the human hangers-on!"

I am offended and appalled that you would even consider that the De-vivification Experts of Malton resort to zerging or use of human spies. If you had bothered to spend 5 minutes reading our wiki page you would have seen that for yourself. We have a very strict policy about zerging, spying, and cheating. If you're alive, we dont' want the information you have. There's absolutely no reason for it. As for the mass murder in your suburb, you guys have brought that on yourself. You announce your safe house in a warehouse while in the middle of a zombie horde:

pwned1 said "john, head to the warehouse, most survivors are retreating this way, im locking this place down right now, KNW, woamm_warriors and DEM are on their way man. go shoot a few times, then head out for cover @a EXB building!!" (04-05 01:42 BST)

On top of this, you have people leading scent trails right back to your safe houses as shown below:

DocDon extracted a DNA sample from you. (04-09 05:30 BST) (Now 1 east, 1 north.)

That's the Whitenoll Building [57, 75]

This is child's play with you guys, no offense meant. I'm going to give you some free pointers here. It will probably make our life a little more difficult but don't you ever accuse us of cheating ever again.

  • Kill any zombies that you make contact with or don't make contact. This includes DNA extraction and shooting zombies. We can scent trail you until you are either 10 blocks away or we are killed.
  • Don't advertise your safe houses on your wiki page.
  • Don't advertise your safe houses in the middle of a zombie horde.
  • Don't clump together in service buildings (PDs, Fire Departments, hospitals, NT buildings).
  • Don't make baseless accusations or we'll make your life even worse than it already was.

--Taelus 00:23, 11 April 2006 (BST)

The De-vivication Experts of Malton reject zerging or cheating of any kind. We know where you are because we use Scent Trail. Please remove your accusations against us from your wiki page. Hopefully we can have a good clean game (in the metaphorical sense of course).

With respect. Graaaghman of the De-vivication Experts of Malton

I just want to stress that the Devivification Experts of Malton DO NOT use human spies. Last night (4/9) during an attack I was combat-revived and my corpse was tossed outside the building. I stood up and re-entered the building (without damaging the barricades). I then recited a poem about being combat-revived and introduced my zombie group, and made a couple of lame jokes.

    • I did not spy on the survivor situation in the building. I did not make any reports to my group.
    • I did not attack the barricades as a survivor, nor did I attack other survivors.

In short, I talked for a bit and then waited for my zombie brethren to devour me, which they did.

It's important for survivors to realize that combat-reviving is a)waste of a good syringe, and b)pretty damn annoying to a zed.

Respectfully, Burgerbitz of the De-vivification Experts of Malton

Response made to Taelus on his userpage. In summary, I accept I was a little quick to identify the Experts as users of Human spies, and that this was an erroneous assumption on my part. I'm still going to kill any of your sorry corpses that I find out on the street, but I'll be doing it with a song in my heart from now on :)

Vernon Greer of the Kempsterbank Neighbourhood Watch --Cthulhu 14:55, 11 April 2006 (BST)

Thank you for the clarification. Good news for you folks. It looks like we've cleared out most every building in the SE sector of Kempsterbank so we'll probably be moving on. That's not to say we're leaving Kempsterbank, but every building down here was either open, empty, or lightly populated. Time to move on to fleshier pastures! --Taelus 01:12, 12 April 2006 (BST)

Last time I checked I couldn't even open a stinking door, so no, zombies don't do the spraycans. We leave it up to our members as to what they want to do when they are alive, but we disallow PKing, spying, or taking down barricades. Basically anything that's going to be detrimental to survivors beyond providing more XP to the zombies in the form of a free meal. Combat revives are usually a really bad thing, but you'll find us acting like a survivor when we're revived. We'll be barricading, healing, and attacking zombies if we don't off ourselves. But don't take that as a cue to revive us because 99% of the time I've just seen people in my group walk back out on to the street to get killed. That's easy XP for the horde and you probably don't want that. I hope that clarifies things a bit. --Taelus 16:05, 12 April 2006 (BST)

I've spoken with Petrosjko about DocDon repeatedly leading us back to safe houses in your area. He asked me to present this url to him next time we see him. Considering we're dead that makes things a little difficult. If you could pass this info along to your teammates we might actually be able to have a fair game for a change. If Petrosjko doesn't get a response in the next day or two, he's going to put DocDon on a PK list, so the sooner the better. --Taelus 02:20, 18 April 2006 (BST)

KNW Barricading policy and threats against Judges

Citizen, it has come to our attention at Sector House 301 that members of Kempsterbank Neighbourhood Watch have been making threats against Judges. Under normal circumstances, that would mean Cube time for those involved, but these circumstances are far from normal. The Judges in your sector need all the help they can get, so there is no desire to engage in needless conflict with citizens. Also, given the excellent revivification support that Judges have received from KNW, you already have our gratitude. It would therefore be a shame if we were not able to work together in the future. Sector House 301 recognises the good work that KNW are doing as a Citi Def group, and their capabilities.

The area of contention appears to be over barricading policy. For some reason, several Judges have been afflicted by lapses of skill, so some do not even have the ability known as 'free running'. This makes certain levels of barricading very difficult for these Judges, as well as for other citizens. However, even more seriously, the Judge currently in command of Sector House 301 who does possess this skill was unable to find an entry point within a specific part of the Kempsterbank area. This meant he had to spend the night on the streets, and directly resulted in his death.

The current levels of building fortification in this area are in contravention of the stated Kempsterbank Barricade Plan. Judges are, as you know, reasonable people, and we appreciate that citizens may feel the need for higher levels of fortifications when under attack. No such attack was underway, and when a Judge made an attempt to lower a barricade to enable entry into the area, threats were made by a KNW member. This threat was also repeated to me personally by Oswyn Murray. I am told that the Judge announced his intentions and reasons for his actions. His actions were in line with current stated KNW policy, and more importantly, the Laws & Ordinances of Mega City One. Under such circumstances, threats are unnecessary and counterproductive.

As a leader within the KNW community, I would be interested in hearing your views on the matter. I have not yet conferred with my fellow Judges, but I would like to bring back to them news that we have reached an accord. At Sector House 301 we look to work as closely as possible with Citi Def groups like yourselves, and provide support wherever possible. The idea of unnecessary ill will between us pains me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

JudgeBernard 17:16, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Just to add to what Judge Bernard has been saying, Oswyn Murray has been speaking on behalf of your group in a way that (from your wiki pages thus far) does not seem to tally with your thinking:

Oswyn Murray said "Does this look like a resource building? I know the KNW plan; I belong to the group. Kempsterbank is under heavy attack, and has been for some time. Even if it wasn't, no Survivor is to attack barricades, ever." (04-20 19:28 BST) Oswyn Murray said "The idea behind that rule is that certain buildings, chiefly resource buildings, should be kept low enough for people like you to enter. It does not in any case support attacking barricades. You have been warned and reported -twice." (04-20 19:31 BST) Oswyn Murray said "Any further misconduct on your part may result in actions being taken against you. Even if the group doesn't agree with me, I think that what you're doing is selfish and moronic." (04-20 19:32 BST)

I'd like to know what the official KNW line on trying to provide safehouses is - obviously Judge Bernard has already highlighted the lack of sub-freerunning safehouses in the Kempsterbank area, is it ok for law enforcement officials and concerned citizens to lower the barricades to allow others access to buildings - lest they feed the frenzied hoards by being stuck outside overnight.

You may agree with Osywn Murray entirely, in which case I will stand corrected and act as you require - but I'd like to hear it from a community leader such as yourself.

Judge Arthur 22:27 April 2006 (BST)

There are plenty of VSB buildings - such as Club Tremlett [54, 79] which was a mere one block away. There have been a number of break ins in my patrol area and, like Oswyn, having to rebarricade after you judges... well the thought isn't appealing.

The offical line - your Judge was right. But given the number of Zombies (and bodies) in the immediate area, heavier barricades where justified.

The Watch would be greatful if Sector House 301 left construction and demolishion work to us "civs" and concerned themselves more with dealing with the Undead threat. DavidMalfisto 11:46, 21 April 2006 (BST) (Lowly grunt of the KNW)

Citizen, your points are noted. Club Tremlett was the only accessible building in the area (maybe that qualifies as 'plenty'), and we did find it; after Judges had died in the process. This also made the club a priority target, as it was the only place non-free running personnel could take shelter. Our actions in these instances were about survival; a necessary prerequisite to dealing with the undead threat. It may be that there are VS buildings in the area, but when you are wandering the streets trying to find them, it leaves a bitter taste to use published information only to find it leading you to a dead end.

However, Judges accept the risks of their task. Things don't always go as planned. There is no issue with modifications to stated policy - Judges are flexible. There is no issue with polite requests to modify our behaviour - Judges are reasonable. There is one BIG drokking issue with making threats to Judges who are going about their duties, acting in good faith. Please make sure it does not happen again. We do not wish to be distracted from the pressing matter of the undead perps roaming our streets.

JudgeBernard 13:14, 21 April 2006 (BST)

I would like to speak for myself. The threat I made was measured and logical. I was no more or less agressive than any high-level former military personnel would be expected to be towards a low-level civilian who was attacking barricades.

If you behave in this manner again, I won't kill you, as we have decided against it, but others will, I assure you. People don't take kindly to Survivors attacking barricades, nor do they take kindly to being condescended to by low-level players, and you have done a great deal of that.

I don't really care if you get killed because you can't find a safehouse. It happened to me several times in the past, and I don't whine about it. Try as hard as you can to find a safe place to sleep. If you can't, then do not even consider taking the Barricades down and thus endangering others. How is that helpful to anyone?

We do try to keep certain buildings at VS. If they are higher, then assume they are so for a reason. I think very few of us would consider attacking barricades so we could enter. As David said, leave it to us. Other than that, do what you can to help out, and keep safe like the rest of us.

I do not apologise for any of my actions, as I was perfectly justified in them under the conditions. I hope that, with this incident closed, we can now peacefully coexist. So long as there are no further issues, I am perfectly willing to cooperate with your group and all other Survivors.

-Oswyn Murray-

Actually, at the time a warehouse [53, 78], Barnerd Way Police Dept [54, 76], Julie General Hospital [56, 76] and Holly Crescent Police Dept [56, 81] where all at VS and there was a good chance Styles Bank [57, 78] was also accessable. All those are within two spaces of the Library, and Purt Walk Firestation was within 3. Now granted it's not a good idea to sleep in resource buildings and both the warehouse and Bank frequently creep up to HB - but that's hardly "the only accessible building". Not to mention that there's only a one in five chance of knocking down barricades - that's plenty of AP to go looking for somewhere else to sleep rather than endanger others. DavidMalfisto 00:12, 23 April 2006 (BST)

This is acting Sector Chief Terry,

I regret the recent misunderstandings and altercation between some of my Judges and yourselves. As we are still suffering from whatever memory suppression device that caused us to forget we were Judges until the current emergency, it is not surprising that some Judges are a little unstable at the moment. I have reprimanded those Judges concerned with double shifts.

We are very grateful for the fantastic work that City Defence groups like yourselves are doing in defending the city from the ongoing invasion. I have ordered my Judges to co-operate, serve and lay down their lives to uphold the law and protect the citizens in this sector. Until we can locate our missing Justice Department equipment such as Lawmasters, H-wagons and Manta Prowl tanks we shall be slugging it out in the streets alongside you Cits. We are not too proud to learn from your experience in combatting the enemy or to ask and be grateful for your assistance.

Together we can take our city back.

So let's kick the funting drokk out of those undead creeps!

Judge Terry

In case you judges where wondering, it was me who left the message in Club T to knock down the 'cades. DavidMalfisto 20:41, 27 April 2006 (BST)

Inquisitorbob's Comments

Sorry for the delay, I haven't logged onto the wiki in ages, so I only just saw your revive request. Are you still there, and do you still want reviving? I'll head over there tomorrow if so, provided you can get back to me before then (if not, I'll head over there as soon as I have enough AP after you reply). Sorry again it's taken so long for me to get back to you. If you need to contact me again, you might want to try the CDF boards ( If you PM me on there I'll probably notice a lot sooner... (Be aware that you should probably also post on there, if you make an account; acounts with no posts are deleted periodically)

-- Inquisitorbob 20:11, 17 May 2006 (BST)

Just checked your profile, and it says you're alive. Sorry I couldn't get to you, but if you should die again then don't hesitate to contact me... I'll try and remember to log onto the wiki more often :)

-- Inquisitorbob 20:18, 17 May 2006 (BST)

I just noticed you're showing up as a Zombie on my contacts again. Do you want reviving, and if so where are you?

-- Inquisitorbob 12:23, 22 May 2006 (BST)

Oops. I did wonder why I had to edit to post comments... That would be because I was editing your main mage rather than your talk page... I can be an idiot at times. Anyway, if you do want reviving please let me know, I'm over at Giddings at the moment, but I should be able to come over and help you out if you need it. Sorry about the delay, and posting comments on your user page...

Inquisitorbob 11:28, 23 May 2006 (BST)