User talk:SIavik
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As in you got your ass banned... --ALIENwolve 02:07, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
But you WERE. I'm still not seeing what your problem is about a joke group that pretends to be an evil regime bent on zombie destruction. --ALIENwolve 15:08, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
There is a difference between a joke and an i-am-going-to-kill-you-and-your-family-joke. The second always seems to fail in the fun factor. --hagnat 17:25, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
Imprison Slavik. Please sign our pledge : D --TheTeeHeeMonster 18:06, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
- It's ok. You can use SIavik, The Horde, Dis-Member-Ment, and whatever else you've created at this point. --TheTeeHeeMonster 21:31, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
The difference between my joke and yours is:
A) More than one person found my joke amusing. B) My joke wasn't a non-stop string of rule infractions.
Have fun getting (re)banned. --Zaruthustra 21:29, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)