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Latest revision as of 22:56, 2 May 2011

Blocked Passage

  • So what can we do? I have an idea.. you're perfectly free to free run all you like, no AP increase or prevention from movement but it can be risky: if you free run from or to a ransacked building there is a danger of being injured! 25% from building, 25% to building if both are ransacked 75%.. all good! If you fail, your character takes 5 damage (climb through window hurt yourself on broken furniture/glass) fall through the roof.. not quite a good landing twisted your ankle.. etc. Could even be a flavour text with a different injury for free running into each building type.. whatever. Simple enough, yes I agree, but it shouldn't be impossible.. just risky, survivors have hordes and hordes of FAK's and can heal up to 10-15 Life if they need to. It seems fair that Ransacked buildings should be bad for the free running network. I mean the logic behind it is you're doing like rooftop to rooftop movement, or running over and jumping in a window. If it's fast and furious from maybe high up, it should be more dangerous than just a walk outside.. right? In zombie overrun terriotry you could still free run, but it wouldn't be smart.. but you could. Or take your chances outside. (Sorry survivors, suck it up princess!) MrAushvitz Canadianflag-sm.jpg 23:10, 11 October 2006 (BST)
  • Re - The "no x-ray vision" effect may be the most reasonale objection. However, I don't think the "injury from accident" course is a good alterantive, if only because its been suggested so often and never implemented. I could see just not allowing people to free-run FROM buildings that are ransacked, which gets rid of the x-ray vision, though that seems even nastier. How about a chance of free-run failing (in either direction), with it always costing an AP? That gets rid of the "x-ray vision" effect, because you need to spend an AP to try to move; if the move fails, you didnlt gain any info that moving would not have given you.--Swiers 23:51, 11 October 2006 (BST)
  • Re I hear ya, cuz we're not picking on free running but the logic behind it if we have ransacked buildings it's going to be a dangerous method of travel hmm... although if people are "knocked out" of free running that will really tick them off (even if it's a slight chance like even 5%) because they might not have the AP left to get back in an may die as a result. Voters tend to get choked about their survivors dying for randomness.. I hate to say. I've learned how they think, or at least what pisses them off. Well, could downgrade the damage to 3 points for a failure. Or we could make free running from a ransacked building more expensive like +2 AP to move out of that building... which isn't so bad.. simple simple. Just say it's dangerous and difficult to navigate the route because a lot of the planks and whatnot on the buiilding you are in are thrashed or may have been knocked to the ground... making the free running network harder to use (from in here anyways.) You're permitted 1 Edit a day, if you copy & remove this one and post another version of this which is downgraded and more reasonable I'd vote Keep on it.. as long as it isn't too harsh! (Survivors gotta move, or they get bitchy) MrAushvitz Canadianflag-sm.jpg 02:36, 12 October 2006 (BST)


Timestamp: Grigori 03:33, 10 October 2006 (BST)
Type: Room Flavor
Scope: Everyone
Description: I propose a new flavor addition to rooms. If a person or zombie has been killed in a building recently, it leaves a marker in the form of a bloodstain. Both zombies and humans would be able to see it. The age of the stain is also shown, as well as the number of people killed.

Cleaning up a ransack would get rid of the blood. The stain itself doesn't affect players, all it does is add flavor and possibly give players an idea of the recent history of a building.

Whenever a new person dies, it is added to the "body count", and the age of the blood goes down 1 tier. The outside of the building would reflect the inside, although not the amount, just the age.

1-2 died, 0-2 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is bright red and fresh.

3-5 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a couple small pools of blood here. The blood is bright red and fresh.

6-10 died, 0-2 hours ago There is a large pool of blood here, as well as some smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh.

11-20 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a couple of large pools of blood here, as well as a number of smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh.

21-40 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a multitude of large pools of blood here, as well as many smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh.

41+ died, 0-2 hours ago There is a massive amount of blood here. It is bright red and fresh.

1-2 died, 2-5 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is red and congealed.

1-2 died, 5-10 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is a dull red and sticky.

1-2 died, 10-24 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is dull red and not yet completely dry.

1-2 died, 24-48 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is dry and flaky.

1-2 died, 48-72 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is barely noticable.

After 72 hours the bloodstain goes away. Feedback would be nice.

Keep Votes

  • I can't really see anything wrong with this. It's not spammy, it's got flavour. By Jove, sir, I think you're onto a winner. --Funt Solo 09:06, 10 October 2006 (BST)
    • PS - Use the correct template next time - I had to fix this one. --Funt Solo 09:10, 10 October 2006 (BST)
      • Sorry. I'll make sure to fix that when I bump it up to the suggestions page.--Grigori 20:37, 10 October 2006 (BST)
  • As Funt. If this is implemented, I'll be suggesting a "Forensics" Skill before the server dries >.> --Gene Splicer 10:48, 10 October 2006 (BST) And it's not just flavour. This would be great for both humans and zombies. Newly arrived humans know if the building is being targetted regularly, zombies breaking into an empty safehouse known if it was only recently abandoned. The only problem I can see is, what if 40 people get killed, then 48 hours later one or two more people die? Which message takes precedence? --Gene Splicer 10:59, 10 October 2006 (BST) SO CNR --Gene Splicer 11:04, 10 October 2006 (BST)
    • What's "CNR" stand for? --Funt Solo 13:58, 10 October 2006 (BST)
      • Caught Not Reading --Gene Splicer 14:56, 10 October 2006 (BST)
  1. Keep - I love it! The aftermath of a recent slaughter... oh could zombies provide like 1/2 the blood of humans when they die? (Every 2 zombies counts as 1 survivor towards calculations...) No worries, just makes sense. This rocks because large buildings (Malls) would be all nasty and ichy as a reflection of constant attack. Maybe even throw in a 2nd suggestion later about flies gathering on large piles of bodies.. for flavour. --MrAushvitz 00:57, 11 October 2006 (BST)

Maybe Zombie blood should appear as "old" blood? As in, it doesn't knock the blood age back up a tier, and new pools started by them begin on congealed or dull--Gene Splicer 11:18, 11 October 2006 (BST)

  • Good ideas, both you and Mr A. I think I'll do that.--Grigori 21:37, 11 October 2006 (BST)
What I'd recommend is adding Gore and/or organs for the large number of people killed. after all it would've been a slaughter.--Canuhearmenow Hunt! 21:48, 11 October 2006 (BST)

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