User talk:Diano/Sejes Rath

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Whisker Biscuit, North Blytheville

Dear Mr Bounty, don't worry there is a RP close by, Hunter...

Jake here of the Olney Militia nice job on my OM brother Whisker Biscuit by the way... we are always here in North Blythville not far where you're holding up so it's not that hard to find us as we aren't hiding bounty hunter. I read your bounty claim report on Brainstock and we thank you for being honest enough to say that even you knew it wasn't a good kill. see here

As for the outstanding flimsy warrant (do you guys read? No I forgot it's just your job and you are eyeless) we would like to take you up on your offer to come all the way back up and use all your bullets and then revive Whisker Biscuit please. Then you can go all the way back as North Blythville could do without your bounty claims taking out one of the good guys trying to protect his burb from the zombies.

many thanks and have a nice day --Jake T Weber 18:47, 25 April 2008 (BST)

As you pointed out, I am eyeless -- it makes readin' a bit tough. That bein' said, I read the report and I knew that it was a bum rap, but this is what I do. I'm not sure who you mean by "you guys", unless it's bounty hunters in general; if that's the case, man, I couldn't say, as I don't really associate with any of 'em.
Most of my claims are righteous, and I always look for the dirt before I take aim at the just, but I don't play sides. You say you can do without my bounty claims, and I agree with you completely -- bounty claims don't solve anything. They don't stop PKers from PKin', but they sure do become inconvenient when you get stung by one while you're defendin' your home. Here's the thing; this is a game I play, and my claims are the score. This isn't about me bringin' people to justice, because what's justice in a place like this? Hell, what's death in a place like this, except a temporary inconvenience or an opportunity to play a bad guy for a while? All that matters is the score, and I'm workin' on mine.
Now, I feel right bad about puttin' a hole in Whisker Biscuit, but if someone else comes along and does it again, no one'll ever do it afterward unless he misbehaves. You good guys don't really have much to worry about, and we gray-area types aren't generally out to make your lives miserable. Now, you can get angry and anxious about it if you like, and you can spout inarticulate sarcasm in my direction and I won't get my feelings hurt, but honestly, did I do any permanent damage? No. I just did what I do, man, and that's that. As you asked that I step up and put my money where my mouth is for revives, I'll head back down to your turf and revive Whisker Biscuit if he's dead; if not, I'll revive someone else and ask them to pay it forward. Either way, I'll take off after that -- I'm a man of my word, and I'll stand by this one, though it'll take me a bit to rustle up a syringe. If I'm ever in your neighborhood again, I'll drop you folks a line and maybe put in a few days' work to make up for shootin' one of yours, but considerin' I've been takin' out a slough of actual dangerous killer types, I think I may be busy for a bit. --Sejes Rath 19:18, 25 April 2008 (BST)
As an added note, I just saw Whisker Biscuit up and active, so I guess I'm reviving someone random. He knows where to find me if he wants to take a shot at me or get his bounty cleared, and that's all up to him. --Sejes Rath 19:32, 25 April 2008 (BST)