Warehouse 10,92

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Warehouse 10,92
--VVV RPMBG 03:11, 20 July 2024 (UTC)
a warehouse

Old Arkham [10, 92]

Swaine Library
(New Arkham)
Cockburn Plaza Railway Station St. Humphrey's Hospital
Glessell Avenue
(New Arkham)
a warehouse Horditch Auto Repair
Durling Road
(New Arkham)
Smithfield Alley Kelley Library

Basic Info:

  • Warehouses can be barricaded normally.

Warehouse 10,92


Interior of the old Nashton Warehouse


Built in 1983, this warehouse was used as a storage facility for Nashton's Imports, a private shipping firm with its headquarters in Malton. By 2001, however, it had fallen into disuse since the company declared bankruptcy and closed down five years earlier. A number of criminal organizations, rumored to be part of the local mafia, soon took over the warehouse, using it as a base of operations.

The police raided the warehouse in 2002 and declared it was "completely abandoned" and that there was no sign whatsoever of unusual activity there, suggesting that the gang of criminals which may have occupied it for a while had moved on. In 2004, the warehouse was restored and purchased by Malton millionaire Thornton Mallett, but during the initial outbreak was abandoned again and has since fallen into ruin several times after being trashed by Zombie hordes, despite persistent attempts over the years by residents of New Arkham to keep it in good order as a safe house.

Barricade Policy

Current Status

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