all about me!
Hello this is the official page of the legendary (sorta=p) zink accounts wich consist of:
1.zinker-a surviver milatary lvl 2 military. Zinker helps out survivers in the pole mall area and is currently fighting of any zeds sieging pole.
2.zinkthereviver-a (you guessed it) necrotech that's part of the red revive network or RRN and, is based in pitny bank, currently trying to defend the north east free zone.
3.zinkthekiller-is a well known pker and is in fort peryn pking and gking, in case you haven't gussed she's a PKER
4.remyhtesurviver-is my roleplaying account. He is currently revived, and; fending of the tatered remains of humanity.
Note: this account is inactive.
5.zinkthezombieslayer- you guessed it again =p a surviver in dem subdivision, firefighters and, is, helping maintain varius suburbs.
Note: this account is inactive.
6.zinkthezombiekiller- was a duel personalitie acc, meaning fighting for humans when a human and, fighting for zombies when a zombie.
Note: this account is inactive.
7.last but not least zinkthezombie-a zombie account trying to join lue or extiction and supports the kill all humans in Malton plan. If any lue or extintion zombies read this please post in the comments saying if i can or cannot join.
note:just because some of my accounts are pkers/zombies doesn't mean they all of them are fighting for evil.
note#2:under this is everything my different accounts support
Zinkthereporter's News Team/Newspaper creation
Remember Project Mini!
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.
UD Mod Conspiracy
This user is onto the Mod Conspiracy, and we've got our eye on you too!
Here, take my soap!
This user witnessed a witch hunt, and suggests soap and water would be a better alternative than pitchforks and torches, for the unwashed masses.
The Signature Race
This user is a part of the signature race; are you going to let them be more popular than you? Start today!
This user is going to Hell. Mainly because he doesn't believe in such foolishness.
Nah Narbahbargarz!
This user supports NNNNH, and is probably off saving newbies from extinction.
What a Relief!
Dead Animal appreciates the relief of a revive, so jab away, even if you're a combat reviver.
Damn them sigs
This user doesn't like sig templates and prefers an oldschool non-templated sig (and contributes to reducing server load by using one).
Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."
This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.
This user is an alien.
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
Proud To Be Dead
This user died defending malton.
New McZeds™
This User or Group eats at New McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.
This user supports using banners to support supporting things.
Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Code Stealer
This user is a wiki code stealer, and probably stealing your sidebar while you read this.
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Where is Malton?
this user thinks that Malton is a city.
It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
This user has jumped on the template bandwagon.
America Sucks
This user does not support America
This user is a Mrh Cow at least some of the time.
Steve Irwin
22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006
Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.
This user's favorite food is pizza.
DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
Compulsive Template Maker
This user will make a template about pretty much anything, including their propensity for making templates.
This user supports the use of Kitties for extreme cuteness and lovability.
Die, Kitties!
This user or group supports the use of kitties to bait the undead.
Safehouse Supporter
This user or group supports Vantar's Safehouse and respects its neutrality!
This user flips out and kills people. Ninjas are so totally awesome!
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Let's Abuse Flagboxes!
This user or group abuses or excessively uses flagboxes.
Happy Birthday
This user was born on march 24
Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
The PKers got Kenny!
Oh my God! You killed Kenny! You bastard!
Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue. This user can rhyme; Don't you wish you could too?
This user thinks dolphins are better than killer whales, and would totally be a dolphin, but with wings and lasers and shit.
This user or group knows how to lay the smack down.
Scientology Unfriendly
This user thinks that Scientology is ridiculous.
Visited Pole Mall
This user has visited Pole Mall.
This User does not use templates. Ever.
My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Morse Code
- .... .. ... / ..- -. -.. . .- -.. / ..- ... . .-. / ... .--. . .- -.- ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.-
This user knows exactly what to do with a banana.
An Adventurer is Me!
zinker plays The Kingdom of Loathing
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
This user is an atheist.
This user is a Democrat.
"ahrimmagicks" thinks that "zinker" is the Antichrist.
Don't Leave Home Without It
I don't go anywhere without The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
This user hates cake.
Body Count
zinker has killed 57 zombies.
This user misses the good'ol days of ectinction.
zinker wants Suicidalangel to die.
OMG, Yet Another Headshot!
This user is amazed their zombie can still lurch after so many headshots.
This user has been exposed to chemical pollution and thinks like a purple tentacle.
Proud To Be Dead
This user died defending malton.
Bashing extinction and saving malton since 2007
this user loves massacaring zombies.
Rank Insignia
- Firearm Specialists
- Hand to Hand Specialist
- Reconnaissance Specialist
- Necrotech Achievement
- Field Medic
- Surgeon
- Acquisition Specialist
- Fitness Specialist
- Spraypaint Specialist
- Fortification Specialist
- Radio Dispatch Specialist
- Sniper
L.u.e. hater!
this user hopes the lue come to his suburb soon becouse.... this user wants to lay the smackdown to thier zombie asses!
Damn that Bush
The ass that failed to give any support to Malton when the outbreak occurred.
I arz stoopid!!1one!1eleven!
This user is a complete idiot and should not be on the wiki. w00t!
The Future
This user believes that masks are the fashion of the future, everyone will be wearing one.
This User > Jesus
This user claims to be better than Jesus
I arz stoopid!!1one!1eleven!
This user is a complete idiot and does not know how to use wiki code. w00t!
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Anarchism, and will fight against all kind of oppression and groups that want to establish the old capitalistic order.
This user is a Kevanist. They believe that the universe was created approximately 20 years ago by an intelligent designer.
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