User talk:Deaths View

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Annus Horribilis is Here to Save You From Those Nasty Wulves!

Or perhaps I should say "Amplify your murdering power." For an occasional lifesaving bit of info certainly can't slow down the madness. But I can't share my wealth of local knowledge and happenings here; I'd be helping them just as much as you. Contact me by either email (tripleu3u (at gmail)), barhah (TripleU), or DSS Satellite Phone (887-7728) and I'll be sure to tell you everything you need to know to excel as a PKer in Wyke Hills. Otherwise we could end up having to eat you! And while I'm sure your eyes would make a wonderful jam, you're so much more useful when you're harvesting souls that would otherwise seek to harm us both. --VVV RPMBG 06:14, 15 May 2010 (BST)


Sigh...OK "Deaths View"-first of all-we already have 2 talented rivals in Annus Horribilis and TripleU. They set the standards and unfortunately you fell short. See-real PKers announce their hunting intentions first and don't make panicked spelling errors during their dialogue. And it is also bad form to start a hunt with a "murder by bushwacking" and then thump your chest about "slaughtering" someone. Of course the REALLY damning point is your mistaken quote of our page. See-we have had this before: Someone reads this Law: DO NOT PK. PKing is strictly forbidden because it WASTES AP. The exception would be Black Ops Strike Teams. If any Wulves member violate this law they will immediately be suspended from the group. Do not waste AP on pointless vendettas. The way to respond to PKers is to hunt them as a team to encourage them to hunt elsewhere. -and suddenly they become a Hero singly handedly calling us out secure in the knowledge that they will probably be ignored. Brilliant. Look-we are busy at the moment-if its a duel you want you will have to wait-2nd Co is at Perryn, 3rd is tracking MOB and first is all over the south. Best I can do is to try to squeeze you in for a Black Op at the end of next week, fair enough?--Belisarius17 04:40, 15 May 2010 (BST)

Hmmm-there might be more to you than first glance would indicate based on your tag: Deaths View-"War is a Passion" thats not bad, not bad at all...but then "your chances of running are lost Death has already came" is a bit off-should be: " Your chances of running are lost, Death has already come." And if I might be so bold to lend a hand if it were: Your chances of running have fled for Death has already arrived! Then you would really have a nice ironic tag line. Tell you what: You've got my interest-I will develop a Dossier on you and clear you for a suburb wide Kill on Sight. Lets see how you fair with that for starters-thanks for making the game interesting...--Belisarius17 05:13, 15 May 2010 (BST)

I still do not understand what I have done but you seem to be saying you are a threat. Atleast you are learning to warn someone before you try to murder them instead of murdering them then running away to hide. Your doing well :-) --Bono Landy 11:30, 27 June 2007 (BST)

We do not offer or see you as an official threat nor recognised your Group as being active nor ever existed, and we also do not offer any threat to your origin. My Branch have made alliances with all groups in Pegton and it seems to me we are a bigger threat to you than you are to us.

Mybe i would have supported you if i had discovered your existence but you left no room for that chance which is to my mind, unfortunate.

Best Wishes --Bono Landy 10:29, 26 June 2007 (BST)