Zephyrinus General Hospital (Dunell Hills)
Zephyrinus General Hospital Ruined for several weeks, dark. AndyMatthews (talk) 07:11, 4 February 2025 (UTC)
Zephyrinus General Hospital
Dunell Hills [6,36]
Basic Info:
Zephyrinus General Hospital is a hospital with the coordinates [6,36], situated in the suburb of Dunell Hills.
Zephyrus General Hospital is a hospital complex in downtown Dunell Hills; It has two main buildings and a parking garage. The hospital's exterior is in shambles after two years of zombie assaults and no maintenance; fungi and vines grow upon the structures without. Inside the building is little better, the medical facilities are clean; but the hospital lobby is filled with bloodstains from countless break ins from the undead and medical supplies are strewn about from survivors and army medics using the hospital's facilities for emergency medical uses.
Tactical Resource Points
The nearest of each type of tactical resource point to Zephyrinus General Hospital:
- Nearest Hospital is this location.
- Nearest Mall is 13 blocks away - Caiger Mall at [19, 28].
- Nearest NecroTech Building is 1 block away - The Dury Building at [5, 36].
- Nearest Police Department is 1 block away - Broadbelt Grove Police Department at [7, 35].
Notable Events
Zephyrinus Hospital is where the DHPD shows just how dedicated they are to protecting the Hills by standing up to the zombie horde that is (currently) holding the suburb. Many fine officers fight there regularly in the back and forth war against the undead. Zephyrinus seems to be the heart of Dunell Hills. --DCC 15:29, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
Malton Department of Emergency Management Information
Dunell Hills is in District Four of the Northwest Division of the Department of Emergency Management.