Kempsterbank Barricade Plan

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This is the Barricade Plan for the suburb of Kempsterbank.

This diagram shows what levels buildings should ideally be barricaded to in order to provide protection in the form of Extremely Heavily Barricaded buildings, whilst designating entry points in the form of Very Strongly Barricaded buildings. Please note this plan indicates the preferred levels of barricades, and not the current levels.

If you wish to discuss alterations to this plan, please use the talk page.

If you need to edit the barricade plan, go to Template:Kempsterbank Barricade Plan. If changes are made, please be sure to also edit the Barricade Policy section of the page for any buildings affected.

To include the barricade plan on a page use:

{{Kempsterbank Barricade Plan}} for a fullsize plan


{{Kempsterbank Barricade Plan|Small}} for a smaller version.

Ubpicon2.GIF UBP Non-Compliant Barricade Plan
This barricade plan is not compliant with the Uniform Barricading Policy. This plan was last reviewed on November 21,2009.

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
70 Isherwood Cinema
Haynes Square
a factory
Elliott Grove
Boorman Walk
the Vigors Motel
St. Matheos's Hospital
Minchington Crescent
Hosken Crescent
Hook Avenue
71 Rodd Square
Tipper Crescent
a junkyard
the Shortland Arms
St. George's Hospital
the Norwood Building
Hensler Walk
the Kilminster Monument
Leader Avenue
Knapman Row
72 Sanford Towers
Beatty Boulevard School
Spreat Alley School
Neot General Hospital
the Kitchen Monument
Laimbeer Plaza
Club Crook
St. Ferreol's Hospital
Chalk Street
Huckle Way
73 Cave Walk
Crampton Road
the Bearns Arms
McNeil Towers
Courage Cinema
Barnett Boulevard Fire Station
Titus General Hospital
Nunn Row Fire Station
Byewell Bank
Sheldrake Road
74 Bramwell Auto Repair
Ware Walk
Furneaux Lane
Doran Square
Tyack Plaza
a warehouse
the Bornard Building
a junkyard
Barne Place
75 the Dobbs Building
a factory
a junkyard
Club Blackburn
Penni Drive Fire Station
a warehouse
the Jillard Building
the Whitenoll Building
Burdett Way Police Department
Jenys Place
76 the Rawle Monument
Pattemore Grove Railway Station
Mundy Alley
Barnerd Way Police Department
Boggis Avenue
Julie General Hospital
Ebbutt Road
a junkyard
Rolle Library
77 Cridlin Drive
Crawford Towers
Whittern Towers
a carpark
Pipe Plaza
Southall Place
Firth Alley
the Dike Building
78 Cayley Walk
Nunn Alley
Cheal Lane
a warehouse
Bant Park
Rowson Library
Otto Square
Styles Bank
Wheaton Square
St. Luke's Church
79 Carpendale Bank
Cundham Drive
Purt Walk Fire Station
Keppel Boulevard
Club Tremlett
Wawer Cinema
Alsoop Avenue
Galloway Park
a cemetery
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points


This plan was first designed by the Kempsterbank Neighbourhood Watch in late '06 with the great majority of buildings in the suburb kept at VS. It has evolved since then.

Tagging: To encourage conformity to the plan, please spray-paint inside entry point buildings with graffiti similar to the following: Keep barricades VSB+2:


Due to the regrettable loss of our dear enemies, SFHNAS, the hospital is now VSB

Benaldo138 (talk) 22:57, 3 August 2018 (UTC)

Tyack Plaza was at one point operated as a in-group revive point for Detulux Inc, with their disbanding, this location in no longer a place for anyone to receive a revivification.

JD 04:40, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

As a result of the continue residence of the SFHNAS, the hospital will be officially raised to EHB to combat their presence, with St. Matheo's being officially lowered to compensate giving access to FAKs to people who reside on the border of both suburbs. Also some of the building abbreviations were changed, and the cemetery color was changed from street to light green.

JD 05:55, 29 April 2009 (BST)

Minor changes to the map; Returned revive point to street color and changed Phone Mast to White; Also changed Club Tremlett to VS as its been made a entry point for the mall for the last several months. Rowson should remain at VS as its an entry point for people coming south but can't make it to the club.

After reaching a consensus with the nearby residing groups the Barnerd Way Police Department has been changed to Very Strong Status.

JD 05:04, 14 October 2008 (BST)

Also, the PDs have been maintained at VS as they've been at that level since the new year and become populated with new players without free running. The map should be changed at a later time if conditions remain.

JD 20:08, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

The tinyurl for this barricade plan (for use in graffiti, &c.) is:

- Krae 20:01, 19 May 2007 (BST)

With zombie attacks flowing down from Shackleville, it is no longer possible to hold St Matheo's hospital safely at Very Strong as constant attacks has driven away all occupants and it is occasionally found ransacked. Therefore, it shall be raised to EHB and the adjacent Norwood Building will become the entry point to both St George's and St. Matheo's hospitals.

JD 22:18, 7 April 2007 (BST)

Tweaked map a little to reflect the balance of conditions in Kempsterbank.

BigJD02:32, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

The map was updated to reflect the current stabilized condition. There are enough VS buildings for entry and newbies though the majority of buildings are to be kept at EHB to protect the sleep of survivors.

Lao Tszy (17 Nov 2006)

I have made a couple of tweaks to this table, including a couple of additional EHB buildings. In principle this should give survivors enough choice for safehouses whilst making things relatively ok for non free-running survivors.

-- Vernon Greer (Cthulhu 11:58, 10 May 2006 (BST))