The Shortland Arms

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The Shortland Arms
EHB, unlit
Danger Updater MDUDC 14:03, 5 February 2021 (UTC)
the Shortland Arms

Kempsterbank [53, 71]

a factory Elliott Grove Boorman Walk
a junkyard the Shortland Arms St George's Hospital
Spreat Alley School Neot General Hospital the Kitchen Monument

Basic Info:

  • Pubs have no internal descriptions, apart from " abandoned pub."
  • Arms can be barricaded normally.


The Shortland Arms is one of two Pubs in Kempsterbank. Its proximity to the two of the more northern hospitals makes it an ideal safehouse for those wishing to avoid the attention of a resource building.


You are inside the Shortland Arms, an abandoned pub.


You are standing outside the Shortland Arms, a tall yellow-stone building covered in abandoned scaffolding.

Barricading Policy

This Pub is to be barricaded to EHB at all times in accordance with the Kempsterbank Barricade Plan

Current Status

The Pub is currently Barricaded to EHB with a Generator and Radio running inside. JD 16:52, 23 March 2007 (UTC)


The Shortland Arms is the base of operations for the northern activities of the Knights Templar and has been so since their expansion to encompass the whole of Kempsterbank in Mid-December of '06.

The Shortland Arms serves as the headquarters for the Evil Ewok Patrol.