The News Archive
The zsg has announced that former pker austeko3rs has stepped down from his pking position to become a bounty hunter the zsg is pleased with this change and has finally announced that austeko3rs is now one of the true zsg and now can attend and use all zsg facilities and including firearms. His position for head of pking and bounty hunting has been nominated for arbitration.
- In other news.......The zsg will soon host the funeral for former zsg member Chickenpotato "He was a very honerable man(Austeko3rs) at this particular zsg funeral we will mourn Chickenpotatoe was a man of duty and was always on the spot he even sacrificed himself to save our humble leader zinker this is the highest duty a man could do and will always be remembered and rewarded.
The zsg has officialy announcved that any member can post here. On other news the zsg sadly could not attend to necrotech mobiles party, that is until they decided to move to the younghusband arms our which is our official headquarters. sadly half of our group was hosting/ attending a party that does not in any way represent the zsg officially. --zink 02:16, 6 November 2007 (UTC) ZinkerT!Z!A!R! F ! zinker M!
The zsg hase publicly announced that we will be attending necrotech moniles halloween bash remeber to bring booze! On a sadder not we also announce that chickenpotatoe funeral will be hed on nov. 5th and a short saying will be said for chickenpotatoe at the halloween bash.--Zinker 22:54, 29 October 2007 (UTC) ZinkerT!Z!A!R! F ! zinker M!
technical note: the main page is where other groups can contact us not the internal chat and signup located on the discusion section of the main page.--Zinker 22:44, 29 October 2007 (UTC) ZinkerT!Z!A!R! F ! zinker M!
With the dreadfull loss of chickenpatatoe (missing in action) the reamianing zsg members are still liberating west grayside. But with the help of the polecats and the rest we are holding strong. with reports that most of the lue has gone to whitenside there are a lot less zeds. i must say gratz to the two boys who took over fort pyrrn, for that made a lot of zeds leave.--Zinker 00:33, 27 October 2007 (BST)
all the zsg our now intact and ready for revenge the curent wareabout of chickenpatatoe and austeko3rs are unknown put the group leader (zinker) is held up inside the gready building and is trying to decade the dang police departments so she/he [(girl acc played by boy)named after dog] can get some ammunition.--Zinker 13:52, 9 October 2007 (BST)
Following the second fall of west grayside and poll mall all the zsg members are currently sittin in a cemetary making mrh sounds if ya know what i mean.--Zinker 15:14, 7 October 2007 (BST)