User:Thari: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 04:33, 31 March 2008 Thari Lulz

Ultimate Monitoring Tool
UD monitor.JPG
Drama nests: Vandal BanningArbitrationMisconductPolicy Discussion



Active Sysops:

Boxy WGrim s WDux Ducis WHagnat WMatthewfarenheit WThe General WVista WZombie slay3r W

Passive Sysops:

Brizth WConndraka WDaranz WKevan WMax Grivas WSA-TA-EK-Rumisiel WThari WVantar W

Inactive Sysops:

BobHammero WDarth Sensitive WKarlsbad WLeakyBocks WLibrarianBrent WMorlock WNovelty WNubis WSpiro WUrbandead WZaruthustra W


Plan03.gif Operation PARTY HARD
This user or group supports Operation: PARTY HARD and all its efforts. Check it out here: Party_hard


About Me

Lawful Good
Unknown. It might involve some bukkakes.

Instant Messengers

  • Gtalk: diz.rpg
  • MSN Messenger:
  • Yahoo ID: dr.hobbo
Extravaganza.jpg Yaaaaaaaaaay!
This user is celebrating the day Gold Blade got banned.
File:1175415564321.jpg (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
This user is/was a /b/tard.
Banderaarg.JPG Argentinian
This user is Argentinian.
Smiley.png Feel the Love
This user is a Mod, and is loved for their efforts towards fighting stupidity.
Snakesonaplane.jpg AAAAH! Snakes!!!
This user is a huge nerd who is going to the SoaP midnight premiere.
Spanish.jpg Spanish
This user is Spanish.
Extravaganza.jpg Implemented!
This user has gotten 47823 Suggestions implemented!
Fire.jpg Let's Abuse Flagboxes!
This user or group abuses or excessively uses flagboxes.
Noose.jpg The Ropes
This user thinks we should show thirteen years old players the ropes.
Socks.gif Sock Puppets
Because democracy works better without all that pesky democracy.
Ultimate Monitoring Tool
UD monitor.JPG
Drama nests: Vandal BanningArbitrationMisconductPolicy Discussion



Active Sysops:

Boxy WGrim s WDux Ducis WHagnat WMatthewfarenheit WThe General WVista WZombie slay3r W

Passive Sysops:

Brizth WConndraka WDaranz WKevan WMax Grivas WSA-TA-EK-Rumisiel WThari WVantar W

Inactive Sysops:

BobHammero WDarth Sensitive WKarlsbad WLeakyBocks WLibrarianBrent WMorlock WNovelty WNubis WSpiro WUrbandead WZaruthustra W

Redcrosssmall.jpg Doctor
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
GoldInBasketCropped.jpg Gold in the Basket
Max Grivas sees the basket as half full not half empty. He wants to fix it.
KurtCobain.jpg Rape Me
I like it that way.

Cthulhuplushshrunk6qb.jpg Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, this dead user waits dreaming.
Nixon.JPG Jjamesgate
The biggest abuse of Vandal Banning and Arbitration since Wikigate.
Mechs.jpg Unlimited power
This user or group supports the use of MECHS for inmortality.
Patois.jpg I donot speaks much englishes
This user is some kind of Patois.
Nogod.jpg Atheist
This user is an atheist.
Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This user supports the
Dual Nature Policy.
Domokunyellownbackground.jpg Grue
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Hubbard.jpg Scientology Friendly
This user is Scientology friendly for his actions and knowledge on Dianetics.
Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
Thari has given Thari a cookie for IS THIS GOOGLE?
Steve.jpg R.I.P.
Steve Irwin

22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006

ASS-logo-draft-1.png ASSault Supporter
This user or group supports ASS's current ASSault.
God.jpg Worship God!
This user believes God is amazing and that everyone should worship Him.
Spam1.jpg Sheizer List
This user is on MrAushvitz's Sheizer List
Templar01.jpg Knights Templar supporter
The Knights Templar, fighting zombies and making dresses seem masculine since 1108.
64px-PD-icon.svg.png Anti-Copyright User
This user hates copyrights.
Extravaganza.jpg The Dark Ages Have Ended Again!
This user is celebrating Xoid's ban of Godmazing.
Smiley.png Template Junkies!
This user is a Template Junkie!
Kaga.jpg Allez Cuisine!
This user believes that brains are a delicacy and should be treated as such.
Extravaganza.jpg Gone Forever!
This user is celebrating Amazing's permaban.
Fingerprint.jpg I'm Listed!
This user is listed on Mia's profile database....because everyone is.
Antiph.JPG PH Extermination
This User or Group supports the elimination of PH in the Southern Suburbs of Malton.
This user or group has seen wiki lawyering to have a direct and negative impact on the enjoyability and long term in-game experience and is of the opinion that harassing small children is a display of immaturity and severe problem with ones own self worth.
Noob.gif STFU N00B
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob.
I'd Rather Be Sleeping.
This user finds that even with 10,000 lines of code changed Nexus War is still boring.

NoLOL.png Grammar
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Basketofkittens.gif Kitten Basket
This user thinks that putting kittens in the basket is better than gold.
Crucifix.jpg Stop Suggesting Crap!
This user or group supports
intelligent suggestions because:
Crucifixes should be useless,
just like in real life.
Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Hipnopicard.gif zOMG Picard
This user recognizes Jean-Luc Picard as his only and true master.

File:William Shatner.jpg Shatner Aproved
This user or group has been aproved by William Shatner himself. Make a reverence and leave.
NINETHOUSAND.jpg His power level...
Mechamecha.JPG Mech Love Not War
Terminator 484 and his plan to overthrow the goverment is seriously harshing this user's buzz.
Ultimate Monitoring Tool
UD monitor.JPG
Drama nests: Vandal BanningArbitrationMisconductPolicy Discussion



Active Sysops:

Boxy WGrim s WDux Ducis WHagnat WMatthewfarenheit WThe General WVista WZombie slay3r W

Passive Sysops:

Brizth WConndraka WDaranz WKevan WMax Grivas WSA-TA-EK-Rumisiel WThari WVantar W

Inactive Sysops:

BobHammero WDarth Sensitive WKarlsbad WLeakyBocks WLibrarianBrent WMorlock WNovelty WNubis WSpiro WUrbandead WZaruthustra W

"Oooooooooooscaaaaaaaaaaaarr Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilde."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Go ahead... make my day.."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"My milkshake is better than yours."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Snakes... Why'd it have to be snakes?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"These are not the droids you are looking for."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Can you hear me now?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"No no no NO!! You do this!!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"There can be only one!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Imagine there's no heaven..."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"What's a penguin doing on the tele?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Where is your god now?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"And that’s what its like to be a gangster."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"O RLY?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I never had sex with that woman"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Hasta la vista, baby?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari
This user or group has seen wiki lawyering to have a direct and negative impact on the enjoyability and long term in-game experience and is of the opinion that harassing small children is a display of immaturity and severe problem with ones own self worth.
This user or group has seen wiki lawyering to have a direct and negative impact on the enjoyability and long term in-game experience and is of the opinion that harassing small children is a display of immaturity and severe problem with ones own self worth.
This user or group has seen wiki lawyering to have a direct and negative impact on the enjoyability and long term in-game experience and is of the opinion that harassing small children is a display of immaturity and severe problem with ones own self worth.

"God? God?!?! I invented God!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Now is the winter of our discontent."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Have you seen the Holy Grail?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I am the king of the Bouncy Castle and no-one else is!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"This aggression will not stand, man!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"There is no spoon."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Say hello to my little friend."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Do you feel lucky... punk?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I like beans."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Kek Kek Kek"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"You were the chosen one!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Death to Smoochy!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Bring it on!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I believe you have my stapler."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, hang up and dial your operator."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"It's peanut-butter jelly time!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Dude, where's my car?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Do NOT go home and get your shinebox"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"That's it! I've had it with these Motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I have you now!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"All your base are belong to us"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I'm the one that canceled Star Trek!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"What, me worry?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Let me explain something to you. Whenever you come in here and interrupt me, you're breaking my concentration. You're distracting me. And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. You understand? Now, we're going to make a new rule. When you come in here and you hear me typing, or whether you DON'T hear me typing, or whatever the fuck you hear me doing; when I'm in here, it means that I am working, THAT means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Show me the money!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Show me the monkey!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari
I'd Rather Be Sleeping.
This user finds that even with 10,000 lines of code changed Nexus War is still boring.

"I am not a chicken. I am a fowl."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I have always resisted the notion that knowledge ruined paradise."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Well, slo-o-o-o-w down, glamor boy."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I'm hungry, mother. Really I am."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich like me?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Luke...I am your father!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I'm detective John Kimble. Who is your daddy, and what does he do?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Every time you masturbate... a kitten kills a retard"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"At least I have chicken."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"It tastes like...chicken!."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"They need people like they can point their fucking fingers...and say..that's the bad guy!!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Where is this thing called Akira?!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Move it, football head!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I live in a giant bucket!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Well excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"If Jesus was still alive, I bet he would eat Frosties."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"I have nothing to declare except my complete and utter arrogance."

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"First we're gonna rock, then we're gonna roll!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Let's roll!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"Gimme back my Tots"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari

"It was earth all along"

~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


~ Oscar Wilde on Thari


Ultimate Monitoring Tool
UD monitor.JPG
Drama nests: Vandal BanningArbitrationMisconductPolicy Discussion



Active Sysops:

Boxy WGrim s WDux Ducis WHagnat WMatthewfarenheit WThe General WVista WZombie slay3r W

Passive Sysops:

Brizth WConndraka WDaranz WKevan WMax Grivas WSA-TA-EK-Rumisiel WThari WVantar W

Inactive Sysops:

BobHammero WDarth Sensitive WKarlsbad WLeakyBocks WLibrarianBrent WMorlock WNovelty WNubis WSpiro WUrbandead WZaruthustra W

................._,-~'¯ ; ; ; ; ;'\,----,................................................................,~ . . . . . . . . . . __,-~~'¯ .........,_,-~'¯; ; ; ; ;,-'¯¯¯ '¯~'\,|,........................................................_,-~' . . . . . . . ._,--~'¯¯ ...... '¯¯; ; ; ; ; ;_. ,/' . . .¯'o~- '|................................................_,-~-~'¯ . , . . . . ¯¯\, . . '\, ......¯¯,-~*_ . /' . '\| . . . . . . . .'\......................................._,-~*'¯,/',/' . . . . .¯¯¯'~----,,,\,,,, .'\, ...........¯¯--, .'\, . . . . . . ,--~-,' '|.............................._,-~*'¯ ; ;;;;; | .| . . . . . . . . . . . : . .|¯'*| .|

This user or group has seen wiki lawyering to have a direct and negative impact on the enjoyability and long term in-game experience and is of the opinion that harassing small children is a display of immaturity and severe problem with ones own self worth.

................."\,-'¯|, . . .,/' ¯¯'-/'/......................._,-~'¯¯; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; '| .'| . . . . . . . . . .___,,--~'~| ...................| . . '\, . . '\,; ; ;|/'.__,-~~--,_,/'¯¯'~'¯; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '|,'\, ---,_,,---~¯\\~'¯¯,--~/ ................../'____ `~-,,,--~¯¯ ; ; ; ; ; /' ; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'\, .'~-,,-~~---~'~---~~¯ ................,/'¯'\, . .¯¯,~';;;;;;; ; ;/' ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;/ ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~,--~¯¯';,/' ..............,/',--,-~',_,~ ;/';;;;;;;;;/';; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

I'd Rather Be Sleeping.
This user finds that even with 10,000 lines of code changed Nexus War is still boring.

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