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Can you guess the source used? And yes, the images WERE PhotoShopped to hide their true identity. I thought it was very fitting, all things in the competition being considered.<br><br>
Can you guess the source used? And yes, the images WERE PhotoShopped to hide their true identity. I thought it was very fitting, all things in the competition being considered.<br><br>

<font color="#A4171D"><u>'''The Witty Race:</u>'''</font> Around Wednesday (February 25th, 2009) I started to tally the Deadly Wit scores for each bounty hunter in the competition. Here are the actual scores ([[Image:Pip.gif]] = 1 witty remark reported):
<font color="#A4171D"><u>'''The Witty Race</u>:'''</font> Around Wednesday (February 25th, 2009) I started to tally the Deadly Wit scores for each bounty hunter in the competition. Here are the actual scores ([[Image:Pip.gif]] = 1 witty remark reported):

[[Image:DeadlyWit-Druboo01.jpg|thumbnail|Is it just wit? No, it's... ''magic''.]]
[[Image:DeadlyWit-Druboo01.jpg|thumbnail|Is it just wit? No, it's... ''magic''.]]

Revision as of 15:00, 7 April 2009

Hang 'Em High

Welcome Bounty HuntersPoint SystemThe ScoreboardTrophies & Title Holders
Nothing But A StatisticCompetition HistoryMemorable Moments

Welcome Bounty Hunters

Greetings bounty hunters, you may all know me as noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher, but for the next short while I will also be known for officiating the Hang 'Em High bounty hunting competition. What credentials do I have you ask? Plenty! Albeit none of them involve bounty hunting, but I have worked with the Dulston Alliance long enough to work out the logistics involved and this will serve us well during the competition at hand. The Dulston Alliance has decreed that lawlessness in their territories must come to an end, and while that end is still far from sight, they have decided that an "example" must be made of the local criminals to show others that a life of crime is no life at all. Of course whether your interests in this competition are spurred by the need to bring order and justice to Malton, or to satiate your bloodlust in a justifiable way, then this is what you have been looking for. If there's anything more than a zombie that needs some extreme brain surgery with a .45 automatic it most certainly would be the fellows populating the Alliance's Black List. Yes that's right, the Black List, the list of criminals monitored and maintained by the Dulston Alliance. The Alliance sponsored the competition in the hope that it will lead to greater cooperation and interest among the local survivor population when it came to dealing with criminals. To facilitate this I have generously offered to help oversee the competition, as if there is one thing that I enjoy almost as much as SCIENCE, well I would have to say it's seeing criminals get what's coming to them. But there I go again, talking about myself. I'll be damned if I can't help but be irresistibly fascinating. But without further ado, let me get to the main attraction...
BAR HangEmHigh.jpg

Welcome bounty hunters of the northeast! The Hang 'Em High competition takes place in Northeast Malton. While the Dulston Alliance is sponsoring the competition it is not restricted to its members. In fact, whether you are with an Alliance member group, an Alliance ally, or just a local independent survivor, every pro-survivor in the northeast is invited to join in and compete to earn various trophies, including the prestigious Hang 'Em High trophy itself. The competition brings together all pro-survivors against the misguided criminals which disrupt the peace of our fair suburbs with their wanton slaughter and vandalism. The competition will run for about a month, but with a clearly defined start and end date. Also, while the main competition will center on the four northeastern-most suburbs of Rhodenbank, Dulston, Rolt Heights, and Rhodenbank, any criminal wanted on the Black List is fair game no matter which suburb they have skulked off to hide in. Just keep in mind that all targets MUST be on the Black List to qualify as valid executions.

Point System

Bounty hunters competing in the Hang 'Em High competition may earn points in various ways. The following is the complete list of all standard scoring methods:

Score awarded when... Points
Executed one of the "Top 10 Most Wanted". 3 points
Executed a criminal. 2 points
Assisted execution of a "Top 10 Most Wanted" criminal. 2 points (each)
Assisted execution of a criminal. 1 point (each)
Reported a criminal's location. 1 point
Executed a zombie criminal at a revive point. 2 points
Assisted execution of a zombie criminal at a revive point. 1 point (each)
Executed a zombie criminal inside a building. 1 point
Assisted execution of a zombie criminal inside a building. 1 point (each)

Term Definitions

  • Criminal - A criminal (or "target") recorded on the Dulston Alliance's Black List. Criminals from other lists (i.e. the Rogues Gallery) are excluded from this competition unless they are also wanted fugitives on the Black List.
  • Zombie Criminal - A criminal (or "target") recorded on the Dulston Alliance's Black List who is currently a standing zombie. Keep in mind there are only two methods to score points when killing a zombie criminal: when they are inside a building or standing at a revive point. Injuring a zombie criminal at any other location (i.e. outside a building) is scored as an assisted kill if the zombie criminal then proceeds to enter a building or return to a revive point while still injured, whereupon they are killed.
  • "Top 10 Most Wanted" - A list comprised of criminals from the Black List who are considered the most annoying, hardcore, and/or deadliest criminals in the northeast. As this is Northeast Malton we're talking about in general assume they're just the most annoying. 'Deadly' just doesn't factor into the equation that often. The list may be updated from time to time during the competition, but all bounty hunters will be notified in advance of such an update. Updates to the list of criminals are not retroactive (in terms of scoring).
  • Assisted Execution - This is when two or more bounty hunters work together to injure, and kill, the same target. In order to be considered a part of an assisted kill each bounty hunter must inflict at least 15 damage to the target and report the attack (post proof). If at any time the criminal is restored to within 5 points of their maximum health (45 of 50, or 55 of 60) the bounty hunters who attacked the target previously are no longer counted towards the assisted kill score. There's a lesson to be learned in that kind of situation.
  • Reporting - This is when a bounty hunter reports the location of a criminal from the Black List. However, to earn a score the the PKer, whose location was reported, needs to be executed at that location. Furthermore, no bounty hunter may earn points from both reporting and killing the same target (whether assisted or single-handedly).
  • Revive Points - Refers to only official revive points listed for each suburb (all cemeteries are excluded). Temporary revive points are excluded from scoring.

The Scoreboard

The following is a list comprising the "Top 10" bounty hunters who participated in the Hang 'Em High competition. It should be noted however that not every bounty hunter joined the competition on the official start date and not every execution was recorded/scored (as proof was required for each one... and sometimes in the heat of the kill this was overlooked). Nonetheless, here stand ten of the thirty-one bounty hunters who chose to compete. Each bounty hunter who made it onto the "Top 10" list not only earned their place in the glorious history of the hunt, but will also be remembered for all time.

Rank Hunter's Name Hunter's Group Kills Assists Reports Score
1st Ottari P.D.A. 14 12 07 61
2nd Rotten Ray D.I.T.P.S 19 14 05 61
3rd Druboo Cannibal Corps 13 09 01 48
4th N00bert FOXHOUND 12 14 05 44
5th Met Fan FOXHOUND 15 06 02 43
6th Gorgomath B.H.U. 07 04 02 22
7th Officer Murphy Dead vs Blue 06 04 00 20
8th Yonnua Koponen Dead vs Blue 01 06 00 09
9th Dio Kharg FOXHOUND 01 04 00 09
10th Kikashie FOXHOUND 01 04 00 08

Trophies & Title Holders

The Hang 'Em High Trophy
This trophy will be awarded to the bounty hunter(s) with the highest score. In the event that more than one bounty hunter has the same high score then the trophy will be held jointly between them. The winner(s) will also be awarded with the official title: Northeast Marshal (until such time as the next competition is held and ended). Check here for trophy template details on usage.

HangEmHigh.png Hang 'Em High – Northeast Marshal
When it comes to bounty hunting, Ottari has proven to be one of the best. Through expert skill, steadfast determination, and some luck Ottari executed 14 criminals, assisted in executing 12 more criminals, and supplied recon that led to the execution of 7 criminals. Justice is swift, and its name is Ottari.

HangEmHigh.png Hang 'Em High – Northeast Marshal
When it comes to bounty hunting, Rotten Ray has proven to be one of the best. Through expert skill, steadfast determination, and some luck Rotten Ray executed 19 criminals, assisted in executing 14 more criminals, and supplied recon that led to the execution of 5 criminals. Justice is swift, and its name is Rotten Ray.

Brothers-in-Arms Trophy
This trophy will be awarded to the bounty hunter(s) who scores the most points from assisted executions and reporting the location of criminals that are in turn collected as executions by other bounty hunters. The winner of this award has shown he/she is a real team player. Check here for trophy template details on usage.

Brothers-in-Arms.png Hang 'Em High – Brothers-in-Arms

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother." --King Henry V (Henry V)

N00bert is a strategic bounty hunter who, with 5 recon reports and 14 assisted executions, has proven that allies who work together will always deliver justice.

Brothers-in-Arms.png Hang 'Em High – Brothers-in-Arms

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother." --King Henry V (Henry V)

Ottari is a strategic bounty hunter who, with 7 recon reports and 12 assisted executions, has proven that allies who work together will always deliver justice.

Brothers-in-Arms.png Hang 'Em High – Brothers-in-Arms

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother." --King Henry V (Henry V)

Rotten Ray is a strategic bounty hunter who, with 5 recon reports and 14 assisted executions, has proven that allies who work together will always deliver justice.

Relentless Trophy
This trophy will be awarded to the bounty hunter who kills the most "Top 10 Most Wanted" criminals during the competition. Check here for trophy template details on usage.

Relentless.png Hang 'Em High – Relentless

"It has long been noted that some conquerors prefer enemies as fierce as tigers and brave as eagles, for only then can they savor the true joy of victory." --Lu Xun (The True Story of Ah Q)

Ottari is a tenacious and determined bounty hunter who repeatedly executed 15 "Top 10 Most Wanted" criminals during the Hang 'Em High competition.

Lone Wolf Trophy
This trophy will be awarded to the bounty hunter who executes the largest number of criminals without assistance (requested or not). Check here for trophy template details on usage.

LoneWolf.png Hang 'Em High – Lone Wolf

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." --Josef Stalin

Rotten Ray is a bounty hunter and a force to be reckoned with, having singlehandedly executed 19 criminals during the Hang 'Em High competition. Rotten Ray proved there was nowhere for criminals to hide, nowhere for them to run... death was inevitable.

Deadly Wit Trophy
This trophy will be awarded to the bounty hunter who delivers the most witty retorts prior to, or after, executing a criminal. This award also requires that the bounty hunter show they are communicating with the public to let them know they are killing criminals and this was not random violence. The decision who wins this trophy will be judged by the Dulston Alliance leadership. Check here for trophy template details on usage.

DeadlyWit.png Hang 'Em High – Deadly Wit

"He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike." --William Shakespeare

Druboo is a bounty hunter who knows the pen is just as mighty as the sword. Using a razor sharp wit to finish each of his foes, Druboo provided parting last words to 16 criminals during the Hang 'Em High competition.

Nothing But A Statistic

Oh sure, we've all heard it before... the self-aggrandizements of the criminal masterminds of Malton. The way they chortle maniacally to themselves while murdering and vandalizing. Many of them have over-inflated egos, which does little for them because in the end the Hang 'Em High competition reduces them to their most essential and basic function. They're all just statistics. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Total Competition Executions

Top10MostWantedv1.png Top10MostWantedv2.png

Competition History

The bounty hunting competition first started on January 9th, 2009 and ended on February 28th, 2009 at 12:00 PM (EST). During this month and half-long competition hunters vied for dominance. It should be noted that Zombie Hunting Season had also started in late January, due to the need to "thin the undead herd" as zombies had grown too numerous to ignore even with the bounty hunting competition having only reached its mid-point. The result however was the hunters who targeted both criminals and zombies were forced to chose how they allocated their time in both competitions, and in many cases some chose one competition over the other. Even so, as the competition was open to everyone in contact with the Dulston Alliance there were still more than enough hunters to compete.

Additional Identifiers

  • Bounty Hunter Name - Indicates a bounty hunter who only reported the target's location.
  • Bounty Hunter Name - Indicates an assisted execution wherein an unknown party (survivor or zombie) was involved, but could not be identified.
  • Criminal Name - Indicates a criminal who was a zombie at the time of execution.

The following is a chronological journal of each hunter's recorded exploits, as reported, during the event:

Date Criminal Execution Site Bounty Hunter(s)
Jan 09, 2009 Perzeus Howell Library, Dulston Met Fan
Jan 09, 2009 Psychotic Pantomime Junkyard (89,1), Rhodenbank Met Fan
Jan 09, 2009 SidestreamerX Club Godfry, Pescodside Gorgomath
Jan 10, 2009 He's dead Jim Townsend Bank, Dulston Dio Kharg
Officer Murphy
Jan 10, 2009 Marlea Townsend Bank, Dulston Tommy1504
Jan 10, 2009 Tony Loop Townsend Bank, Dulston Officer Murphy
Jan 11, 2009 Ruben Kincaid The Trood Building, Dulston N00bert
Jan 12, 2009 urban slayer The Holdway Museum, Dulston Espina
Jan 13, 2009 He's dead Jim The Trood Building, Dulston DarthKnight
Jan 13, 2009 Old Testament Jesus The Pilton Building, Dulston Met Fan
Jan 15, 2009 Maeva Troubridge Cinema, Dulston DarthKnight
Jan 16, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Jan 16, 2009 Athair Bas Bearcrofte Bank, Pescodside Met Fan
Jan 16, 2009 Marlea Oatley Bank, Dulston Espina
Jan 16, 2009 Athair Bas Warehouse (94,13), Pescodside Ottari
Jan 16, 2009 Perzeus The Gatehouse Building, Dulston N00bert
Met Fan
Jan 16, 2009 Fred Costello Warehouse (88,11), Rolt Heights Gorgomath
Jan 17, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD Townsend Bank, Dulston Kikashie
Yonnua Koponen
Jan 17, 2009 David Sly The Love Building, Pescodside Met Fan
Jan 18, 2009 Perzeus The Holdway Museum, Dulston Dio Kharg
Orophin Minyatur
Jan 18, 2009 Harrison Smith Factory (89,8), Rhodenbank N00bert
Rotten Ray
Jan 19, 2009 everyone in here Fleming Library, Dulston Druboo
Jan 19, 2009 Jason 'Buckshot' Tyr Warehouse (92,3), Dulston Gorgomath
Jan 19, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 19, 2009 Nung Spicer Row PD, Dulston DarthKnight
Jan 19, 2009 Lothar von Rheinfels Spicer Row PD, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 19, 2009 Janine Eelms Spicer Row PD, Dulston Dio Kharg
Rotten Ray
Jan 20, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 20, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Yonnua Koponen
Rotten Ray
Jan 20, 2009 David Sly Troubridge Cinema, Dulston N00bert
Jan 21, 2009 Fred Costello Treweeke Mall (NE), Dulston TheIronGoat
Doctor How
Jan 21, 2009 Perzeus Duport Avenue, Dulston Gorgomath
Jan 21, 2009 Roger Tony Heddington Walk Railway Station, Dulston Kikashie
Jan 21, 2009 Terpey Factory (97,3), Dulston Officer Murphy
Jan 22, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 22, 2009 Donald Crane The Whitlock Building, Dulston Gorgomath
Jan 22, 2009 Athair Bas The Backholer Museum, Pescodside Ottari
Jan 22, 2009 Harrison Smith Treweeke Mall (NE), Dulston Gorgomath
Orophin Minyatur
Jan 23, 2009 Spoook Cull Avenue PD, Rhodenbank N00bert
Jan 23, 2009 RafaelP The Holdway Museum, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 23, 2009 Perzeus Howell Library, Dulston Druboo
Jan 23, 2009 Jason 'Buckshot' Tyr Spicer Row PD, Dulston Rotten Ray
Orophin Minyatur
Jan 24, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Anne General Hospital, Dulston N00bert
Rotten Ray
Orophin Minyatur
Jan 24, 2009 Spoook Anne General Hospital, Dulston Officer Murphy
Jan 24, 2009 He's dead Jim Troubridge Cinema, Dulston Ottari
Jan 25, 2009 He's dead Jim The Whitlock Building, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 25, 2009 Turkmenbashi Gibb Plaza Railway Station, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 26, 2009 McCullen Factory (97,3), Dulston Officer Murphy
Jan 26, 2009 Shoat Factory (97,3), Dulston Officer Murphy
Jan 26, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD Salter Grove Railway Station, Rhodenbank Druboo
Jan 26, 2009 50 EXECUTIONS ZZ ZZ
Jan 26, 2009 joshthepoogod Salter Grove Railway Station, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Jan 26, 2009 Terpey Troubridge Cinema, Dulston N00bert
Jan 27, 2009 Shummer Troubridge Cinema, Dulston Yonnua Koponen
Officer Murphy
Jan 27, 2009 joshthepoogod St. Barbara's Church, Dulston N00bert
Jan 27, 2009 Phish Dude The Slade Arms, Dulston Met Fan
Jan 28, 2009 Lemonhead7t7 The Inman Building, Pescodside Druboo
Jan 28, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Anne General Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Jan 28, 2009 H K 47 Warehouse (88,11), Rolt Heights Met Fan
Jan 28, 2009 He's dead Jim Waddington Towers, Dulston Ottari
Jan 28, 2009 McCullen The Naisbitt Building, Dulston N00bert
Jan 29, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD The Whitlock Building, Dulston Yonnua Koponen
Rotten Ray
Jan 30, 2009 everyone in here Orome Avenue, Rhodenbank Druboo
Jan 30, 2009 Roger Tony Clewett Alley PD, Dulston Gorgomath
Rotten Ray
Jan 31, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Anne General Hospital, Dulston N00bert
Jan 31, 2009 Shummer The Naisbitt Building, Dulston Met Fan
Feb 01, 2009 Lemonhead7t7 Treweeke Mall (NE), Dulston Hell Kaiser
Rotten Ray
Feb 01, 2009 Terpey The Naisbitt Building, Dulston N00bert
Feb 02, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Feb 02, 2009 He's dead Jim Duport Avenue, Dulston Yonnua Koponen
Feb 02, 2009 joshthepoogod The Backholer Museum, Pescodside Met Fan
Feb 02, 2009 Maurice Smith Lentell Walk PD, Dulston Gorgomath
Feb 02, 2009 Harrison Smith Lentell Walk PD, Dulston Druboo
Feb 02, 2009 He's dead Jim Duport Avenue, Dulston N00bert
Feb 02, 2009 Terpey Junkyard (89,1), Rhodenbank Officer Murphy
Feb 02, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Officer Murphy
Mark Ryerson
Feb 03, 2009 Kilkid Pegrum Place PD, Dulston N00bert
Yonnua Koponen
Feb 03, 2009 Phish Dude Nulty Auto Repair, Rhodenbank Ottari
Feb 03, 2009 Shoat Club Farrel, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 03, 2009 Terpey Bearcrofte Bank, Pescodside N00bert
Rotten Ray
Feb 04, 2009 Arax Smith Lentell Walk PD, Pescodside Ottari
Melancholy one
Feb 04, 2009 Edith Bauer Hindmarsh Row PD, Rhodenbank Druboo
Feb 04, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Kurt Jackson
Feb 05, 2009 Teether Sheapperd Library, Earletown Druboo
Feb 05, 2009 Joe Gilmore Pownall Cinema, Rhodenbank Ottari
Feb 05, 2009 Kilkid Clipper Grove Railway Station, Rhodenbank Deathwire
Feb 06, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD The Devonshire Building, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 07, 2009 Edith Bauer Billinghurst Place PD, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 07, 2009 Terpey Factory (88,5), Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 08, 2009 Shoat Club Webbe, Rolt Heights Ottari
Feb 09, 2009 CloneSoldier Billinghurst Place PD, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 09, 2009 Phish Dude Club Hagan, Rhodenbank N00bert
Feb 10, 2009 Kilkid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Feb 12, 2009 Tony Loop Pownall Cinema, Rhodenbank Druboo
Feb 13, 2009 Shoat Club Godfry, Pescodside Ottari
Feb 13, 2009 Shummer Blaise General Hospital, Dulston Officer Murphy
Feb 14, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank N00bert
Feb 14, 2009 Tony Loop Club Greene, Rhodenbank Druboo
Feb 14, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Factory (88,5), Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 15, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD St. Dunstan's Church, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 16, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Factory (88,5), Rhodenbank N00bert
Met Fan
Feb 16, 2009 100 EXECUTIONS ZZ ZZ
Feb 16, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 16, 2009 everyone in here The Carlyle Building, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 17, 2009 Ruben Kincaid The Carlyle Building, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 17, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD The Parks Building, Rhodenbank Ottari
Feb 17, 2009 Shummer Dowdney Mall, Santlerville Druboo
Met Fan
Feb 18, 2009 Shotqun Ed Younghusband Square PD, Rolt Heights Gorgomath
Feb 18, 2009 Terpey Sawday Bank, Gibsonton Ottari
Feb 18, 2009 Phish Dude Club Tompson, Rolt Heights Ottari
Feb 18, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 19, 2009 Shoat Orome Avenue, Rhodenbank Dio Kharg
Feb 19, 2009 everyone in here The Whitlock Building, Dulston Ottari
Met Fan
Feb 19, 2009 Joe Gilmore Club Hardyman, Pescodside Gorgomath
Melancholy one
Feb 20, 2009 Joe Gilmore Lovell Auto Repair, Rolt Heights Druboo
Feb 20, 2009 Sam Bombabum Horder Avenue School, Rolt Heights Druboo
Feb 20, 2009 Ruben Kincaid Parrott Towers, Dulston N00bert
Feb 21, 2009 Kilkid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Feb 22, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston Rotten Ray
Feb 22, 2009 He's dead Jim Club Hagan, Rhodenbank Ottari
Feb 22, 2009 Roger Tony Duport Avenue, Dulston PubicPubLover
Feb 22, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD The Perryn Building, Dulston Dio Kharg
Feb 22, 2009 P3ach Fuzz Nott Auto Repair, Dulston Rotten Ray
Feb 22, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD Orome Avenue, Rhodenbank Bane Croooow
Feb 23, 2009 He's dead Jim Duport Avenue, Dulston Espina
Yonnua Koponen
Feb 23, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD Townsend Bank, Dulston Gorgomath
Bane Croooow
Feb 24, 2009 Ruben Kincaid St. Anacletus's Hospital, Dulston N00bert
Met Fan
Feb 25, 2009 Shummer Club Cocker, Dulston Druboo
Feb 25, 2009 McCullen Club Greene, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 26, 2009 Exurg Factory (88,5), Rhodenbank Ottari
Bane Croooow
Feb 26, 2009 Phish Dude Warehouse (88,11), Rolt Heights Ottari
Feb 26, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Ottari
Bane Croooow
Feb 26, 2009 Edith Bauer The Ablett Arms, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Bane Croooow
Feb 26, 2009 Kilkid Sunderland Museum, Pescodside Met Fan
Feb 26, 2009 Carase Club Garrett, Dulston N00bert
Feb 27, 2009 Tony Loop Fanning Cinema, Rolt Heights Ottari
Feb 27, 2009 Mr Robusto The Brain Museum, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 27, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD The Ablett Arms, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 28, 2009 Whitlock WIZARD St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Ottari
Stephanie Bridges
Rotten Ray
Feb 28, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Feb 28, 2009 Tony Loop The Pepperell Museum, Dulston Druboo
Feb 28, 2009 james007bond Tinkler Plaza School, Rhodenbank N00bert
Rotten Ray
Feb 28, 2009 Jake Bettermaker Billinghurst Place PD, Rhodenbank Rotten Ray
Bane Croooow
Feb 28, 2009 Gratefulltobedead Factory (89,8), Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 28, 2009 everyone in here St. Mark's Hospital, Rhodenbank Met Fan
Feb 28, 2009 Shummer Woodland Cinema, Rhodenbank Ottari
Feb 28, 2009 Joe Gilmore Club Meatyard, Rhodenbank Ottari

Memorable Moments

The following are a few of the highlights which took place during the Hang 'Em High competition. Most of these events took place, as you can guess, right near the end of the competition. It really is much easier to see how frustrating the winds of chance can play when you're down to the line.

Botherers-in-Arms: Many of you may not know this but N00bert, the leader of FOXHOUND, was actually in the lead for the Brothers-in-Arms trophy coming into the final day of the competition. However, he was only leading by a single point, although he was oblivious to this fact. The following is the actual chain of events that led to his de-throning and caused him to snap:

  • N00bert has a total score of 18, while Rotten Ray has a total score of 17. Close, but N00bert would seem to have the Brothers-in-Arms trophy all wrapped-up, what with only 5 hours remaining. It would be a close win, but a win nonetheless.
  • N00bert executed the criminal james007bond... who Rotten Ray reported. N00bert had just GIVEN Rotten Ray +1 point. Now both N00bert and Rotten Ray were tied with 18 points each. I don't like "ties".
  • Flabbergasted by this turn of events I contacted N00bert. His screenshot of james007bond's execution was outside with 2 zombies... maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a tie after all. I non-chalantly asked N00bert, who was unaware of his dire trophy predicament, whether the zombies had ASSISTED in the kill. If so, then N00bert's kill would become an assisted kill instead and he would earn 1 point towards the Brothers-in-Arms trophy which would put him back in the lead.
  • As I wait for his reply however Neb84, a member of FOXHOUND I might add, helped Rotten Ray with an assisted kill. Now Rotten Ray has been bumped up to a score of 19! Even when N00bert revealed his kill was an assisted kill they were now tied with 19 points apiece.
  • Then Ottari, who was 2 points behind both of them and not even on my radar during these events, suddenly exploded onto the scene. How, you might ask? Well let me tell you. Met Fan, yet another helpful member of FOXHOUND (poor N00bert, surrounded by "allies"), killed both of the criminals Ottari had reported. Guess what that means? Now N00bert, Rotten Ray, AND Ottari were all tied with 19 points. A 3-way tie.
  • The competition ended with no resolution forthcoming, so the Brothers-in-Arms trophy is shared between them.
  • N00bert fired Met Fan.

Last Minute Entry: During most of the competition Rotten Ray was doing great. Better than great actually. Awesome would be a more accurate word for it. He had a huge lead going into the 3rd week of the competition and no one was even near his score. It seemed like every time someone in the top 5 ranked bounty hunters scored Ray managed to score soon after and maintained his healthy lead. Ray seemed to always have a large "buffer score" between himself and anyone who ended up in 2nd place. And so this continued until the final week of the competition...

It was in the final week that Druboo and Ottari closed the gap, whittling away a seemingly insurmountable lead into the kind of lead that could potentially be beaten. With this in mind Ray had, how should I put it... "lost his cool"? You know this when you get a forum PM inquiring about the exact time when the competition was supposed to end, even confirming my time zone (EST). Well this was understandable considering the turn of events. I advised him the deadline was at midnight (Eastern Standard Time), because that was based on where I live and I would be calling the final countdown. As fate would have it though going into the final day Ottari managed to actually come close to overtaking Ray's score, but in the end he appeared to be 5 points shy of tying Ray's score. That was a fair number of points, especially when you consider there were less than 5 hours left on the clock.

The surprise came while I was counting down from 14 minutes to midnight, Ottari posted two final executions worth a total of 5 points. Wow. Talk about just making the cut. My thought at the time?:

"Couldn't you have gotten 1 point MORE or 1 point LESS?!?"

And that's how Rotten Ray and Ottari ended up tied for the coveted Hang 'Em High trophy, which makes them both Northeast Marshals until the next competition is held. Well on the bright side, having two excellent bounty hunters in the northeast could hardly be seen as a problem, now could it?

A Common Theme: All the images used for the Hang 'Em High trophy templates came from one source. Or at least they did in the end. Originally I had several different sources for the trophy images. Deadly Wit? The French knight from "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail" who insulted King Arthur. The other images were from various other sources with even a historical photo of a real bounty hunter posse for Brothers-in-Arms.

However after some thought I began to wonder how I was going to tie each image together. There were photos and drawn image. Black & white images and coloured images. I considered turning all the images black & white or filtering them with the same tone. But none of those ideas really seemed to "work" for me. The images would still be too different in my opinion.

Then, while hunting around for ideas, I ended up replacing the "Lone Wolf" trophy image with one I thought was a better choice... and that's when a thought occurred to me: Maybe ALL the images should come from the same source. And so that's what I did, though it took a lot of searches. Hours actually, as it's always easier to find images from various sources than it is to fine them when using only a single source.

Can you guess the source used? And yes, the images WERE PhotoShopped to hide their true identity. I thought it was very fitting, all things in the competition being considered.

The Witty Race: Around Wednesday (February 25th, 2009) I started to tally the Deadly Wit scores for each bounty hunter in the competition. Here are the actual scores (Pip.gif = 1 witty remark reported):

Is it just wit? No, it's... magic.

Anime Sucks ----- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Rotten Ray ------ Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Met Fan --------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
N00bert --------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Ottari ---------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Officer Murphy -- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Kikashie -------- Pip.gifPip.gif
Dio Kharg ------- Pip.gif

As you can tell, and so could I, the front runner was really out there in front. It was at that point I decided to keep this under my hat until the end of the competition.

A Relentless Joyride: For those of you who are not familiar with how scoring for the Relentless trophy works it is based on executions reported for any criminal on the "Top 10 Most Wanted". When you execute a bounty and you earn a point towards this trophy. For the sake of keeping things interesting I counted not only pure executions, but assisted executions as well. This opened up the scoring to anyone who had even helped kill one of these criminals. Now looking at the chart below the answer as to who won the Relentless trophy is obvious. Ottari is clearly the winner:

Ottari -------------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Druboo -------------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Rotten Ray ---------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
N00bert ------------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Yonnua Koponen ------ Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Met Fan ------------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Officer Murphy ------ Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Dio Kharg ----------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Gorgomath ----------- Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Kikashie ------------ Pip.gifPip.gifPip.gif
Caliber ------------- Pip.gifPip.gif
ScouterTX ----------- Pip.gifPip.gif
Bane Croooow -------- Pip.gif
Darthknight --------- Pip.gif
I LUV --------------- Pip.gif
Kurt Jackson -------- Pip.gif
Stephanie Bridges --- Pip.gif
Tommy1504 ----------- Pip.gif

And yet when I was actually tallying up each bounty hunter's scores it was more of a rollercoaster ride trying to determine exactly who was going to win. At first I thought Rotten Ray had himself another trophy, after all he had already won the Lone Wolf trophy which meant he had the most pure executions to his name.

But then Druboo appeared seemingly out of nowhere and started racking up kill after kill, with most of them on the "Top 10 Most Wanted" list. It appeared like he was mostly targeting this group of criminals, no doubt because they scored the highest points in the competition and Druboo seemed to be in it to win it. His score jumped from nothing to the same level as Rotten Ray in even less time (keeping in mind that Druboo did not join the competition from the very start). It wasn't long before my tally had Druboo surpassing Rotten Ray. At that point I figured Druboo would claim the trophy to add to Deadly Wit.

In an effort to prove me wrong however there were a few other bounty hunters whose tallies started to add up quickly and in short order as Druboo's scoring slowed down. Among these bounty hunters was Ottari. When Ottari first started rising through the ranks I thought, "Where did that come from?". By the end of the final day Ottari had a one-up on Druboo, and Ottari's last-minute executions, which included another individual from the "Top 10 Most Wanted", was just icing on the cake. Really, he just came out of nowhere.