User talk:Cyberbob240
User talk:Cyberbob
A guide to posting here - READ THISPretty simple really, just make a new subject (using the SIGN YOUR POSTS. If you don't know how to, simply type --~~~~ at the end of your post. Any posts without a signature WILL BE DELETED. Helps to keep things organised. Oh, one more thing. Could you please, for the love of God, put any new headings at the bottom of their section? Editing the WikiIf you have anything to discuss regarding the upkeep of the wiki, put it here. CriticismIf you have any complaints about my conduct, place them here. PraiseIf you wish to congratulate me or say thanks for anything I've done, please do so here. OtherIf you have a comment that doesn't fit into any of the above categories, put it here. Hey sweetheartWhere have you been all this time? -- Howdy bob. Nice seeing you active the same day i get my wiki legs for a walk --hagnat 01:19, 13 September 2011 (BST) We gave you a thing
Enjoy. ~ pingfor some weird reason i decided to pop in your page. zup d00d ? how are things doin ? --hagnat 20:50, 3 June 2015 (UTC) |